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Everything posted by TRENCH

  1. oop dont forget that the typical percent of the population that votes is 9% out of 100%
  2. im so confused as to what you are talking about we had multiple issues on our ballot and many passed and some didn't. Voting no on solar energy because energy companies would then regulate solar panels and actually create a monopoly which im glad it didn't pass (Amendment 1) then Amendments 3 & 4 talked about tax exemptions for the elderly and firefighters, i voted no bc either everyone pays taxes or no one does, but those somehow passed.... and (A. 2)marijuana was the second one (which was bound to pass anyways) So i am not understanding your frustration of the (non existent) corelation between Trumps win and medical weed being legalized at state level
  3. do you mean states? most turned red aka trump lol rip
  4. the value of gold is rising UMMM ?????
  5. We can now see that the majority of people are tired of Democrats being "welfare and PC culture supporters" (not my opinion) and the overall disappointment of corruption and politicians. But Trump is obviously not the Robin Hood that his voters think of him to be AT ALL
  6. elaborate?? Im amazed it passed with 71% when FL need 60% (not 50) of votes to pass an amendment that will legalize medical marijuana. Big pharma is shooked
  7. LMAOO dksdknfld tag yoursleves im the blue dot on the bottom
  8. this is why trumpa-loompa is winning
  9. Too bad because If I mixed my intelligence with emotions i would have voted for Trump
  10. thanks, its our job to fuck both major parties xoxo their pussies are shookedt
  11. Trump is winning everywhere...CNN and big media is shook
  12. Tomorrow the US is going to be the helicopter in HBTB video
  13. lets not forget that Mitt Romney won popular (actual, individual peoples votes) votes in 2012 yet bc of the Electoral Obama won so i think Trump will win pop. votes but Hillary will win with the Electorate
  14. its 6:04 in california and 7:04 in Colorado ...polls still open
  15. tldr: Since we are the police of the world and can swift and shift the world's economy with a finger many aspects of the world depends on the US's actions and opinions. The Us is a Hyperpower, a Superpower country on steroids: ~~~~~~this is all copy paste but informative------------ Hyperpower: A hyperpower is a state that dominates all other states in every sphere of activity, and is considered to be a step higher than a superpower --> (Superpower is a word used to describe a state with a dominant position in international relations and which is characterised by its unparalleled ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale. This is done through the combined-means of technological, cultural, military and economic strength, as well as diplomatic and soft power influence. Traditionally, superpowers are preeminent among the great powers.)---------------------------------------------- A new president has power to stabilize or destabilize entire middle east; what if new presidents decides US should bring democracy in Iran,what do you think will happens.Saudi and neocons will be happy but everybody else is fucked, oil price will fluctuates, sea routes will be threatened What if new president decides to ban HIB visa, what will happen to outsourcing giants like TCS, Infosys. One such single action may adversely affect India economy. If new president sanction more troops and toys in eastern Europe and thus pissing of USA, world may find itself on brink of another cold war. If new president decides to kick Chinese out of South China sea,we may find our self on brink of another war.For neutral countries like India,remaining non aligned will not be an option. Even on economic front,new regulations may destabilize US stock market and the effects will be felt throughout the world. Remember what happened in 2008 ----------------------------------- In terms of US foreign policy, a Clinton presidency is likely to pursue a more hawkish version of the current line. Clinton voted in favour of the Iraq war in 2003, which she now says she regrets. In the event of a Trump victory, American foreign policy is more difficult to envisage. If Trump's campaign rhetoric is a guide, there could be a 'back to the future' quality in his foreign policy. Like Brexit campaigners and the Putin leadership in Moscow, Trump promises 'to take the country back' by putting American interests first. Trump believes the world is ruled by great powers, and since America is the most powerful player it simply needs to politically reassert itself to become the world's 'top dog'.
  16. Gary Johnson has a over 1% votes on almost every county that has turned their votes so far LOL
  18. EDIT: Trump set to win Florida (by 57%) and New Hampshire (52%)
  19. Trump wins Kentucky and Indiana; Clinton takes Vermont ELECTORALS: TRUMP---- 19 CLINTON--- 3 TRUMP WINS NEW HAMPSHIRE
  20. THISSSSSSSSS altough it is understandable where this statement is coming from, obamacare has been a disaster, he should have vetoed that trash when Congress rewrote his original intent. People's lives are now MORE in danger because of it, they get penalty fees or can land in jail for not paying the ridiculous costs, and next year many people will pay over $1,000 a month when it was suppossed to be cheap healthare like??? AND some POOR people (who is the supposed demographic of this legislation) i personally know never qualified in the first place! Thank you for pointing this out, the only way we can revolutionize this country is by re electing politicians from the local lever up...the younger people we have the BETTER this country will progress. I am LIVID of having dinosaur fossils STILL siting in Congress...like BYEE
  21. give them temporary visas while they apply for citizenship WOW i just solved immigration, vote for me 2035 tnkz xoxo
  22. LMAO too bad because the BOTH are interventionists and will create drama in some unknownigstan
  23. The reason we are in a mess is, in watered down terms, that people need to mind their own business. The government and the public are getting in on everyone's lives. If a man wants to get married to a man, LET THEM (as long as it is of legal and consent) if someone wants to get an abortion, carry a gun, or do weed let them (again, as long as it is of legal and safe terms), worry about paying YOUR bills and raising YOUR children and YOUR life. The government needs to stop intervening on peoples lives and stop re-inventing the wheel on everything. And I find it hypocritical that we have may people saying "I dont care about politics but we need to stop trump bc of progress and.." EHHH EH EH i stopped reading at "I dont care about politics". Dont tell me that you come out of the woodwork every 4 years to tell people who to vote for when you give a shit about what is going on in politics nor cant name the first president. It is not to say that you are not allowed to have or voice your opinion, but don't act like you hold a Ph. D. on a topic that you give a rats ass about and tell people what is the correct side.
  24. Is everyone anticipating the election? About 90% of the pop. is NOT Who is more fit to be the president? Gary Johnson or Rand Paul Who is more trustworthy? Gary Johnson or Rand Paul Who do you see actually helping the USA economically and to it's entirety? NO ONE What are some good qualities of both main candidates? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING Any third parties or write ins? Gary Johnson is my father *Bonus* Who do you think would lana vote for based off of her financial and political standing? Hillary or 3rd party
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