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Posts posted by Melania

  1. All of lanas fans are not hipster teenagers contrary to what you guys think. I know PLENTY of older people who stream her songs all the time. She most likely offended a lot of casual listeners who refuse to stream her now. That explains why it's doing well on iTunes, because her fan base is still buying the song. But casual listeners aren't streaming her on Spotify suddenly after the witch news came out.

    Maybe I'm wrong but I don't understand why you guys think the only people that listen to Lana are teenagers. Hell, even my grandmother listens to Lana

    i hope she posts an insta-video of her burning a picture of trump while hexing him



  2. Pitchfork dixit: "After much speculation, a representative for Del Rey has confirmed that the singer-songwriter’s tweet was in reference to the occult ritual dates."

    Well, I started flipflopping on Lana since the botched UV era when she really infuriated me for the first time. I accepted her lies about her past as part of a struggle to be accepted, the fact that she fckd up her face which stems in a deep insecurity of hers that she isn't attractive enough. But some of her statements were just grating, useless trolling which revealed a self-obsessed personality, someone who enjoys the bittersweet state of faux-depression which originates in "problems" such as the one she revealed indirectly in an interview: “Lana Del Rey exits hotel with the most handsome man ever seen. Who is he?”. The other, more legitimate inner struggle of hers is why isn't she respected by the critics and the music business on the merit of arguably one great song (VG) albeit she wrote hundreds of repetitive and lazy lyrics?. She certainly has lyrical talent that she never exploited to a maximum because of her intellectual laziness, she has an interesting voice capable of wonders but she's not a great singer by any measure and she knows that, so she nervously avoids any live tv apparitions. Her artistic vision was a hit or a a miss (Tropico) but what I really disliked was the carelessness which she treated everything after and including the UV video.

    I flipflopped because I cared about her and is harder and harder to to explain for myself why.

    There were a few determining moments that angered me regarding her public behavior which made me distance myself from her music but I kept coming back...:

    First, was that moronic statement that she wished she was dead. This was so wrong on so many levels, it was pure ungratefulness from an incredibly lucky person who became an artist who is performing before thousands of adoring fans even the next day after that infamous interview.

    The second, was when she made that statement about FMWUTP when she said she fckd of lot of men in the business to no avail. I'm not a militant feminist but this was beyond grating to imply that giving sexual favors to powerful men is an acceptable route for a woman to success. Of course this was all fantasy, almost all of her real boyfriends were struggling musicians without any power in the business. That just made it even more weird and inappropriate. That was the first moment when I suspected her that she has some mental problems.

    After these statements I was unable to listen to any of her songs for 6 at least six months.

    Now I'm witnessing this incredibly stupid and ridiculous situation in which she presents herself as a witch who is participating in ritual of hexing the president of the US. It seems like a silly thing, a laughing matter, but this is just contrasting incredibly with her pretense to be perceived as a serious artist, a thoughtful person involved with philosophy and love for science. I dismissed her interest in philosophy and her Catholicism as shallow, because of her statements made in interviews which explained partly her propensity towards occultism. But still I would never imagine that she would present herself in this cartoonish manner as a "witch", not a figurative but a literal one making strange signs with her hand and presenting moronic schedules for even more moronic rituals. In my book this is called making a fool out of yourself. But why? What was the purpose behind her move? The only rational explanation is that she believes these things which is really sad because that puts me in the situation to question her intellect.

    How can I listen to her songs and not feeling ridiculous?! Well, for now I stopped listening to Love. I just can't.

    Lana has a varied fandom: there are the very young and teenagers but there are a more mature audience which would not put up with this easily. I think that she'll lose a lot of serious music lovers who gave her the benefit of the doubt in many questionable moments in her career. But for many people who tried to take her more seriously than a stylistic experiment this could be to much. But I always had the feeling that she doesn't care.

    I have to take a brake from her again...it's just tiresome and disappointing

    sayonara bîtch :byeh8rs2:

  3. I'm truly heartbroken and have nobody to talk to it about.

    Why witchcraft? Why the occult?

    I have loved her and have loved her music for a long time, but i truly believe that association with the occult is evil or could lead to evil doings. Why did Lana have to go that way??

    I understand some of her fans think its and stuff, but really its not. She could have done all of her deeds without involving occultism. I truly believe that. But now I'm heartbroken. Heartbroken because I may have to cut such a big part of my life out.

    One of the few things that I love


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