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Posts posted by Yosemite

  1. Just now, rightofjupiter said:


    i thought maybe BB, esp since the vid dropped yesterday..but yeah, sadly in my heart i know it'd always be arcadia

    Well, I can't talk for everyone, but I'd rather have Arcadia than Blue Banisters tbh

  2. 4 minutes ago, Niko Dealergo said:

    That review is…..something. 

    there’s so many backhanded compliments and straight factually incorrect things sprinkled through. I was hoping the album was gonna be a success with critics but now it’s seeming like maybe it won’t be. 

    At least they didn’t mention any of her controversies :bebe:

    Well, they titled it premature evaluation, so I'm guessing they'll review it again, either tomorrow/on Friday

  3. 1 minute ago, rightofjupiter said:


    they don't score, but if they did it'd prob ~8 (they like it a lot but there were def songs/things they didn't like)

    To me it doesn't read as an 8/10.

    They even wrote at the end, Blue Banisters may well be a disappointment, but in another sense it’s appropriate that the album fades into background music at times (...) something to play while refreshing the news and recharging your phone, waiting for a moment when normal becomes anything other than this. :awkney:

  4. 1 hour ago, Thunder Revenant said:

    It's probably a stupid question, but as someone who's not a native speaker I'd like to ask what she means when she sings about

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    a man wanting to "take the pink off her toes". Is this about nail polish? About him ruining her playful and happy state of mind? Or is it about something completely different I don't understand?



    Not a native speaker as well, but it means pretty much that the man wanted her to be someone completely different than she is, changing what she likes so that they both can like the same stuff/have more in common/control her.
    It’s pretty explicit in these lines:

    Don't forget all of these things that you love are the same things I hate


    God knows the only mistake that a man can make
    Is tryna make a woman change and trade her violets for roses


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