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Posts posted by Yosemite

  1. 32 minutes ago, sjatib said:

    Wouldnt be surprised if all the thing was just a marketing move. If it isn't, Lana truly has lost it...(I mean, imagine being one of the most influential figures in worldwide pop music and giving relevance to a bizarre, stupid rumour created by a teen about you. A rumour about you "being mean". Makes under zero sense if it isn't a marketing move -in the sense of getting her name of media the days prior to the album's release-).

    Plsss :toofunny: y’all smoke too much crack sometimes 


  2. 1 hour ago, West Coast said:
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    I was also asked by a few people about what the booklet looked like. I know the album isn't technically out everywhere, but since I legally purchased the album I decided to give this a go and scanned the whole thing:

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    I think you’re missing two pages, aren’t you?

  3. 20 minutes ago, mlittle11 said:
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    theyre also very narrative on events happening right now in the world that are starting to fizzle out so theyre going to be outdated soon. maybe she wanted to create a time capsule but either way i cringe when i hear it n i dont think its a smart move to talk about events like that in music thats supposed to live forever. thats why so many of the songs on lust for life are weird to listen to now. theyre not timeless if that makes sense. and as for the direct lyrics, lana very rarely used to use such simple writing in her music and thats what made it so interesting. so hearing lyrics that dont sound “lana” n that anyone could write is disappointing. shes bound to not be amazing on every line but the examples i gave in my last post get the point across. 


    Lmao wym? She’s had lyrics like this since forever :toofunny:

    And what you said abt some songs on LFL, they seem weird to you, and might even seem weird to others, but they don’t to some. This is purely subjective, it’s your opinion vs my opinion, so there’s no point in this, but yeah. I still don’t find that particular line on VFR cringe, she’s just telling you what happened/how she felt when she saw it. And there’s nothing wrong abt that, it’s a song abt hope, abt being in a bad mindset/situation and overcoming it, at least to me :oprah3:

  4. 2 minutes ago, mlittle11 said:
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    after listening to the new songs multiple times…. i have to say that these songs dont reflect lanas best writing. i think the melodys n production are absolutely genius but “grenadine quarantine i like you a lot…. if this is the end i want a boyfriend to eat ice cream with and watch television” and “the girls are running round in summer dresses with their masks off and it makes me so happy” and “dont tell me to be glad when im sad i really hate that” and “babe lilac heaven after your iphone 11, crypto forever screams your stupid boyfriend” …. idk if its just me but it sounds so “beginner” lana is an amazing writer so this is disappointing to me. dont get me wrong, its not ALL the lyrics, there really are some amazing lyrics on the new songs we got but i find myself cringing quite a lot n its upsetting. 

    about the lyrics on the new songs:

    Lmao all the stuff you said are pretty much direct lyrics, like, no metaphors or whatsoever. It’s just her directly telling you what’s up. 
    Also, don’t forget that SC was written by her, Chuck and Alana. 
    Are those lyrics you mentioned the best thing she has written? No lmao but are they bad/cringe? Still no. But to each their own, ig

  5. Just now, Ultraviolencequeen said:
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    I have a feeling from what y’all are saying is the cd version isn’t the version coming on iTunes in a week. Or y’all got two different leaks. Either way this is inspiring me even more to hold out till release day for perfect HQ flow . Dying to hear BBS tho. 


    It's probably that tho

    We got two different mixes for Arcadia, when it was released, so yeah

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