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Everything posted by foxgrl

  1. foxgrl

    The Sims

    i WISH i had sims 3
  2. [extreme TW rape culture] rape culture, in my understanding, is just about as disgusting as it sounds, unfortunately. peoples idea that 'she wanted it', 'she asked for it', 'did you see what she was wearing?' and thoughts like it spin around the head without pity, and create a sort of understanding in the person reading the stories mind. rape culture is how the favorite is picked, and its not victim vs attacker, its female vs male(depending on who is raped), outfit vs alcohol. often, a minority figure who raped will be looked down upon harsher than a white male. rape culture in this situation is that the girls town wanted her to shut up, that it took the video to go nationwide for anything to be done, and that the girls own police force didn't want to look into the case because the town was a football town, and the rapists were the stars, essentially. and no, actually. women are taught to keep an eye out, be careful what we wear because it might be deemed revealing and someone might get the wrong idea. instead of them teaching men (and women, but im focusing on men rapists) NOT to rape, they teach the victims not the GET raped. to my knowledge, we don't have any kind of police unit like that. there's no special treatment.
  3. the most disgusting part is that in the video someone says something like, 'Dude, what if it was your sister?' and he replied, 'But it isn't' and they all moved on. excuse me? i highly doubt that, and intoxicated or not, you knew how to pick her up and drag her, make jokes about it. in my opinion, the entire town, like Mon said; is biased. none of them want to hurt their precious footballers, no matter how disgusting the crime. and after all this, all they got was a year, pity, and when they get back they'll probably be welcomed. thats how small towns work, and it's beyond fucked up. we aren't taught about rape culture or anything on this topic growing up, in fact, its completely avoided. 'slut' is a free term, women are taught to be pety and small and conform and even hate on other women, and rape is simply a no-no to bring up, unless its a 'tasteful' joke. if we want to change anything, we have to start with the generation thats going to do the changing. and as for your CNN comment, you can sign this petition in hopes that the nation, and the girl specifically, will get an apology for the way they sympathized with her rapists and molesters. --------
  4. this is a post more about the serious side of things, i guess if nothing else to inform. this case touched me more than most and i want to hear your thoughts/opinions.
  5. foxgrl

    Best Coast

    angel i understand your love
  6. Criminal Minds Revolution thats it
  7. when i saw this shot i thought it was drawn tbh "life imitates art" rings for me here
  8. If your life was a TV show, this would be the theme song: Dark Paradise Will you ever get to heaven?: Birthday Song Song you dance to at your wedding:Burning Desire This song contains the name of your first-born: Teenage Wasteland... Song played at your funeral: Rehab What do you want right now?: You & Me Song that describes your sex life: Paradise How will you die?: Mississippi South Your life motto: Fake Diamonds What do you look for in a girl/guy?:Noir Song that plays in your head when you see someone attractive: Ghetto Baby What people think of you: Yayo Where will you live?: Moi Je Joue ( i hope this means france) What is your vice?: Blue Jeans What is the most important thing in your life? A Star For Nick Who do you look up to?: National Anthem
  9. what if the majority of the album is just songs that got released that weren't' supposed to
  10. all ideas are based off ones already out there so truly its impossible to be totally original, and i wouldn't assume she stopped wearing the jackets because fans bought them, i mean she has been into Chanel lately, and gas jackets aren't really up to par. anyway, she's stylish and different and obviously people are going to take aspects.
  11. is it lol? is it lawl? is it not relative? is it really about boners and meatloaf?
  12. foxgrl

    Song vs. Song

    brite lites vs stop de-lite lite
  13. if you could shrink this down for me and make it one i would cry out of joy and like look at the fox it is cute and disgusted and i am FOXgrl and just its
  14. foxgrl

    Safe Haven

    what was thrilling about it? i've been thinking about going to see it
  15. foxgrl

    Song vs. Song

    pawn shop blues vs pride
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