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Posts posted by annedauphine

  1. The fact that Francesco really looks like my father makes me reaLLY uncomfortable omg. But she looks like an Impressionism painting here. Fucking gorgeous. Literally an elven princess. Her best look in a long time for me, this colour suits her like crazy. She looks mature in a good way, it's elegant. I'm overall pleasantly surprisingly slain 

  2. I apologise in advance about how much fake deep and arrogant this is going to sound, which is a shame considering how dead serious I am, this is the realest talk ever for me and I'm genuine.


    I've thought really deeply about this, I've had this thread in mind for days, and actually, I can count people that physically changed my life on the fingers of one hand and she's most definitely amongst them. I realised that in the 8 months that I known about her, I've wrote a twenty pages academic essay on her, I've read several books and watched countless movies when I dislike doing both just because of her, I have 5000 pictures of her on my computer meticulously classed, and I entirely based my first public exhibition of my career as an artist on her and the ghosts of her. My essay also is leading me directly to my thesis subject which hasn't been researched yet so she may be at the origin of my potential career success. And yes, on top of that, she changed my very tastes, she made me appreciate coffee when I despise it and I switched from Coca Cola to Pepsi, Diet Mountain Dew is now my favourite drink ever, she made me discover that I have kind of a daddy kink but for women and because of her intense femininity she made me realise I was definitely bisexual and she taught me to accept it by teaching me to unapologetically accept who I am. I've never, in my entire life, related to someone that much. This is for another thread but it blows my mind how different yet strikingly similar we are. The most ironical part for me is that I hated her with a passion back in 2012, I remember despising how cliché and plastic and "tumblr hipsterical grunge" she sounded and looked, but in December 2014 I was looking for a subject of research for my essay for my course at uni on fans and amateurs experts, and out of pure sheer genuine curiosity I decided out of the blue to do the experiment of "taking the place of a Lana Del Rey fan" and see how it would go, as for example I have an incredible, extreme fascination for the pictures of fans kneeling in front of the H&M adverts. Needless to say, about 30 pages into Lanalysis I was so hooked that I dreamt about her constantly. I remember, I think I became a fan the exact second she points the microphone at the crowd crying in the chorus in the Video Games Vicar Street video. It was like touching her soul. I started watching and listening to her music and interviews compulsively and was so taken aback by the quantity as well as quality of it, it made me respect her so much as a creative hard working person. I'm so glad I've been through this. She's too famous for me, she'll never know I exist and I probably will never go to a concert of hers because I couldn't bear the preparation emotionally, but it's cool, I prefer to keep the perfect idea of her I have in mind and for some reasons I honestly can't explain I'm extremely seriously in love with both her and the idea of her. I've never been a fan of any """famous popstar""" before. This is still so new for me, and so delightful, I think that one of the biggest things she changed is my acceptance towards my own tastes, like I'm *mostly* still ashamed to say I'm a fan of hers and I really don't look like a lipster at all for whatever that means, but I used to dislike pop and charts music by default just because it was mainstream and I facepalm at my old self every time I have the extreme pleasure of listening  to practically any of the around 500 songs of hers I now have in my library.


    I'm a very lambda fan, really the basic fangirl, but I know for a crystal clear fact that without her I would never have had the balls to accept that it's not necessarily something to be ashamed of and that it can be turned into raw, pure creative and artistic energy. God, I'm so thankful for her existence 

  3. Super like it. I would prefer this as the official than the current one. I don't like how cluttered and busy the official one look, this is much more stripped-back and clean and easily understandable. She should hire you. Congrats that's an amazing job!

  4. Am I the only one who's not really worried about the album? As long as she releases one song until the end of the month I will be happy until October.


    Actually I agree with you. I get super hyped and excited everytime something happens but in the end I'm not worried at all. She can even release it next year, I wouldn't mind at all. I'll really take what she wants to give. Even if I don't end up liking the result.


    Also unrelated but your new profile pic and signature are gorgeous!

  5. I don't know how you guys can imagine how it's going to sound like. I'm admiring because I have literally zero idea, and even the behind the scenes of the supposed music video don't help. Musically "music to watch boys to" reminds me of nothing it brings nothing into my mind, except what Lana said about the shadows in black and white. It's probably because Lana is the only one of this kind of music I listen to so I don't know her influences and stuff. On the other hand it's cool because it keeps me super excited about how the song is going to sound like. She has tested so much musical styles and she's so prolific, there's one one song for each mood, so I really expect everything :cuteface:

  6. Super stupid and creepy but I actually started drinking A LOT more coffee. I hate coffee. Always had. With a passion. But drinking coffee makes me feel for some reasons that I'm a) closer to be around a place where she *could* be aka around coffee b) more susceptible to please her since we have in common that we drink coffee and c) that I may be trying to get her powers by absorbing her magic potion that is coffee. Also, this is even more stupid but I switched drinking Coca Cola to Pepsi purely and simply because of the song. I haven't slept for a day and a half 

  7. I want Lana to play the bad girl so so so so bad. Like really the one in control and all. It'd be so cool if it was kind of like this in MTWBT or anything she prepares us. Ultraviolence is my favourite album but I'm extremely fond of the gangster bitch "persona" or whatever it is. I thought BBHMM was so amazing because it was so unapologetic and I would love to see Lana in such a position

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