Elle 124,907 Posted March 12, 2020 Of course being upset over cancelled concerts is such a first world problem considering how badly this is affecting people’s health, but I just got word that the HANA show I was meant to attend on Sunday has been cancelled due to coronavirus concerns Super bummed since I’ve been waiting nearly 5 years to see her again & the venue is super intimate - 330 cap & no barricade! Coronavirus is the worst thing to have ever happened to concerts/festivals lol In all seriousness though, I hope everyone is staying safe and making efforts to protect themselves from getting or spreading the virus x 16 Quote • 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 • SF • ATL • ATL • IND • ATL • CHI • LDN • NYC • NYC • DC • ATL • NYC • PDX • SAN • KS • CHI • AL • MD • AL • AL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 12, 2020 ... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultrababy 3,445 Posted March 12, 2020 Hello! I haven’t been on her in more than 7 months! I just came back now as my whole country is on lockdown and we’re all quarantined. Please everyone, stay safe! Don’t go out! Wash your hands compulsively and don’t touch your face It is not just common flu, it’s way more. I live in Rome and we have to stay home until 3rd April for now.. it’s scary. 8 Quote I pretend I’m not hurt and go about the world like I’m having fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 12, 2020 ... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted March 12, 2020 its fear manipulation and pure media brainwashing, fear is the best manipulation and control strategy (see.. religion), they want whoever gets a minor headache or chest infection to panic and go get this new "vaccine" that they've produced.. god knows what kind of poison they're trying to inject into the population but it seems to be working and its a smart idea if u ask me... ask yourself this, how does it really effect ur life rn? (even if u had it)- like if u got really sick right now and had never heard of this stupid virus u wouldn't give a damn, the illness would pass and you'd go along with your days... old people, and babies have alwaays been dying from the common cold, of course its going to look bad if only the deaths of the people that have symptons are to be broadcasted, they're not broadcasting the amount of people who are okay and who are recovering from it are they.. and ask yourself why? even if this virus was as deadly as they say it is... why on earth would they want to broadcast how deadly it is, that would be stupid, that would be the LAST thing they'd be trying to do if it were true... anyway im just gonna ignore this and go on with my life, its hard not to hear about this shit everywhere i go cus dumbasses are always calling up at the call centre asking for face masks... but yeah, these sly little bastards have got the world terrified so props to them Ugh. You are so smart!!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nightmare 9,851 Posted March 12, 2020 yeah the whole country here is on lockdown, i'm from italy too. it's so surreal, but we "good". 3 Quote come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 12, 2020 --- 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,571 Posted March 12, 2020 I feel completely stupid but I do have some symptoms and came home from NYC w a girl that was sleeping in my room that had a raging flu so I'm not taking any risks and gonna stock up for a week and not going to uni who's closed anyway. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ANGELINA JOLIE 273 Posted March 12, 2020 It's really annoying seeing all the "the media is making this worse" talk. We have to make people take this seriously, otherwise more people will die. We have to take extreme measures, otherwise we'll have to shut down more countries like Italy. Of course the decisions being made are tough, but this isn't an easy situation or "just another flu". Ugh, at least we'll have Future Nostalgia to stream while we're all quarantined. It's equally annoying how the media actually does make it worse, which is in no way helpful. Every 10 minutes there is another new article popping up, telling us nothing new but the same thing over and over again just worded differently. The media isn't even educating us why the numbers of the infected are rising, not only because of 'new' infections but mainly because hospitals are slowly getting the medicinal supplies and tests they need so they can even confirm an infection in the first place. Leaving out this crucial information makes it seem the virus is spreading way faster than it actually does, which will send more people into panic mode. It's also leaving out the fact, that the virus doesn't affect the younger (children) that bad or the symptons aren't as severe as with elderly people. The virus is mainly deadly for the elderly or people with already strained immune systems. That does not mean it's not sad for those affected and their families and it doesn't make their deaths in any way less painful physically or emotionally, but it shows that people in average or good health should be fine. Our immune systems are fighting worse things on a daily basis, like cancer cells, with success. Which also leads to the fact, how it astounds me, no one is covering the numbers of the people who actually recovered from the virus, and the number is way higher than the ones who died from it. I don't care if you believe me, you can check all those facts online, there are even live tolls on youtube or websites that show numbers the media isn't covering because the only thing they're telling us is the infection / death count and to wash hands. Seriously, the human race overcame worse things like the plague, corona is nothing in comparison (yet). It will be taken under control soon, our medical supplies and modern medicine is amazing and scientists and doctors are working fast, corona will not wipe out the human race, nor will anyone who got infected die instantly without any chances of recovering. Also, quarantine and isolation are two different things. Quarantine is for both infected people and people who aren't tested positive for the virus yet, but are under suspicion of being infected. Quarantine isn't a death sentence, people are held under quarantine because there are no ways to handle corona yet and to slow the spreading speed Lastly, being annoyed at the bad media coverage doesn't automatically mean not taking corona serious. We just want more useful information and less headlines or uneducated / poorly researched articels for the sole purpose of generating clicks and newspaper sells. We need to be alert, not anxious. Rant over. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mkultraviolence 5,833 Posted March 12, 2020 my boss stayed home today and will be self quarantining indefinitely. she's 80 and it's so sad to see that some people actually have to take these measures. my mom and i went to a grocery store and they were really low on water and we saw two people wearing those special masks. my mom bought all the gallon jugs of spring water that were left not because she thinks we'll have to quarantine but because people are buying everything and it fuels the need to gather supplies because they're may not be any in the future. very interesting to see this all unfolding, i really don't know what to expect. i suspect my school will be closing down in the coming weeks. it's crazy to see how our survival instincts are kicking in with the hoarding and all. the economy is so fragile, life is so fragile. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mkultraviolence 5,833 Posted March 12, 2020 it's really tiring to see misinformation and mass hysteria being spread around so much. majority of cases are mild, resembling a cold or mild fever/flu. it's usually not dangerous unless you are 60-70+ or already have a depleted immune system. you can stock up on lysol and hand sanitizers all you want but the reality is that coronavirus is a virus and those products only really kill bacteria so it probably won't do much. and also, just because somebody has a cough does not mean they have the coronavirus, it's sad that even has to be said. however it's still good to take precautions and follow reputable news and medical sources to keep yourself updated on what's going on. this is still a major issue but spreading mistruths and hysteria does more harm than good. such a damn queen 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Angel 206,281 Posted March 12, 2020 such a damn queen thank you queen 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pico Ocean Boulevard 42,493 Posted March 12, 2020 I feel completely stupid but I do have some symptoms and came home from NYC w a girl that was sleeping in my room that had a raging flu so I'm not taking any risks and gonna stock up for a week and not going to uni who's closed anyway. I hope it's 'only' the flu or a cold but not the Coronavirus. But I'm annoyed of the Virus and of the Media. And its stupid that the pharmacy is not able to help you and that the Samu will not take you because you have no fever. You show some symptoms and it should be checked out if it is Corona or not... I heard/read several times now that some people don't get help or that nobody wants to check out if they have Corona or not. Wishing only the best for you!! 1 Quote "Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cacciatore 19,347 Posted March 12, 2020 My brother has been coughing like crazy all day and I'm like "ok work" but there's not any confirmed corona cases here in my city so I'm sitting here just chilling lmao Anyways I hope y'all stay safe and hopefully this will pass soon. So sad all these people have died already, I fear how many more will follow. 1 Quote into your eyes my face remains Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Terrence Loves Me 73,143 Posted March 12, 2020 stream before the fever by grimes! (this is the sound of the end of the woooorld) 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted March 13, 2020 It's equally annoying how the media actually does make it worse, which is in no way helpful. Every 10 minutes there is another new article popping up, telling us nothing new but the same thing over and over again just worded differently. The media isn't even educating us why the numbers of the infected are rising, not only because of 'new' infections but mainly because hospitals are slowly getting the medicinal supplies and tests they need so they can even confirm an infection in the first place. Leaving out this crucial information makes it seem the virus is spreading way faster than it actually does, which will send more people into panic mode. It's also leaving out the fact, that the virus doesn't affect the younger (children) that bad or the symptons aren't as severe as with elderly people. The virus is mainly deadly for the elderly or people with already strained immune systems. That does not mean it's not sad for those affected and their families and it doesn't make their deaths in any way less painful physically or emotionally, but it shows that people in average or good health should be fine. Our immune systems are fighting worse things on a daily basis, like cancer cells, with success. Which also leads to the fact, how it astounds me, no one is covering the numbers of the people who actually recovered from the virus, and the number is way higher than the ones who died from it. I don't care if you believe me, you can check all those facts online, there are even live tolls on youtube or websites that show numbers the media isn't covering because the only thing they're telling us is the infection / death count and to wash hands. Seriously, the human race overcame worse things like the plague, corona is nothing in comparison (yet). It will be taken under control soon, our medical supplies and modern medicine is amazing and scientists and doctors are working fast, corona will not wipe out the human race, nor will anyone who got infected die instantly without any chances of recovering. Also, quarantine and isolation are two different things. Quarantine is for both infected people and people who aren't tested positive for the virus yet, but are under suspicion of being infected. Quarantine isn't a death sentence, people are held under quarantine because there are no ways to handle corona yet and to slow the spreading speed Lastly, being annoyed at the bad media coverage doesn't automatically mean not taking corona serious. We just want more useful information and less headlines or uneducated / poorly researched articels for the sole purpose of generating clicks and newspaper sells. We need to be alert, not anxious. Rant over. Speaking for my country here. The media's been all over this place about the coronavirus, but actually, what is striking is that the public does not seem to be worried at all. We continue to shake hands, kiss each other hello, take the bus, go to the bar. However, its high contagiousness coupled with a greater severity among fragile people can lead to massive overcrowding in hospitals, and thus a serious health crisis if no one takes precautions to curb the epidemic. This is the biggest risk. There is nothing so difficult to understand. I also find that the media is doing too much, but if it helps people to behave more appropriately, then it is better than nothing. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 13, 2020 I almost called my dad this morning before 7 a.m. to come by car and picked me and my things up and to return to hometown I was awaken this morning by loud coughing and who knows what from the older man next to my room... God ... fear is so fucked up 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hannus 1,618 Posted March 13, 2020 It's really annoying seeing all the "the media is making this worse" talk. We have to make people take this seriously, otherwise more people will die. We have to take extreme measures, otherwise we'll have to shut down more countries like Italy. Of course the decisions being made are tough, but this isn't an easy situation or "just another flu". Ugh, at least we'll have Future Nostalgia to stream while we're all quarantined. yeah, i agree. there was a group of students from my mom's school who went skiing in northern italy about 150 km from the quarantine and who were supposed to stay in their houses for 2 weeks, but they didn't care, it was just extra vacation for them. they weren't allowed to come to school but they went to the gym, went to coffee shops, met their friends and went to parties, etc, and they weren't even tested for corona virus. and it makes me so mad, even if they don't have symptoms they might carry it and pass it on to someone who isn't in good health. it's so irresponsible from them and their parents. 3 Quote I never meant to be bad or unwell I was just living on the edge right between heaven and hell & I'm tired of it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted March 13, 2020 its fear manipulation and pure media brainwashing, fear is the best manipulation and control strategy (see.. religion), they want whoever gets a minor headache or chest infection to panic and go get this new "vaccine" that they've produced.. god knows what kind of poison they're trying to inject into the population but it seems to be working and its a smart idea if u ask me... ask yourself this, how does it really effect ur life rn? (even if u had it)- like if u got really sick right now and had never heard of this stupid virus u wouldn't give a damn, the illness would pass and you'd go along with your days... old people, and babies have alwaays been dying from the common cold, of course its going to look bad if only the deaths of the people that have symptons are to be broadcasted, they're not broadcasting the amount of people who are okay and who are recovering from it are they.. and ask yourself why? even if this virus was as deadly as they say it is... why on earth would they want to broadcast how deadly it is, that would be stupid, that would be the LAST thing they'd be trying to do if it were true... anyway im just gonna ignore this and go on with my life, its hard not to hear about this shit everywhere i go cus dumbasses are always calling up at the call centre asking for face masks... but yeah, these sly little bastards have got the world terrified so props to them Wow so this actually got 5 likes. I really hope this post is in a sarcastic tone. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheBoss 13,544 Posted March 13, 2020 it's really tiring to see misinformation and mass hysteria being spread around so much. majority of cases are mild, resembling a cold or mild fever/flu. it's usually not dangerous unless you are 60-70+ or already have a depleted immune system. you can stock up on lysol and hand sanitizers all you want but the reality is that coronavirus is a virus and those products only really kill bacteria so it probably won't do much. and also, just because somebody has a cough does not mean they have the coronavirus, it's sad that even has to be said. however it's still good to take precautions and follow reputable news and medical sources to keep yourself updated on what's going on. this is still a major issue but spreading mistruths and hysteria does more harm than good. This 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites