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Everything posted by Theodore

  1. Let's get back to singing yosemite LOVE around the campfire. Gotta keep this forum happy as long as it can
  2. Yea. But if i remember correctly, didnt lana state that there was a lyric that went "you werent in the spot you said to wait". And i never heard it in the actual song..
  3. To the people who have listened, do you agree that BAR would fit perfectly inbetween groupie love and in my feelings? The lyrics flow seamlessly and i honestly feel like it further explains the story shes obviously trying to tell
  4. This album legit has the best opener and closer. Not the best title track, but i love it as track overall.
  5. Honeymoon meets the second half of Ultraviolence That is Soooo me lmaoo the pettiness
  6. So this is why she wrote "lost" for life then crossed it out and added lust...it was her way of saying everything from the interview in one little thing
  7. That interview just makes Get Free all the more impactful. Especially lyrically like when she made that callback to one of her most iconic songs..Im so...im choked up just thinking about it. For those who havent listened, youll understand on Friday
  8. Change And before yall (attempt to) drag, lyrically its amazing. I just wasnt really here for a simple piano ballad
  9. White mustang just needed more effort overall. It was TOO simple. And Beautiful people was great. Wouldn't mind a longer creation
  10. If she did a bomb ass guitar riff at the end sortve like beyonce did in the end of 1+1 it would a 10/10 song for me
  11. To all the twinks with a crooked dildo up their asses, technically all of lana's unreleased material is a leak. So if we're degenerates youre a hyprocitally degenerate dumbass. Now shut tf up
  12. I bought the clear coke bottle vinyl so..yeah. damn right i listened. And anyone who thinks im still disgusting Can kiss my ass
  13. "Its not what you deserve. Its what you believe in. And i believe in love" -Wonder Woman 2017
  14. Thank you for taking the time to type this. It means so much to me that you (and everyone else) understands. So much love in this forum the past few days. xoxoxoxo
  15. Thanks love. Hopefully. Id hate to have this come between us
  16. Omg yea. I wouldn't do it if i would have known he was against it or if i was in the right state of mind for that matter. He never mentioned it before
  17. OH MY GOD did it go well though? like how did your parents react?Yea everyone except my grandfather fully suports. He basically disowned me and we are/were extremely close so im depressed
  18. Guys im lucid now and the surgery went well. But apparently while i was in recovery the laughing gas caused me to come out to my parents.. :icant: :icant: also...no leak to cope with it
  19. Omg are we all conveniently getting wisdom teeth removed this week. Mine is today. Bout to go rn so dont forget to dm if anything happens. Love yall xo
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