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Posts posted by DLT

  1. 1.   Religion 

    2.   The Blackest Day

    3.   Salvatore

    4.   Terrence Loves You

    5.   Honeymoon

    6.   God Knows I Tried

    7.   High By The Beach

    8.   Swan Song

    9.   Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

    10. Freak

    11. Music to Watch Boys to

    12. Art Deco

    13. 24


    tbh 24 is the only one I don't really like lel. The rest was v difficult to rank


    Pretty much the same for me except 24 is my only dislike. I love the rest!

    The top 3 were easy but it got difficult after that.

    Also I didn't include Burnt Norton!

  2. Born To Die - 35 

    Off To The Races - 63 
    Blue Jeans - 71 

    Video Games - 25
    National Anthem - 14 ( - )
    Ride - 106 
    American - 43 (+)


    I'll change it up a little for the sake of # of post!  This is my second favorite. 


    Cola - 0 ( - ) [Coca-Cola is better than Pepsi, sorry y'all]


    I really don't drink soda but I do agree with this lol!


    Ya'll have been so busy while I was away lol.

  3. uhh... Ride is slightly overrated on here. Please don't kill me - it's a good song but y'all act like it's the epitome of songs. Cola is also overrated. Blue Jeans is in my top 3 Lana songs.

    Lol I happen to think Blue Jeans is overrated lol. I like Cola more than BJ but Ride beats them both. For me that is! Everybody is different.

  4. yeah, i dont even care about videos at all. The music is whats important to me.

    No touring, no photoshoots, no vids, no promo even, at this point is fine by me..

    I'd like more music as well lol, who wouldn't. But she already puts out music at a very fast pace. So I'm down with waiting however long it takes. However, I'm pretty certain she's already working on a new album or ep. I would really like for her to tour this year though! I'm HOPING she does. A) I'd like to see a few Honeymoon songs live and B) my tour date was cancelled last year! :defeated: So come on Lana pull through for me lol.

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