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Everything posted by Melania

  1. clinton leading again.. i'm about to have a heart attack
  2. clinton not leading anymore
  3. clinton leading florida by 1 % !
  4. he's leading florida.. we're fucked
  5. so he already won indiana and kentucky..
  6. few minutes till florida results..
  7. trump is leading new hampshire.. i'm going to kill myself
  8. in an hour the first results will come in.. i don't think i can handle it y'all.
  9. THIS. how is hillary any worse than this. trump is literally the worst choice one could make.. i'm fucking spechless at human stupidity
  10. i can't fucking believe it.. especially in florida.. people like you will be responsible for WW 3. thank you, what a mess.
  11. same.. i just want to go to sleep but i don't think i could handle it.. i'd probably wake up in the middle of the night screaming
  12. https://mobile.twitter.com/esheikh_/status/795970706362220544/photo/1 i second this.
  13. this shit is giving me so much anxiety like fuck i'm over here in europe watching live-reports and reading every news article.. PLEASE don't let the orange orangutan win
  14. Melania


    I LOVE the text she has written, just goes to show that she is a real artist who puts her entire soul into her music, and we need more creative minds like her in this world. stop being cynical assholes.
  15. Melania

    Fifth Harmony

    soo.. bringing it back what did you think of the last album ? i thought it kinda sucked.. they tried waaay too hard to be sexy and sell sex but it just ended up being corny and pretentious.. kinda sad they do have potential..
  16. Melania


    wait for it to be 10 songs half a year for one song smh..
  17. Melania


    the bitch ded.
  18. i hope that she'll achieve lyrical greatness again, like she did with Paradise.
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