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Posts posted by DLT

  1. Born To Die - 31

    Off To The Races - 30

    Blue Jeans - 46

    Video Games - 25

    National Anthem - 28

    Radio - 16 ( - )

    Summertime Sadness - 15

    Without You - 14 

    Ride - 36 ( + )

    American - 37

    Cola - 25

    Blue Velvet - 3

    Yayo - 15

    Bel Air - 18

    Burning Desire - 18

    I've never played these survivor games. Is the premise to take away from a song you dislike and add to one you do like? Once a song has 0 points it's eliminated?!

  2. I like the ideas of the"Dark Blue Tour" and the "Dreaming Away Your Life Tour". However for this set I'd prefer Dark Blue.


     1.   Burnt Norton

     2.   Honeymoon

     3.   You & Me

     4.   West Coast

     5.   Religion

     6.   Swan Song

     7.   Is This Happiness

     8.   The Blackest Day

     9.   God Knows I Tried

    10.  Pretty When You Cry

    11.  Cruel World

    12.  Ride

    13.  Sad Girl

    14.  Money Power Glory

    15.  HBTB

    15.  Terrence Loves You

    16.  Video Games

    17.  You're Gonna Love me

    18.  Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (Closing)

    Encore I'd Like:

    19.  Fucked My Way up to the Top


    This was so fun to do, props to the thread starter!

  3. I'm really "not here" for them lol. I mean to each their own you know but it is usually a specific person wearing them. I don't mean to be stereotypical but it's the same kind of girl wearing them most of the time. I think they were okay maybe 3 years ago but I feel like we've moved past them and they are bit dated and cliche. That being said I have seen some cute ones, but it is a select few.

  4. Guys, God Knows I Tried is really getting to me as I'm going sober/ in recovery. Lana, give me strength!

    It sounds so cliche but take it slow, "one day at a time". Find you a good group of people to hang around. Honestly whenever I got clean and sober I found so much more peace and happiness. It can be hard yes, but if you surround yourself with good on track people it will be a lot easier. Bottom line is you don't have to be alone. I love God Knows I Tried too lol!

  5. This is so hard lol. . . . I love it all with very few exceptions. The best are the ones I can always repeat with an addition of some other honorable mentions. The worst are the ones that I skip for the most part unless I'm in the mood.


    B E S T

    (No particular order.)



    West Coast

    Money Power Glory

    The Blackest Day



    Other Honorable Mentions

    Ultraviolence, Pretty When You Cry, Is This Happiness, American, Terrence Loves You, Salvatore, Off to the Races, Raise Me Up, Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven). Should I keep going. . . ;) 


    W O R S T 


    Blue Velvet (Even if it is a cover; it is the only song off of Paradise I don't keep in my library.)

    Queen of the Gas Station




  6. Kill Kill ---- Born to Die ---- Ride ---- Cruel World ---- Honeymoon 

    Queen of the Gas Station ---- Off to the Races ---- American ---- Ultraviolence ---- Music to Watch Boys To

    Oh Say Can You See ---- Blue Jeans ---- Cola ---- Shades of Cool ---- Terrence Loves You

    Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven) ---- Video Games ---- Body Electric ---- Brooklyn Baby ---- God Knows I Tried

    For K Part 2 ---- Diet Mountain Dew ---- Blue Velvet ---- West Coast ---- High By The Beach

    Jump ---- National Anthem ---- Gods & Monsters ---- Sad Girl ---- Freak

    Mermaid Motel ---- Dark Paradise ---- Yayo (Paradise edition) ---- Pretty When You Cry ---- Art Deco

    Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) ---- Radio ---- Bel Air ---- Money Power Glory ---- Religion

    Pawn Shop Blues ---- Carmen ---- Burning Desire ---- Fucked My Way Up to the Top ----- Salvatore

    Brite Lites - Million Dollar Man ---- Ride ---- Old Money ---- The Blackest Day

    Put Me in a Movie ---- Summertime Sadness ---- American ---- The Other Woman ---- 24

    Smarty ---- This Is What Makes Us Girls ---- Cola ---- Black Beauty ---- Swan Song

    Yayo (AKA version) ---- Without You ---- Body Electric ---- Guns and Roses ---- Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood


    1. U l t r a v i o l e n c e : 7

    2. H o n e y m o o n : 4

    3. P a r a d i s e : 2

    B T D : 0

    A K A : 0

  7. So far from what I've heard, I love it. Definitely not what I was anticipating lol. It is a bit more "pop" than I expected but it is so refreshing. Kill V. Maim, Easily, World Princess Pt II, and Butterfly are my initial faves out of the songs we don't already have. It's so fresh and airy! However I'm really not feeling the reworked edition of Realiti. I may have to buy the physical of this for the original version.

  8. Can someone send me a download link? That way I can hear what all the fuss is about RIGHT NOW instead of waiting till tomorrow morning when my preorder downloads. It'd be greatly appreciated.

  9. I got the wrong forum you say?! I defended Lana online more than you homos and underage girls (who should never be here in the first place tbh) combined in the last two years. I defended her ass as Rainzen, John Botha, Bloodred Jamsoul, Tycho Verus, xwy (chek the hater articles). To give you some examples I dragged the smug haters on Stereogum relentlessly until they lost their poise to drag her. I even provoked Maura Johnston to reply in the comment section (I wrote as John Botha along with samgho who posted here some time ago) after she dragged Lana in article about SS. 


    She only existed online and it always seemed that the readers are agreeing with the shit written about her. I did it because I believed in her talent and I thought that she was subjected to an unfair online bullying. Other dedicated fans are keeping twitter accounts to inform people about her and to promote her music. This forum isn't payed by her I suppose, is maintained by relatively poor fans. Other artists pay a PR team to take care of things like that.


    I didn't bring this up because it means something to anyone, it doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I just wasted my time as you morons are wasting yours talking about a mentally disturbed, subpar singer who cannot hold properly a tune live. So don't talk to me as you were/was a bigger Lana fan because you were not.


    But you all are right. There is no point for venting my frustration anymore because she is killing her career quicker than i thought.


    Finally. a message in a bottle for her (there is a small chance she is checking LB): Keep lying Lana (the invented Lolita truck driving in your interview with BB), not performing, sounding bored, make another campfest like Tropico, and talk ridiculous shit about death and you'll be again the laughing stock of the music industry but this time around without the possibility of a happy ending because of your fans (you'll have no fandom left in 2 years max bookmark me).



    I never once implied you were a bad fan. I, in fact, used to enjoy reading your posts and thoughts. They could be critical, yes, but intelligible and with well placed reason.


    That being said, here lately you have been so erratic. Up and down, up and down. Almost unhinged seeming. I wasn't trying to insinuate you're a bad fan. To me it is simple, if you don't like the direction Lana is going then get off the bus. There is a way to be critical and to express your opinion in a productive way, which you have been able to do in previous posts. Then there is the way you've been acting recently. The two are not the same and the latter is quite nasty and unnecessary.


    Nobody is twisting your arm to drink the kool-aid, if the goggles have worn off then move on. But to take digs at a persons mental health and life decisions including relationships and sex life just because they don't appease you is so over the top and childish. Honestly it leaves a taste of hypocrisy on the tongue. Would you like to be the pot or the kettle? I don't mean this as a dig but more of an insight to the way the things you've said can be perceived.


    Yes, I'm sure plenty of us would be happy with more promo and effort from Lana but in the end she is just another person. A person doing what she wants and how she wants. Being an artist how she wants to be one. We may think we know better and honestly some of us may, but the bottom line is it's her decision. Leaving us with the decision to accept her for what she is or not. If not then don't get so worked up over it. There certainly is no reason to have so much disdain and seem so spiteful about it all. Just let it go and move on. 


    I probably shouldn't have wasted my time in responding to this but I did, so take it as you may. 

    This is the end of the conversation as far as I'm concerned.

  10. In UV


    I'd change G&R for Wait For Life (I know it's from Emile but damn it's good af and would fit perfectly in UV)

    I love Wait for Life too, but you can't come for G&R like that!!! Lol just kidding, to each their own. I'd like to have WFL added in addition to all the songs. That, or if we had to remove one for WFL I'd probably pick TOW. 

  11. Ok I really liked HBTB when it came out and then I didn't like it but now I really really like it...


    what is wrong with me

    I really like HBTB too. I feel like it wears quickly if you listen to it too much though! In all honesty I love the album. For a while I was only really listening to the 2nd half but I've come full circle again. I think it's cause we had HBTB and the other songs so long before the release!

  12. I watched it on premiere night but it's been a hectic week for me. Just now getting to sit and condense my thoughts into this post. The episode left me feeling like this season will be better than the last one. Honestly I really didn't care for Freak Show I stopped maybe 1/2 to 3/4 the way in. My boyfriend loved Freak Show and says it seemed like the most "real" as far as character development but I just couldn't get into it. Honestly I agree with everybody as far as the first two seasons being the best. Asylum was my fave, it was so amazing. This season feels very styilized, more so than usual. Everything from the set, attire, music , and acting just feels a bit over the top. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it doesn't feel as smooth as the two standout seasons. I really did love the music though. She Wants Revenge was an amazing fit for that scene. Also, Hotel California albeit cheesy as fuck. Paulson to me is always amazing, I love her. I really hope that her character has more of a role as the season progresses. I find O'Hares character intriguing as well and am anticipating some back development with him. Wes Bentley seems to be doing okay so far. He is a bit intense and kind of lacks a relatability that I feel like his character needs for people to connect with him. We'll see how that plays out. To me Chloe Sevigny seems great so far, as usual. She is with most parts that she plays. I hope she's more present. I really do love her! Paulson, Sevigny, and Rabe really are the people I'm most looking forward to watching. Kathy really hasn't been doing it for me. No offense. I like her in a lot of other things but ehhhh in AHS she falls short for me. As for GaGa I just find her kind of absurd. I don't think she really can act and I cringe a little bit whenever she speaks. No offense to her, everybody has their talents but I don't feel like this is something for her. I kind of feel like they cast her for her image. Her persona/image fits the character so well and it just seems that was more so the deciding factor over actual acting ability. Honestly I would have much rather seen somebody like Paulson or Rabe in this role. Even though they may not fit the description their acting ability to me would make it more believable. I like Bomer but find him less believable in this part. I feel like the junkie who got drilled would have been a better fit. Bomer is a bit too wholesome/boy next door. I mean they could be going for that. Maybe he was that way before he changed. But his change isn't convincing me. As somebody else said this season does remind me a lot of Murder House. It gave me serious MH vibes throughout. Idk it is interesting thus far and has me wanting to know more so I would say that's a success in itself. That being said I really don't see AHS surpassing the previous seasons. It has been a decline the last few. I'll be pleasantly surprised if so but Lange really was one of my favorites. So just with that it loses a bit for me!

  13. Let's see. . . 


    Cruel World - Honeymoon (Cruel World all the way, however after the BBC Radio 1 performance I'm excited to hear Honeymoon live more.)

    Ultraviolence - Music To Watch Boys To (Ultraviolence is one of my faves tbh.)

    Shades Of Cool - Terrence Loves You (I love Terrence Loves You.)

    Brooklyn Baby - God Knows I Tried (I really do love Brooklyn Baby though. This one was hard!)

    West Coast - High by the Beach (I like HBTB but West Coast is a classic.)

    Sad Girl - Freak (Freak has grown on me after listening more to it but compared to Sad Girl it falls very short.)

    Pretty When You Cry - Art Deco (Art Deco is nice but it isn't in the same league.)

    Money Power Glory - Religion (I love both of these! I'll give MPG the edge. I have more feeling when listening to it over Religion.)

    Fucked My Way Up To The Top - Salvatore (Salvatore has slight edge sound wise. However, I love FMWUTTT. It's fuck you attitude and lyrics make me feel sexy lol.)

    Old Money - The Blackest Day (No comparison here.)

    Black Beauty - 24 (24 is my least favorite on HM.)

    Guns And Roses - Swan Song (I love Guns and Roses but Swan song is a better song. I relate to it so much.)

    The Other Woman - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (DLMBM is the story of my life lol.)

    Is This Happiness!!! (I have to add this one in!)

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