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American Bottom

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Everything posted by American Bottom

  1. You do it like this [ spoiler ] -insert content - [ / spoiler ] but take out the spaces
  2. I love you but Yosemite is so cute like ?????? I get why some ppl think it's boring tho. It requires a certain mindset. I think being in love and having a fondness for nature helps appreciate this song alot
  3. Let's be real. She was the one that ruined the song.
  4. Manifesting the version we get on BB will be reworked and feature cruel world type yelling with Dark But Just A Game lofi goodness
  5. Every album since UV we get one song where she belts out vocals beautifully. I wonder what it will be this time around. UV - Shades Of Cool HM - Salvatore LFL - Love and World At War NFR - The Greatest (and kind of FIILY) COCC - The end of Wild At Heart
  6. This genuinely made me burst out laughing in the middle of this store
  7. Omg take another one please I've been absent for the past TWO
  8. The way Debbie isn't loading for me to verify whether yall r trolling
  9. The cds and vinyl were literally on her store. At this point the spoilers are redundant. PACK IT UP LADIES SHES HERE!!
  10. Wait a minute I'll be there, coming in your white mustaaaaaaaaaaang
  12. Hold tf up.....YOU MADE THAT???? @lustforlife what the hell
  13. This just gave me anxiety, we- Lowkey makes me wanna cry bc
  14. Can you post your version of NLMG again? I never got the chance to hear
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