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past the bushes

Prince Philip: Post-Release thread

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Also they absolutely were racist af towards Meghan Markle even though anyone marrying into that family has to be crazy. 

Like I love how there's a full investigation by the Queen into allegations Meghan bullied staff, meanwhile Andrew is still right there avoiding even being questioned over the Epstein stuff. 

Also Kate knew she made Meghan cry and just let Meghan take the fall for it for like two years.

She isn't perfect (who is?) but I am firmly Team Meghan :agree:

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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7 hours ago, Life said:


not saying that it was right at all, of course it's wrong. and yes, their ancestors, an ancestor being (be definition) a grandparents at minimum. the current royal family had no part to play in that, and by actually every means have brought themselves far away from it and aided in correcting what the british empire did.


but try and make your teenage woke ass seem interesting and educated by speaking for the countries which were affected, most countries which, by choice, have remained as part of the commonwealth.


- me when I have the world's most reductive sense of post-colonial politics and believe that the commonwealth is just one, big, happy family


Calling someone a teenage woke ass doesn't mitigate for the fact that you're deepthroating the imperialist boot 


I also don't want to make jokes about your level of education, but where is the critical thinking lol, it is genuinely pitiful if you think you can simply separate "ancestors" from the modern day monarchy. That you can't seem to reconcile the evil colonisers of yesterday with the Prince Williams of today. Like, it's sort of embarrassing actually 

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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1 minute ago, past the bushes said:

give it back or we riot :hype:


my idea: take a post of yours in a thread that was made before the first post in this thread, merge it in, edit the contents to make them relevant :hype: mind of a mastermind



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18 minutes ago, honeybadger said:


my idea: take a post of yours in a thread that was made before the first post in this thread, merge it in, edit the contents to make them relevant :hype: mind of a mastermind

like i'd know how to do that :bebe:



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28 minutes ago, honeybadger said:


@mods @Elle :typewriter::typewriter::typewriter: you know what to do... let the mergefest begin


Fixed it! x


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13 hours ago, Diamantes WILD said:

like it's obvious the monarchy's just a kind of cultural show of some sort. equality's been getting into the spotlight fortunately lately. the person's already quite dead. beating someone down already in the grave not only seems disrespectful, it's also a waste of time. like, focus on those who are still able to cooperate and change if that's really ur motive u know. 


Could it be a waste of time? Maybe


But does he deserve to be mourned? No. He was a racist, imperialist, and all-around awful.


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