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Posts posted by KingJay

  1. Hello my fellow people who are gay :kiss:

    I said I'd come back every May just to remind you all

    that Blue Banisters is a goddang Slay 

    & I hope that soon those of you who disagree will open your eyes & see the righteous way,

    till then I hope you all have a wonderful day &


    there is nothing more for me to say, oh yea repent for your sins or in


    you will stayyy

    The way into heaven

    is by going into your preferred streaming service

    & clicking on Blue Banisters & hitting Play

    Until thennn

    I will pray, that


    someone comes & repaints my banisters cuz those bitches are turning greyyy


  2. On 4/25/2022 at 1:35 PM, Whore of Tropico said:

    now im 99.9% sure that Rob has been LURKING the board!!!

    "taking a little break from a piano" - he's reading us omg.

    Dear Rob, if you're reading this: Grant our wish!!! 🙏



    Hey you gays! Y’all definitely caught me!! Nothing gets past y’all lol.


    anyways, my daughter who is Lana Del Rey, I sometimes still call ha Lizzy, we call her Lizzy Del Rey (insider joke) is NOT going to be releasing a new album this year, but it will be out early next year, Myself, Rob Lana’s daddy ( not that kind of daddy, but I can be your daddy ;)) & Lana are working on her next album. There will be lots & lots of piano so I hope you gays are prepared for sad piano bops! Also there will be 2 collabs on here. Both are with Nikkolas Lane. You guys will love these too almost as much as you gays loved “Breaking up Slowly (is a hard thing to do)” btw that was the original title of their song on Cumtrails over the Country Busssy but we decided to cut it down a bit (insider info) Lana decided to start teasing you gays a bit soon because she loves watching y’all have a meltdown over any little detail, also, even tho she gave y’all gays 2 albums back to back she knows you unappreciative Johtos are scratching your self’s for her next album. We are working hard on her new album. Jack is producing & y’all will loveeeeee it. Trust me gays. If y’all want any insider info don’t hesitate to message me. I got y’all. Also don’t believe those other lane attention seeking insiders (y’all know who I’m talking bout) bye for now. I’ll be back later & feed y’all some more. Much love & peaceeeeeee

  3. I'm currently playing the Chemtrails and Blue Banisters albums back to back and enjoying it soooo dang much. I haven't really had a chance to sit down and listen to the albums in the last couple of months. I needed a break from both albums because I played the hell out of both of them after their release and man, they've aged like fine wine IMO. Even songs that at the time of release weren't my fave (But still great Ehem Let me Love you Like A Woman) are hitting right now. Lol. Maybe it's because I took a break from them and haven't really played them in a while... But Blue Banisters is soooo good. I love the album as a whole, and the previously unreleased songs are sooooooo good. I'm glad that Lana finally felt comfortable and happy enough to find a spot for them. I'm sure that she has her reasons for finally including them on an album and didn't just throw them on a tracklist as filler.

  4. On 4/12/2022 at 12:59 AM, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

    What about a Mike-Dean-produced synth album with hazy string arrangements by Erickson. Jack Antonoff and Dawes having writing credits. Everyone wins (I think?):true: 

    Mmm, nah. As much as I love Wildflower Wildfire, and as much as I've tried to get used to the staticky drums, I could do without them. I'd love the song 10x more without the way they sound. If they were cleaned up and sounded "normal" The song would be a perfect 10/10 for me. I swear when I first heard the song and those weird drums kicked in, I immediately freaked out because I thought that the speakers to the then "new to me" laptop that my mum gave me for my birthday were messed up lmao. I had to play a different song to make sure it was just that song that sounded that way lmao. Also Mike Dean did not live up to all the "hype" that people were making over him as a producer. In my opinion at least.


    NOW, if we have an album that has a similar sound to Blue Banisers (The song) with some "Bombastic" drums and etc would be AMAZING. oof I can just imagine it. I love Blue Banisters the song, but it's missing some good drums imo. But that song is pure perfection. I can play it over and over and never get tired of it. Sort of similar to how I just cannot get tired of Chemtrails (the song) the chemtrails song is another song that is pure perfection and it's a 10/10 song. The melody, lyrics, vocals style, instrumental/beat, EVERYTHING about that song is AMZING. Can ya'll just imagine more songs like that. Especially the "You're born in december and I'm born in June, My Cancer is Sun and my Leo is Moon" part is pure orgasmic. It's an earworm. that melody softly kisses your earlobes get's into your ears, twirls around in your ear drums, softly caresses the inside of your ear canal and makes love to your ear canal before BOOOOOOOM IT CLIMAXES inside of your ear and leaves you speechless lmaooo. idk I'm high, idk why I even just typed that sentence out haha. But that's how it feels. That whole song is beautifully done. it paints such a gorgeous image in my mind. & puts me in such a great mood and headspace. I swear, that song is Born To Die, Ultraviolence level of greatness and NO ONE will change my mind about that. Her most recent work is amazing, but that song reminds me of how freaking amazing Lana is, and how she is on another level in terms of musical talent and quality. 

  5. Just now, fl0r1dakil0s said:


    girl ur making things up in ur head

    I swear I'm not! lol. I mean wth that's so crazy tho, maybe you're right. But I can clearly picture the scene of her being there lol. WTF. For a while I thought it had gotten scrapped like the "original" Blue bannister video that she first teased, so I thought nothing of it. but idk. I guess I am tripping. Like it looked like scenes from the show, but with her added into them. I still remember the dress she was wearing errthang lol. So crazy tho. I guess I probably somehow made it up in my head or something. 

  6. 9 hours ago, hotshot2am said:

    There was no video. Maybe you are confusing it with scenes from Euphoria?

    Hmmm, I know it wasn't like a full video for the song, but I clearly remember seeing Lana sitting in like a club or something and it looks like it was scenes from the show, you know what I mean? OMG wtf I'm trippin out now because I remember it so clearly and everything that she was wearing and it was like slow motion. It almost looked like she made an appearance on the show. Am I trippin? lol. Is this what Mr Mandela felt? lol. But for real. Was there really no clip of Lana in a scene like that? when they were promoting the song before it's release? Like I still remember what she was wearing, her hair style etc lol.

  7. The first album I ever heard from Lana was UV. The first song I ever officially and really heard from her is Westcoast. I was shooooook. I felt like i discovered gold or something lol. I was scared that it was going to be the only song of hers that I would like, but nope. After West coast I listened to UV and then Shades of Cool and etc. I fell in love with the whole album and thought that Lana was some grunge rock emo cool girl lol. Idk how to explain it. Anyway, after I listened to UV I moved backwards to BTD and was shocked at the huge sound difference, but I still loved BTD. But UV has a special place in my heart, that I don't believe any other album will be able to capture. Another album that comes close to UV and BTD is The PinkPrint by Nicki Minaj lol. For me UV and TPP are related, because I discovered UV all while waiting for TPP to drop back in December 2014. I needed new music to hold me over during the wait, and boom I discovered Lana

  8. Ya'll I think Blue Banisters is becoming one those albums that plays a huge roll in my current state of mind/life. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel the same about UV, BTD and NFR. Don't get me wrong I listen to all her songs and etc, but sometimes i just listen to a certain group of songs from LFL, HM, and COCC depending on my mood or if I want to relive a certain memory/feeling that happened during those times that I first heard those songs. Even tho I love those albums as a whole , but with Blue Banisters I keep going to the whole thing. I know it's still pretty new, and I might just be in that mood but I can relate to almost every song in a way at this current time.


    IDK if this post makes any sense or if anyone can relate in someway but yea lol. I know there isn't a huge gap between BB and COCC, and COCC has a bunch of songs that I can relate to a certain memory or feeling, but I feel like BB captures that as a whole a lot better than COCC did. IDK. lol

  9. 2 minutes ago, Super Movie said:

    I was so confused when I saw that Dealer was the most streamed non-single on the album and that it was getting a lot of positive attention, not because I don't like it, but because when it originally leaked so many people here hated it :thumb3: The original leak literally had "worst song ever made" in it's title. I'm very proud to say that I loved it from the start :yesnod:

    I cannot believe people actually hated it when it leaked? Disgustinnnnnn! lol jk


    I've seen some people say that it's getting big on tiktok?

  10. 1 hour ago, uhauIjoe said:

    Lust for Life final > any of the demos

    Fax no printer.. 


    I just don't understand how people can hate or dislike that song. It's amazing, the beat, the melody and the feature. Yes it's repetitive But it's still catchy af. 

    for example the beat is so dope. It sounds "witchy" if that makes any sense lol. I love it.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Elle said:

    LOL I have like an insane words per minute type count, and it's what I do on the daily for work, so it was nice to transcribe something fun for a change than the boring stuff I do all day lol x


    You're welcome!! I hope it was helpful. I tried to capture the most interesting parts x

    You’re the best <3

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