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Posts posted by Sitar

  1. Welcome to the crew, but I will let you know, that I still reign as King Moderator, and you must kiss my feet before speaking to me. UNDERSTAND?!?


    Happily :creep:

    jk feet are gross


    You're the unattractive cat that has ~a great personality~. :creep:


    That's not too far from the truth :toofloppy:


    Congrats to all three of you! But Sitar's IS the prettiest

    We've got more amazing mods, congratulations, guys. :love:

    And I agree, Sitar's the prettiest.


    :oprah: My babes. Thank you for defending my honor. Jealousy is such a disgusting thing.

  2. A-litter_week12_3kittens.jpg


    This is us after having read Monicker's post in this thread. I am in the middle, with HDB on my right (your left) with his big, cute expressive eyes. Sitar is on the other side of me, with a boring white coat of fur because he is a basic bitch. We are looking up at our owner, Monicker. He has just told us that he already has so many kitties, why does he need us? Our eyes well up in tears, as we bravely try to change his mind by each giving our cutest faces: :3.


    Monicker is not having it.




    Does anyone want to continue the story?



    Are you joking, that white cat is the prettiest one even without me reading your description. He's the personality of the trio, CLEARLY.

  3. These three clowns are new moderators? Oy. In no time this forum will collapse like a balsa wood bridge underneath a flaming cannonball. No, really folks, what does a moderator actually do? And why is there a need for so many? Are we fortifying the place for the imminent FBI sting?





    I guess we do have quite a few


  4. Tell me I have some like minds here.


    Tegan and Sara are a Canadian indie duo, twin sisters. Their new album is due this year and their new single, "Closer", on the 25th. Here it is:


  5. Too many great options.


    I want to be a moderator because I'm on here almost every day and I really love Lana. I've been a forum moderator in the past and have thus dealt with the responsibilities. LDR.FM was a real haven for me and I'd like to help in advancing this forum towards becoming the same thing. I know most of the people on the forum and trust that I'll be helpful enough. I started adding more to this paragraph but realized it was the same thing Maru had under her "Additional Info" spoiler. She should definitely be chosen.


    :blush: I don't know what to say. Everyone else had great entries.

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