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Everything posted by Theodore

  1. http://picosong.com/w5mdR/ Made a studio version of Roses Bloom For You using the harp cover from youtube. Hope you like it.
  2. Imagine if she announces new music at the festival, almost everyone who has something to say will suddenly get amnesia and forget they ever had an issue. Some of Yall are so "woke" but have the attention span of 5 year olds. And that's the tea.
  3. It was something like how she feels about things and her state of mind is reflected in the honeymoon video. I wish I would have screenshotted
  4. Did she tweet and delete?? She said something about the honeymoon video
  5. Imagine she went on vacation to celebrate the upcoming release. And that it's coming any day now.. Probs highly unlikely but hey..I'm still holding on to that September prediction
  6. Nothing...at all...whatsoever. Disappointed but not surprised
  7. I want a bad bi*** sounding album title. Or something a little bold, showing her having even more confidence than ever before Like Dangerous Woman. But more lana-like. "Poison Ivy", "Aphrodite"...just some ideas..
  8. Gives us Ooh Baby level bops. Her Baby One More Time era is coming...
  9. The one I made earlier this year is the best one you're gonna get. http://picosong.com/wY6b9/
  10. Lust For Life, you came right when I needed it most. And you're nothing like I could have ever imagined, and that's what makes you so special. The messy but hilarious moments on the forum. The love music video and your manifesto/hope for happiness in the future. GET FREE. Ahh so many memories. And I cherish them dearly.
  11. Nah. Beautiful And Rich was the best part of the era. Lmao. I've never laughed so hard at a guessing game.
  12. So you want a Bats For Lashes/Florence album?
  13. I was thinking she would surprise drop that, then announce a full length album that would be released later in the year. And the EP would act as a bridge between LFL and the next record. Kind of like how Wait For Life was a bridge between UV and HM sonically and lyrically.
  14. I've been dying for it since Dont let me be misunderstood it's the perfect cover song. Idk why she hasn't done it
  15. Imagine...Its the first day of spring, and Lana surprise releases an EP The tracklist: 1. Yosemite 2. Life Is Beautiful 3. Roses Bloom For You 4. Happiness Is A Butterfly 5. Feeling Good (Nina Simone Orchestral Cover)
  16. The tea is like thors hammer. Only those with taste can feel the heat. Everyone else enjoy your water and carry on
  17. Also, we all know that GBA was perfect until the chorus kicked in. That monotone vocal strategy worked for BTD, but not here. Its supposed to be an Anthem. National anthem sweetie I'm so sorry your successor couldn't live up to the hype.
  18. I honestly dont understand the hate for LFL (song) . Like...the background vocals ALONE are enough to send me into pure bliss. The bells. The spoken verses. The way their voices circle each other like the ying yang fish in a pond during the chorus. It's so beautiful.The PIANO (although I wish it were louder) Yet, yall praise 13 beaches and its boom clap beat of a chorus and lack of a bridge. I love 13 beaches but I'd be lying if I said it didn't sound anti climactic in the first 5 months after the album dropped.. Yall seriously make me laugh sometimes. But hey. To each his own.
  19. Does anyone have a PDF of flaunt mag? Ik it's a weird request but I figured someone has scanned it
  20. Yea I learned that it's best to stan more than one personLike one of them can be a tasteful/artistic singer, the other can be mainstream. That way. While the art hoe is hibernating you'll have someone else to keep you fed until the other returns. Its a win win situation
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