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Make me your Dream Life

Dream Lana Non-Music Collaboration Thread

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Title, artists as well, but more so directed towards which shows, films,
maybe even more modeling deals you'd love Lana to take part in. 

At the moment, I'd love for her to do a Coca Cola commercial preferably with The greatest. 
Have her featured in an episode of Archer, or just a cameo in a film as herself. 
Have a soundtrack song for a coming of age indie film. 

Collab with Miley Cyrus, out there but I'd love to know what they could come up with together past pop. 

Alrite, sound off



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I know it's completely niche, but I really hope she does a closet commercial to walking out onto her banisters and saying something like, my new album, blue banisters out now, something along the lines of those cotton, the fabric of our lives commercials. 

my new album blue banisters out now, and then she does the back stare from the video 


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