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Everything posted by Edelgard

  1. well tbh if I worked at a Target and some album from some artist I didn't care about at all came in early, and people asked for it, I wouldn't risk losing my job for them. I'd only risk losing if for Lana and Eminem
  2. infinite gratitude if you provide us with HQ songs today brotha
  3. when exactly American/European tiime will it be out on NZ/AUS iTunes?
  4. but I doubt someone from NZ is going to go through the trouble of leaking it since we'll all get it one day later anyway
  5. well I mean, there's the internet now, no need for full lyrics anymore
  6. we got ppl in so many different countries here, if everyone here is a bro and goes to their local CD store, see if maybe they stocked on Honeymoon and share with us we can get it asap <3
  7. so i'm European, does it mean that at Friday night 00:00 my time I will be able to download the album?
  8. I don't feel bad about downloading leaks, even if people hack into their systems, because I pre-ordered the album, they already have my money anyway
  9. Why do people dislike High By The Beach? I really love it
  10. I'm gonna hold off listening until it leaks in HQ, I can't waaaaait. But the earliest it'll leak would be monday
  11. It's REALLY boring! And it sucks, because the bridge is soooo amazing and it's not worth it to just skip to the bridge everytime..
  12. btw, I ordered the copy from the official Universalmusic store, will the CD get shipped the 18th or will it be shipped a few days before?
  13. I neeeeeeeed the HQ leak asap <3 i hope y'all still fighting for it and let's not give up bc we heard it now
  14. Art Deco is like a hidden gem that only LDR fans will hear or care about <3
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