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Posts posted by Melania

  1. This contest is a joke. No credibility at all. It's all about politics, and obviously Ukraine was going to play the victim, as usual. Russia didn't withdraw, they were not allowed to enter, which is different.


    "The Ukrainian Security Service banned wheelchair bound Samoylova from entering the country for three years over her performance in Crimea in 2015 which Kiev deemed illegal."


    The majority of people in Crimea are of Russian origin. They had a referendum and they chose to re-join Russia. They've been part of Ukraine only since 1954. The western media are making a big tragedy out of this, making it look as if people there are unhappy about being part of Russia.


    The only ones who are unhappy about this are Ukraine (for losing territory) and NATO for losing a very strategic area where to position their troops and weapons aiming at Russia.

    um :awkney:

    sure they 'chose' to re-join russia, russia obviously had no saying in this.

    also half my family living in fear because of the Invasion from russia and now living in poverty because the economy completly went to shit is also just western propaganda. :smokes3:


    god i hate stupid people who trying to look smart.

  2. I'm glad you have a heart of gold even tho I didn't ask.  


    While the article was shit, none of y'all can know what she's done in her life, or what she's had to fight for.  She might be one of the people who have worked to get their degree and have struggled through paying a shit ton of tuition.  She might be working on these articles, publishing them because it's the type of article that her boss wants her to write.  People who write articles are very rarely completely free to write whatever they'd like, while she did over-share her shit opinion.  She might be working here in order to one day better the world.


    The fact is you and anyone else who started yes dragging her for her education--"I can't believe she has a four year degree and is writing this shit."  "I bet she paid a shit ton too"  "Yeah her parents probably paid for her." "Or imagine if she took out student loans."


    Y'all can attack the article for being shit sure, but you have no clue who this woman is and what she's experienced or even what she hopes to do--yet you're quick to guess and judge her based on your own opinion of her.


  3. I think our european point of view should stay aside from this convo and "cultural appropriation" issues as it barely exists here while it's a real thing in America


    but our european view kinda proves what bullshit 'cultural appropriation' is lol


    cause everything in europe is mixed, even stuff like pasta wouldn't exist like it does today if someone didn't 'appropriate' from someone else..

    culture evolves, it's just what happens, especially in this connected age..

  4. Cultural appropriation exists. And ignoring it means to erase actual problems faced by minorities in society, when white people make meaningful culture into coachella outfits and get praised for looking boho, without even trying to respect the significance behind it, whereas the actual communities that wear these things get looked down upon for not conforming to Western beauty standards/social norms

    But I guess white ppl are unable empathise with an issue until they actually find themselves victim to it, so :eartha:

    sigh, look at europe and you'll see you can't really 'own' culture it's always evolving.. that's all i'm gonns say

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