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  1. freshlinen2 liked a post in a topic by pawn shop blues in What if Lana was real?   
    Interesting question. I get what you're asking. Well, if we're literally taking every single line she's ever written and every music video as pure autobiography (including things like Rikers Island, biker gangs, having a "Las Vegas past" and living in a trailer park in NJ and living in motels and living in the south, being a teen alcoholic, escaping a cult, etc.), there's a good chance she would have either been dead at this point or so incredibly burnt out that she would not be writing and singing songs to a worldwide audience, she would probably just be trying to survive. 
    I think I might actually be less interested. I mean, I would be impressed she has survived everything (again, reading every single lyric as verbatim and not allowing any metaphorical readings), but I think a big part of her appeal is the mystery and trying to unravel what is actually the truth and what is more metaphor/imagination. Also, I think knowing that it's not all autobiographical adds extra layers to her songs. I really like being able to get different readings out of a song depending on how you interpret it.
    But I don't think I'm alone in thinking this. She said herself in an older interview something like "everything great is real and not real, including myself" and I think that's true and part of why there is so much fascination with her and her life (besides good music, obviously) and why there's been a million think pieces written about her. I get why she's been frustrated when interviewers have called her a character, because it's not. That doesn't mean everything she's written is factual, but that's not the point. Not factual doesn't mean not authentic. I think she's always written from an authentic emotional space, and used references/history/scattered life experiences to paint a picture of what she's been through in her life. To me, there's no real difference between that and a songwriter who has a lyric like "you broke my heart in two." Was that person's actual heart actually broken into two pieces? No, of course not, and almost no one would label that song as phony or fake because talking about whether the person's heart was physically damaged is not the point, it's just a way of describing an experience/emotion they've been through. Lana does essentially the same thing, but just takes it a step further (or maybe multiple steps further). 
    Sorry for the novel. 
  2. freshlinen2 liked a post in a topic by Peachycream in What if Lana was real?   
    Everything Lana says is real to Lana therefore it makes us interested.
    Whether it’s fact or fiction doesn’t really matter because it’s presented in such a way that makes you feel like it’s real
  3. freshlinen2 liked a post in a topic by Creyk in What if Lana was real?   
    It is possible to use your money & connections to launch a person's music carreer. Look at the cyrus sisters, or Ariana Grande. Beyonce also comes to mind, her manager dad did a lot for her.
    OT: You all are mean, the OP asked a great question. I think Lana is a very fascinating and mysterious person, and she would be even more fascinating and great if these things turned out to be true about her. Like a cool queen
  4. LonelyLolitaMotel liked a post in a topic by freshlinen2 in Boyfriend accused of murder?   
    I saw a thread where somebody mentioned:
    "a thread about finding her boyfriend that supposedly murdered people and was sent for a death pentalty (the fact people have even found his NAME is scary.)"  
      Where can I find this thread? OR if nobody remembers that thread but is familiar with this story, what's the deal? Did Lana have a boyfriend who supposedly murdered people and was sentenced to death?
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