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Say Yes to Heaven

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Everything posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. two more questions ; are any of the demos you have from the album outtakes? and when this album is released and everything would you ever share the demos you have?
  2. oh thank god, i was like "she really does not want to release this damn song"
  3. she doesnt remember a song she teased in a trailer for a movie that everyone comments about on her insta and asks her about when they see her.... our fave has alzheimers
  4. what a perfect time for Your Girl to accidentally slip out onto the internet
  5. i'd be cautious about asking her about old work from before 2011/2012 because she'll most likely say "I don't rememebr that" or "I have no idea"
  6. Eclipse please, if you think anything of me please I beg of you to ask her what Morricone and Piano Theme are. Please for the love of god
  7. do u mean she's still writing to you or writing songs? k i know which it is but i was hoping the album was coming soon
  8. Let's take a walk on the Wild Side Show me off and you'll be mine Watching you leave in your fast ride ):
  9. That's what i'm thinking, but Eclipse didn't leak the song not because Lana didn't want him to but because he doesn't want to. Which is his choice (:
  10. omg kinda off topic but i woke up right when Lana tweeted the heart this morning and then went back to bed and when I woke up again O thought I was dreaming that she did that bc why would she do thay but she really did do #that
  11. King! Going places.. what if she told you all this so u could be happy when she gets you arrested
  12. Not his way of trolling... if he wanted to troll he'd post a 2second snippet of the intro to the single
  13. inb4 she posts on twitter "with Eclipse bringing you ... SUBVERSIVE" NO NO MAKE SURE SHE KNOWS INLY YOU HAVE IT AND UR GONNA BE A BITCH ABOUT NOT LEAKING IT MAKE SURE SUE KNOWS THAY (no shade nnn)
  15. Also, I've been thinking and what if the daughter of the Chen family (that weird spider/grudge ghost that took Flora) was trying to help them? We see Matt, Shelby and Flora about to make a stupid decision by running to the car, but as they go downstairs the Chen daughter takes Flora and eventually drops her off by the basement door where they run in and meet Edward Mott who helps them escape! I don't think the ghosts we see in the house are really as vengeful as we made them out to be. (well not those nurses but ) I'm really hoping we see the whole Chen family as ghosts tonight or next week.
  16. No. The police told her to be on the lookout for him, and he'd probably be coming after her. He was a serial killer on the run, he killed someone just to get into Lana's house. Lana is well acclaimed and the nations best journalist (she literally went back into her worst nightmare to expose Briarcliff). All she has to do is mutter the word "self-defense" and she's off the hook. Idk if it all made sense, but point is Lana won't be in prison for taking down a wanted serial killer. EDIT: and in real cases the parents of the person killed can say it was "foul-play", but good thing is his father was murdered decades ago and his mother is Mrs. Banana herself so i'm sure no one will blink an eye over it
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