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Posts posted by KingJay

  1. We should pay a hacker on the dark web to hack those greedy bitches that have unreleased Lana songs and all they do is shove it in our faces! Why should Those hoarders just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Us fans are just as cute as Those greedy bitches, right? We’re is just as smart as Those hoarders, people totally like Us just as much as they like Those hoarders, and when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody because that’s not what beint a Lana fan is about! We should totally just STAB THOSE HOARDERS!”

  2. I’m so bored of this era that I’m literally going through old threads on here and ATRL during the releases of her previous albums lol. Just to see how awesome it was back then.

    what if this is her breaking us down like Solve Et Coagula style.. she really had us all singing ur my cult leader to her at concerts and we didn’t notice .. ugh her mind

    I accept her as our leader.

  3. All her new friends does is keeping her company and making her laugh and you guys are really here calling them sluts and whores just because Lana hasn’t said anything new about or released Norman F Rockwell?? Are you... are you hearing yourselves?? Dang, I know we’re bored but let’s not go there, omg... :whoopi:

    For real, lol. Some of them sound like they’re dating her and are controlling freaks. Like those boyfriends who pick and choose who you can talk to and stuff.

  4. Lust For Life (song) is amazing and the gays that dislike it do so because they’re lame lol jk. But it is an amazing song. I will never understand why people don’t like it. Which is fine, but I hate when people trash people for liking it and call it garbage and make it seem like their opinion is fact.

  5. From each album there is probably only one song that I don’t like


    Born To Die: Lolita. My friend that I forced to get into Lana loves it, but for some reason I just can’t get into it, no matter how hard I try or how many times I listen to it. Every time it comes on, it’s an instant skip for me. I don’t understand what she was thinking adding it on to the album. There was way better unreleased songs that could have taken its place.


    Paradise: I pretty much love all the songs on here, before I would have probably said either Blue Velvet or Bel Air, but they grew on me and I love them. I guess if I have to choose my least favorite from this one, it would either be Body Electric or Burning Desire (if it counts). Don’t get me wrong I like them, but for me they’re definitely the weakest songs on Paradise.


    Ultraviolence: This album is definitely perfect in every way shape and form, but the weakest song from this one would probably be The Other Woman. I know a lot of people dislike Guns and Roses, but I love the verses. The chorus could have been better but yea. Oh yea also I can’t get into the Westcoast radio mix or whatever it’s called. It’s not trash but the album version of Westcoast was made by the gods themselves.


    HoneyMoon: Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood. Good song but for sure the weakest on the album. Again, I pretty much love the whole album, but for some reason the instrumental just doesn’t click for me.


    Lust For Life: Coachella, ok song, but the instrumental sounds kind of crappy. The verses are ok. The last minute is heaven tho.

  6. Off topic, but do y’all like “Wait For Life”? I literally never see anyone ever talk about it. I didn’t even know it existed until like 1 or 2 years ago. Which reminds me. I’ve been a Lana fan for 5 years now. Damn.. time sure does fly by quick. I still remember discovering West Coast a month before the release of The Pink Print. I was bored and finally decided to give Lana a chance. I instantly fell in love and then checked out Ultraviolence. Listened it for months non stop, then moved on to Born To Die and the rest is history. My first era that I experienced as it was happening was HoneyMoon.


    mod note: please stay on topic

  7. the fact that the era will probably be over the week after the album and book drop  :rip: I can't see her touring this apart from the few festival shows she's already planned

    So true. The bitch is probably going to show us How To Disappear as soon as she drops it. That’s what I hate this long as wait just for her to forget that the album even exist a week after she drops it.

    A small part of me is believing that the album is coming out NEXT year instead...

    Don’t you dare speak that into existence! Take it back! Lol. You know her managers are lurking :(

    This. Give us cinnamon instead of HIAB. Please mom.... P L E A S E

    I need to stop replaying the damn Cinnagod snippets. I would be happy with that or In Your Car for atleast an extra few months lol jk.

  8. I actually really like HIAB.

    My body aches

    My heart, it br



    At the thought of


    -man Fuck-

    ing Rock-


    Coming to us in March


    It's too late


    It's too late - to hope for merch



    It's too late


    It's too late - For any promo to quench-

    -- this thirst dry SPELL


    Oh what have we done?

    What we've done to deserve

    a treatment like this



    So fucking thirsty


    Tongue like sand

    Heart clenched by her hand

    This goddess makes us















    Our souls, they ache

    Our hearts, br



    At the thought of 


    -man Fuck-

    ing Rock-


    Her poetry through lyric...

    ... unspoken


  9. I stream on spotify and buy the physical CD and vynil

    I just stream and buy the vinyl/merch that’s on sale. I may actually buy this one on CD though to switch it up just to play it in my car.

    I’d love to buy some vinyls but I don’t have a vinyl record player I guess I’d do it just to have it as part of my collection. I actually have the BTD album on vinyl but only because my friend got it for me for my birthday. I’m not a big streamer. I know it helps out the artist and stuff but never really got to into it. I stream her songs every now and then. I love going to a store and buying the physical, it gives me a good feeling and gets me excited to get in my car and play it idk what it is about buying physicals that I enjoy it so much lol.


    God, I wish I was a fan back during the BTD era, by the way people talk about it and remember it, it just seems so exciting and amazing to have been able to witness her rise to fame. I like reading some threads on here and ATRL from those years and just seeing how excited people were for her music. the Lust For Life era was pretty exciting compared to Honeymoon. Well at least the beginning. During the time she released the WM video and after she just let the era completely die.

    I was really hoping she would put some effort into this era, because it seemed like everything was planned out correctly during the time she released Venice Bitch and MAC, and then... well here we are months later... still waiting for the damn album or at least some news about it. I really hate that she teased songs like Cinnamon only for her to be taking this long to release anything. I love her but she pisses me off.

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