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Posts posted by annedauphine

  1. I don't know anything at all about playlists and I'm sorry if this has already be mentioned or something but I'm looking to make a playlist with a theme going around poppy, happy hot summer end of the afternoon and night. Only tracks I would have in mind right now are Every Man Gets His Wish and Queen Of The Gas Station, Playing Dangerous perhaps, songs kind of atmospheric, and St Tropez because I'm deeply in love with it. Has anyone any idea of what I could add please? Things a bit moving, perhaps more love oriented, that reminds you of summer  :cuteface:

  2. ......wyd..... those boots are so great.. they are tacky af but thats bc they're straight from another time 


    she's totally pulling this future retro,low-key mrs. jetson except in the 70's anime lolita disco queen vibe and I'm all forrrr itttttt


    Well the fact that they're tacky and ugly doesn't prevent them to be great imo like it fits a certain style and I like that and again I love how she decided to wear them but God forbid I ever wear that :crossed:  anyway that's just my 2 cents

  3. Remeber the promo snipets for Tropico which had nothing to do with the actual video or her instagrammed snippet for WC? Maybe the video will not look like the snippet at all is just the sound and some random footage


    That's what I'm starting to think too, the more I watch it the more it looks like some homemade and found footage with an effect on it but still if it's the vibes of the new style and if it's the song I'm extremely happy it's so beautiful

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