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Everything posted by lflflflflflflflflflf

  1. No, the three bonus tracks are Black Beauty, Guns and Roses and Florida Kilos. The two disc thing is for the double vinyl.
  2. Hundred Dollar Bill Trans Am Living Legend The regular edition on Amazon has 11 tracks (without Black Beauty, Guns and Roses and Florida Kilos)
  3. Love that as soon as I mention the OP, it self destructs into a formatting nightmare...
  4. Hey baby, can you possibly move all the posts from page 222 onwards to this thread or nah Edit: nvm its gone I personally like containing everything into one thread. That's the whole point of me updating the OP with news so people can find the date and go to that date in the thread.
  5. Considering the article was translated to French from English, 'Money Power Glory' could have been lost in translation or misheard. When they translate things I'm sure they try to make it as grammatically correct as possible so they might have just added an 'and' to the title. Lana? Proper English? Someone tweeted @@lanaboards saying that when he met Lana, she showed him a song and he saw 'Pretty When I Cry' on her iPhone. And yeah, Old Money is a recent song she did with Dan Heath during/after Gatsby.
  6. Actually, a lot of music is uploaded way before covers are announced
  7. Tracklist (from Amazon) Cruel World Ultraviolence Shades Of Cool Brooklyn Baby West Coast Sad Girl Pretty When You Cry Money Power Glory Fucked My Way Up To The Top Old Money The Other Woman Black Beauty (Bonus Track) Guns and Roses (Bonus Track) Florida Kilos (Bonus Track)
  8. Now available as a .pdf! http://boutique.liberation.fr/collections/next/products/next-n-62-mai-2014-lana-del-rey-pdf Someone take one for the team and buy it, it's €1.90 and I really do not feel like getting up to get my credit card High quality photos (possibly without text) can be extracted from pdf files!
  9. ^ He was posting each sentence as its own line and it was very annoying Back last summer the song was confirmed by Lana herself- obviously that could have all changed by now
  10. This ain't no elementary school where we HAVE TO TEACH YOU HOW TO WRITE. Lord. Go FSP!
  11. We have a thread for messy irrelevant members: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/22-random-conversation-thread/
  12. Power Money and Glory sounds like it should be a rap single ft Kanye West tbh
  13. Nah tbh you and leaked_version have beef so its between you two. You say things matter-of-fact-ly like "UV is so horribly produced" instead of "I think UV is horribly produced because ___" and people just get the wrong vibe from it. The drama is just unnecessary but I think you are so critical about everything. I know it's your opinion but you don't have to state it to boldly every time you have an opinion. Sometimes you can bite the bullet and go with the flow of the thread and see where it takes you a lot of people would probably agree that WC is horribly produced but that does not mean that you are right just because people agree with you. It doesn't mean you're wrong if people disagree with you either- so don't take things so personally.
  14. y eah i forg o t how much that pisses me off tb h . if its not okay for me to write like this why tol er ate it in the u ltravi olence thr ead?
  15. I really think Old Money was written for/around Gatsby time but never made it on the movie soundtrack in favour of Y&B. We can never be sure but I'm sure the song is def post-Paradise. I'm really excited to hear more of West Coast's sounds on the album. Love how she keeps it raw, indie and unconventional (that half time chorus, and that lead at the end mhmmm.) We need to give that lead a name tbh... reminds me of aliens (Bel Air tease). Bye Autotuned Loon, hello Autotuned Spaceship.
  16. Add these infractions too tbh: Low content quality posts (except in sub-forums where posts don't count... for those elimination games) When someone goes off topic for at least a page (see UV thread) Attention seeking (except in the Pictures Of You thread) Using a more than necessary amount of gifs that aren't emoticons (see WC thread again lel) Talking about Mariah Carey Not respecting other people's opinions politely Dickwaving (bragging with unleaked songs, elitism, making fun of new members) This forum is a mess because there aren't enough people telling each other to STOP. Also @@iconicldr needs to resurrect his ass over here and make some goddamn subforums.
  17. Tbh I could see Lana doing another version of Yayo just so she can play it on the Ultraviolence tour lol
  18. I think it sounds like a new song w no relation to old money idk. Sounds like another song about opulence like NA. But yaaaas 3 track titles
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