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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Is Charlie the new chuck? Like he’s taking over her roles and seems to be always around. We barely seen him for years and now he’s everywhere.
  2. That Serbian is gonna have a lot of blowjob offers in his inbox...eclipse will be so so jealous.
  3. I can’t remember any time Lana apologised for anything, she prefers to play victim and randomly lash out at others. What’s worse is she’s completely oblivious to it, like most would say ‘ok I fucked up I should not have said that’ after the fact...but she never has. This results in her just digging herself a deeper grave. She come forward with the mask thing and was still playing media victim, when she is the one who took months to address the problem and let it become a news story. Lana is just utterly tone death on a lot of matters and instead of learning she tends to regress when she’s criticised for ignorant stuff she’s said. This is highly likely why she never said anything about the release date, because A. she doesn’t really care enough about us being upset and B. She can’t bare apologise, if it’s delayed it’s someone else's fault like the vinyl company. All I really want from her is to take responsibility for some of the stuff, be transparent and just say ‘sorry guys it’s not coming’. It’s really not hard at all.
  4. Nothing spectacular, some person has some of the vinyls and was selling them on a Serbian website. So leaks are potentially on the way. Other then that nothing.
  5. It’s strange because if I was releasing and album, I’d be super excited tweeting about it and engaging with fans daily. She just has this ‘yeah whatever’ attitude. Sometimes I actually wonder if she likes releasing music. My guess it’s because she is ultra sensitive to the criticism so for her it’s actually really stressful/nerve wracking and the expectations from fans, so she shies away from it all.
  6. They probably both sunbathing somewhere not giving a fuck.. Ben: So Ed when is Dua’s 10th high budget music video coming out?.. the albums only been out a year it’s not like we’ve milked it enouth right? Ed: Don’t we have an another artist who might need some attention? Ben: Do we? I don’t know anybody...do you mean a feature for Dua’s next remix album? Ed: No it’s Lana! That album Chemtrails over the birds nest or whatever it’s called is coming out in just under two weeks! Ben: Zzzzz Ed: Ben?
  7. I’m actually scared to even post Incase I get a warning point. Does asking about warning points get you a warning point?? ?? are you allowed to mention the ‘L*ak’ word??
  8. If it leaks in HQ in full of course I’m going to listen. I’ve spent hundreds on the album and merch, so Lana isn’t losing anything. I won’t however share links or peer share that is just spreading it to people who’ve NOT likely purchased the album.
  9. The difference is we know that is actually coming, it’s more the obsession with certain unreleased songs which is tedious. It’s like daily non stop for years and years. It feels a bit pointless when we don’t know when or if it’s going to be released. I just would have thought 9 new songs (8 without For Free) would be enouth. I’m now probably going to have a negative bias for Dealer if it does eventually come out because it irritates me ?.
  10. Can we shut the fuck up about Dealer maybe? It isn’t coming it’s scrapped. It could be terrible so why ya’ll hyped for a song when you don’t even know what it sounds like. We had over 5 years of people whining about Life Is Beautiful and it’s paid dust now. We have a whole album coming so why care about one song which is likely a shouty mess anyway?
  11. She drops WD the day before the album and when most have already heard it because it’s leaked.?
  12. That sounds like an exam question.. ”If Sky takes 7 years to complete her album 70% how much longer do her fans have to wait to hear the rest of the album?” if you thought 3 years..WRONG...the answer is actually NEVER
  13. I wonder how ‘White Hot Forever’ actually fits into TJF?? ‘I can be white hot forever baby, don’t be afraid of my love’
  14. What made us comment? It’s called anxiety disorder... plus her track record recently doesn’t really fill us with confidence.
  15. Highly likely, she probably has several hard drives worth of scrapped material just from this album. What’s funny is her scrapped stuff is often better then what’s released.
  16. We don’t really know how done those cover albums are. I don’t think we will see Behind the Iron gate anytime soon ?
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