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Posts posted by Melania

  1. Cause i'm the isle

    Come get my things

    But i can't let go

    I'm waiting for it ????

    when u have dinner by 8 but need to write a song real quick

  2. We've only heard really short snippets, and I'm pretty sure the one with her vocals is only 7 seconds long. I don't think we should be too quick to judge.

    I'd be dissapointed If she went in a pure generic pop direction. She had said that her album would be 'meticulous pop', which I liked the sound of. Just because something is pop doesn't make it bad or generic instantly, in my op. Lana had a lot of pop influences in BTD, and I think most of us can agree it was an ace album (I know it was an alt album, but do you see what I'm trying to say? Lol). I just hope it's not generic and overly repetitive like a lot of chart pop, and I also hope there is diversity in the album. I pray to our Lorde and saviour that the lyrics are amazing too, even if the album was pop trash, I could maybe forgive her if the lyrics were spectacular. Anyway her website will probably update in the next 25 mins!!

    There hasn't been confirmation on the album name yet, from what I know. 'Greenlight' is the single. :)

    of course pop influences aren't bad like you said lana had a lot..


    but i still want lorde to be lorde, her sound was unique and her lyrics amazing

    and i wouldn't mind something more 'energetic'..

    but the song name 'green light' and the fact that it may be produced by calvin harris makes me lose hope : /

  3. Delete

    i'm just stating the obvious, she kinda said it herself,


    that's all she was about, not looking perfect all the time, criticizing the whole industry etc.

    and now she is selling out?

    i give her the benefit of the doubt, it could be an 'energetic-alternative song'

    but if she really wants to go pop.. pff good luck to her. :hottie:

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