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Everything posted by TRENCH

  2. I've only been thought the Tropico, West Coast, and some black random theme and they were all ugly and half baked I just realized that you can go to waybackmachine and see them

    Troye Sivan

    he can keep that artwork not being shady but what is he bringing? Ive only heard two songs from him
  4. I listened to Honeymoon again, and I don't think we are ever going to get pop Lana ever again. The level of maturity HM puts out is more than UV and BTD, and she is likely to scale that up with LDR5
  5. As for Prisoner, the song itself is great, it's just that the vocals are flat out a snore, and that goes out to both singers. Hopefully they have more energy in this song and that it is one of those normal length songs that just carry a Interlude in the title

    Melanie Martinez

    Iwas expecting melanie to fight with her and even kill the girl in the end..thats what i imagine when hearing the song

    Melanie Martinez

    that was so anticlimatic but OMG MY FAV SONG GOT A VIDEO
  8. Trump is Hitler and Clinton is a good leftist!11!11 yeahhhh Jill and Sanders are better leftists than whatever Hillary is
  9. @Hundred Dollar Bill congrats king! who was the Gary Johnson of this election btw
  10. TRENCH


    Yes, i just haven't had a chance to hear this project. And only about 12 people here like Urban music lol
  11. thank you. You need some form of ID to be living or walking in here for safety purposes. The fact that many illegal immigrants get 100% government help while the middle class is drowning and the gov. is not lifting a finger on them is disgusting. White people could care less about immigrants crossing borders, they only care whether those people are doing it legally, and whether they will be productive members of society in which one half does their job correctly and the other half spews out 5 anchor babies so they can get over $1,000 a month of government assistance like $400 of food stamps and WIC and NOT get a job, while my family are law abiding citizens and got the middle finger from Obama's administration when we lost our house. No one should DARE to tell me that what i am writing is false when I see this happening EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Orlando is infested with people riding government welfare, which i find ironic considering Florida is hard on this type of stuff youre on a website full of 16 year olds who think socialism is the path to Utopia
  12. Thank You!!!! Sensible people on this website. That woman was SHOVED down our * troaths all the damn time. All she talked about was blacks and Mexicans. She's out of touch and a Wall Street puppet. She's wasn't gonna do barely much for the middle class but neither is orange anyway. I am DISGUSTED that not a single banker or politician was charged and thrown in jail for causing the 2008 Financial Crisis that hurt me, 'y whole entire family and millions of other and yet WE get penalized?? Fuck you! We were FORCED to seek our house at a short sale. The bank didn't want to negotiate with us so it was either that or a foreclosure. We sold the house in a short sale and we got penalized for 3 whole years before we can basically restart! This summer we were finally able to buy a Home and it was the most complicated process anyone could go trough. The stress, anxiety and depression these career politicians caused anger people. And to top it off we have this whole political correctness SJW that crosses the line between humanic respect and downright childish tomfoolery, making everything a "social issue" that is. Where near a social issue that affects anyone and crying about it I can't talk to y'all about politics it's ridiculous. The fact that y'all think SOCIALISM will work is baffling. I come from a place that SOCIALISM has CORRUPTED I was going to add more stuff but Forget it
  13. Our Forefathers didnt trust the general public for direct voting so they set they electoral up but what i find hilarious is that i tought Trump was going to win popular votes while Clinton would win presidency with the electoral college, thats what happened with obama in 2012...life has its surprises well it did so much that now that it unbalanced the whole election, thats enough proof right there. Votes are used as polls as well to see who voted for who and why.
  14. At the end of the day, this is only a natural course for history, worry about your well being and you'll be fine. If we had 8 years of bush jr. we can survive 4 years of talking orange Does this mean that we should just settle? no, this means that we need to wake the fuck up and start taking politics seriously, not as a topic that is taboo for discussion just bc you'll get your feelings hurt. We can see that people are TIRED of the establishment and that is the only reason Trump won. People who didnt vote have no reason to complain. No action, no results ALSO, most libertarians are former republicans so if Gary wasn't on the ticket Trump would have gotten his votes anyways!!!!
  15. Liberal Media is shooked! Tumblrites is scrambling to move to Canada...now sure why up north tough, i tough all democrats loved their bff Mexico ??
  16. ma'am, please understand that half of this state never votes, and the half that does is majorily white republican and Hispanics SPECIFICALLY Cubans and Puertoricans (bc they are dumb and have no education) hick country is only an hour away from downtown Orlando, my vote for Hillery wouldn't have made a difference so i voted for someone that aligns with MY beliefs and MY POV and has their interest in heart unlike mr. orange or ms. criminal
  17. OMG SAME its so ironic how my test is international politics
  18. this country survived (barely) having Nixon and Bush Jr. let us now pray
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