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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. at the moment, i'd rather have the snippet so I could be teased and even more excited for the whole thing a girl can dream ! (although, i'm a boy )
  2. Yosemite


    The whole album is so great, it starts with 'Stranger's Candies Taste Better', which is great, then we have 'Ruby' kinda in the middle of it which is really trippy, and then we end it with my favorite song - ' I Can't Forgive You', which I can imagine myself dancing to it on a disco, really drunk and having loads of fun. Congrats, it's as beautiful as your remixes (which are perfect!)
  3. Yosemite


    i need lyrics goshhh
  4. really? omg now i'm even more excited... I wonder where do you listened it?
  5. thx hun x actually mine is on feb 3rd, here where i'm from it's already past midnight
  6. i'm really excited to hear the song, c'mon woman release it this friday or at least tease it, post snippets of the song/video
  7. I don't think so... It still shows his account for me
  8. me rn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knBF5VyFGzY
  9. It's not about the leaks, it's just because the thread is getting messier and messier. We have 60 pages full of nothing
  10. And there is a HQ still from the video (the wink but in HQ)
  11. There are lyrics going around, dunno if they're true
  12. my bday is on feb 3rd so she should release it that day
  13. Actually, yeah. This has pages and pages over nothing. It's quite simple: if u say anything leaked, report it and don't spread it.
  14. Eclipse only "leaks" old songs or old things. He would never leak something that is from the new album. He has demos from the album and he didn't leak any of it - not even a little snippet. This is serious, like. People have the video and the song, it's a major issue. It's about something that isn't out there, that is going to be officially released.
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