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Everything posted by LanaDelTanner

  1. Best: Old Money This Is What Makes Us Girls Lolita Swan Song Gods & Monsters Worst: Guns & Roses Is This Happiness Summertime Sadness Freak Art Deco
  2. LanaDelTanner

    Melanie Martinez

    Tag, you're it is such an emotional song imo with the whole rape subject
  3. how can these 2 even be compared? they're literally nothing alike
  4. Honeymoon - 14 Music To Watch Boys To - 15 Terrence Loves You - 14 God Knows I Tried - 15 High By The Beach - 15 Freak - 16 Art Deco - 16 Religion - 15 Salvatore - 15 The Blackest Day - 15 24 - 15 Swan Song - 15 Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 15
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