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Crimson and Clover

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Everything posted by Crimson and Clover

  1. holy shit Lana has this set to premiere tomorrow!! FIllY??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVbQxC2c3-8
  2. DON'T LOOK at my STORY,if you don't want to M A S T U R B A T E !
  3. I'm guessing this will be the first album we get without having the title track be a single (unless she releases that song too ) honestly I have a lot of hope for it, I won't be surprised if it goes crazy tbh it's called Norman Fucking Rockwell! but even then it already sounds lovely with the harp and everything
  4. i'm putting my clown shoes on right now but I have a tingling in my clitoris telling me it's coming out at 12 in LA!! Just 30 more minutes or so
  5. i can't believe we're getting 2 new songs within hours i'm really crying
  6. it's showing for me i'm screaming time to cry to the greatest
  7. Did he get a Roomba? can he tell me how it is I might buy one <3
  8. I wonder if we’re getting anymore singles before release? It’d be weird to never hear the title track until the album release tbh
  9. wait was another snippet of FIILY leaked? Not asking for it but curious
  10. Can we actually move the pseudo-politics to the LFA page please
  11. Bruh we have users on here complaining that she didn’t sing about Wounded Knee I’m-
  12. I hate Lana Del Rey and white women because she didn’t include mental health issues of women in the Philippines!
  13. She didn’t mean it to be a great political song lol she wrote it in like a day and literally said “I know I’m not a politician and I’m not trying to be so excuse me for having an opinion.” She’s not trying to write the next To Pimp A Butterfly, just a cathartic impulse to get a more emotional, not analytical response.
  14. This thread is visual diarrhea for me and I vote we close this until August 30th, 2019
  15. No one’s arguing otherwise lol. We’re not saying she’s woke, we’re just appreciating the sentiment.
  16. Okay, but I don’t see why it’s bad for her to sing about CURRENT issues aka issues that are happening right now and are in our news. Of course we have a history of massacres, shootings, and such but these are issues that are affecting us currently. I would rather an artist sing about the war on terror as opposed to the Vietnam war. We aren’t saying that Lana is better than Kendrick and the other 1% of pop artists that actually have made songs about gun violence, but that we appreciate that she’s taking the time out of her day to not only make a song and spread the message that hey, gun violence is an actual issue that has affected her, and is also donating all of the proceeds to gun violence charities. Would I rather her speak out against violence against indigenous Americans? Of course. Gun violence is growing in America, but I don’t see why you’re saying that she’s contributing to alt right rhetoric (?). She’s a pop star whose foundation in music is singing about doing coke and being a nymph from Lolita. She really hasn’t even gotten political until a few years ago. I know what I’m saying isn’t exactly reassuring you that she’s a social justice artist, but it’s reality. Right now I’m focusing more on more recent news however because these shootings are in cities we know and may even include people we know (like in my case), and for that I’m grateful for LFA.
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