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Say Yes to Heaven

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Everything posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. Yeah I agree, I wouldn't want the forum to be completely closed off from new members because I know some of them would like to actually become apart of this community. Also, something i don't like seeing is when people join just to only post about other artists? One person I'm thinking of only discusses stuff about Poppy or Melanie, but i've personally never seen them in a thread actually about Lana. We had a lot of problems like that when the old Allie X thread was open for example.
  2. You can always open up all of the forum for a guest to view but not post in. Or, if you can, whenever a new member joins there are strict limitations such as : having to have a minimum of 30-40 *real* posts to access certain parts of the forum or minimum of 20 *real* posts until they can post pictures. What I mean by real is it can't just be like someone going into the Ultraviolence lyric thread and putting "love" or something like that and then spamming so they can get the minimum number of posts. Once they've reached that number of posts they also have to wait for a moderator to come online and approve that they didn't just do posts that won't contribute to the discussion
  3. But with trolls they know if they act like a normal member at first they'll be able to "trick" us wait this isn't actual YUNGATA im
  4. it'd help the forum so much in my honest opinion. please think about it and talk it over with Elle. Whenever there is a thread such as this one many new members join with no intentions of ever making any posts and it brings in a lot of traffic
  5. i think the troll is choosing anyone who has an L in their name nnnnn be prepared @@luckyonewithoutyou
  6. wow love how my alternate account is leaking iconic bops something I could never do
  7. I think there's gonna be more than 20 songs actually. she's been working on the album STILL after it has been ready for months
  8. you know know how to whistle dont cha? u put ur lips together and blow and blow and blow and blow Yail University YAIL
  9. Well Lizzy wasn't really signed to a label until 2009? I think that's when she got signed. But they wouldn't have the rights to the songs from the producer she worked with anyways, so unless they wanted to get sued they wouldn't have Eclipse leak it.
  10. (stemming from Ace's comment) why would they have him leak some songs from 2010 and before when they'd mainly focus on when Lana was actually Lana Del Rey and not Lana Del Ray or Lizzy Grant.
  11. They have though! They've removed a lot of the leaks he's put out and it's speculated Ben is active on here whenever leakig sprees begin so he can immediately take them down. It just doesn't add up that they would take down leaks they condoned. And thank you! It's from the original Por Vida trailer featuring Rich, Honey Baby, and Pablo Escobar.
  12. you can stop.. Eclipse is 17 years old. He lives somewhere thats not close to the label at all. I have no idea why you think he's been employed to leak stuff when the management has been actively trying to stop him from leaking anything. Ben Mawson (Lana's manager) has threatened Eclipse over PM and has made it apparent he's going to get Eclipse arrested (but it's most likely a bluff). Leave with your false assumptions, it only spreads rumors that make Eclipse look bad.
  13. Yes, they can be easily faked but they're not. Eclipse has no reason at all to lie about this. He for sure won't leak new material and even before Lana contacted him he said he wouldn't.
  14. how people are still stuck on if Eclipse is a fraud or not goes beyond me lol. he's proved countless times he's the real deal yet newbies still will believe anyone can get those songs and Eclipse is lying about no one else having them.
  15. No, she confirmed it has 20 songs exactly.
  16. lets argue about something more interesting; Subversive is a dumb album name and I'd hate for Lana to name it that
  17. leak the album Kali or the drag will be delivered this Sunday at 12PM. Choose your fate, Ms. Loaiza
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