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Crimson and Clover

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Posts posted by Crimson and Clover

  1. 12 minutes ago, blackestday89 said:
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    where is our gangster nancy sinatra??? where is rick nowels where is emile haynie??? where is the depressed beach boys vibe???


    I'm holding on to taco truck right now because it's the only thing keeping me afloat.


    this song is hope!!!!!


    (also give credit to fishtails aw  peppers and sweet if you like)



    she made taco truck x VB for the San Fernando Valley girlies :sass: gangster Nancy Sinatra found dead in a ditch! Her lanita era is here 


  2. 9 minutes ago, White Dress said:

    Do people really willingly go to… services… like whatever Judah priest man is screaming about? That is appealing to some people? :toofunny: Lana we will get you out of there! 

    I’m not too familiar with his sermons but I looked some up and he’s pretty tame in most of them, speaking more like a motivational speaker. I’m pretty sure Lana just got him to do that specific sermon like that for the interlude 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Paris Hilton said:
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    i’m on acid and listening to taco truck  rn and it got me thinking that “carlitos way” was an excuse to lana to say “wey” in spanish. 


    Kinda like “Carlitos, Wey!” 


    Ugh she is a true latina and true latinos know this :trisha:


    This reminds me when I took acid and listened to VB and thought she was singing about the rings of Saturn 

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