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Everything posted by HoneymoonSwan

  1. NJAD;OAINOPKAFPIL I love it but I just don't love it enough as a single! Much better songs on BTD to be the lead single.@ OTTR
  2. Honestly for me it's Young and In Love > West Coast > Ride > High By the Beach > Video Games (I don't really like Video Games, and I always found it such a drag to listen to. It just didn't belong on BTD for me! I never found myself listening to it!)
  3. They pick the most radio appealing song, and with Video Games I thought Lana had already released that without her label.
  4. You aren't crazy, I literally think the version we have is edited/demo. Did you notice how at the end of one of the verses it just cuts off before the chorus?
  5. Yeah, I feel like the version that leaked is a demo or has been heavily edited. Maybe it is the LQ but I hope the iTunes version (if it is released) sounds better.
  6. I honestly believe this is one of her best songs. I knew it would be one of my favorites, and she has some of her best/my favorite lyrics on this one. Honeymoon who? I really hope she doesn't scrap anything. It's perfect, and I know she doesn't care about sales, so this single leaking -even if it harms the single sales- the true fans will buy it, and hopefully she will keep the rest of the songs, besides YAIL/BAR/SR. wrapped up safe, away from any leakers.
  7. Apparently she's really upset and might "scrap" the album/single
  8. I'm screaming cause I literally love Emile, and I totally forgot about the gun.
  9. Not that I really know, but was't he the only one sent the title track (assumed to be BAR), YAIL (not the demo), and the music video from miss Del Rey herself? Cause I thought the only songs he had before talking to her were YAIL (demo) and SR? and then he had shared with us that he got to hear the title track and then he had seen the music video. So even if he wasn't the only one to have YAIL (demo), it wouldn't make sense if someone else had the songs that Lana let him listen/sent to him specifically.
  10. Honestly, for yall that are saying @hanginatrubytuesdays is lying, you guys realize Eclipse was the only one who had YAIL in the first place?
  11. Our savior has come! The people who get involved in this stuff always act like they're innocent, and when someone finally speaks out the truth they get everyone to attack the person that does so. Catch that tea!
  12. If you're talking about just the title, that has been leaked for a long time. I tried to get Ed to get rid of every account that has stuff related to but he didn't even delete the main one. Her management is so confusing!
  13. What type of font is "Love" on the poster?
  14. I literally watched it leak on twitter, I mean someone did post it here, but it was deleted. Everyone is too perched to leak anything here though. It's happening outside of LanaBoards!
  15. Honestly, I don't think it matters if the song leaks. The music video is probably 10-15 minutes long and probably has some inspirational hipster quotes that everyone will be craving for, and we all know everyone's going to be buying the single to hear it in HQ, and see the single artwork. Also you're forgetting that Lana, Miss Mess herself, doesn't care about her sales. Even if the single doesn't sell good, they still have to buy it when they buy the album.
  16. too busy surfing LanaBoard's and telling the owner to get it under control when the song didn't even leak here. Truly her most annoying single yet (and I'm not talking about the song... just talking about the leak) It's too late though! Stan Twitter has already heard it and you know it's bad when that has happened.
  17. I have this feeling in my heart that Lana, is a lonely space princess, and she kidnaps the guy in the poster, and all of his friends come to find him.
  18. This is random, but can someone send me China.Rats address? I'm talking to Ed, and he said I could send it to him. (I think someone found it a long time ago, correct me if I'm wrong)
  19. HoneymoonSwan

    Jo NAme

    I love this Burnt Norton demo
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