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Serial Killer and Paradise on streaming services

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On 3/28/2022 at 11:24 PM, Diamantes said:

isn't this stealing

It's technically not stealing if Peter Ibsen really uploaded them, since he's the producer. Still illegal though since I highly doubt he got Lana or her team's permission :et:


Someone should check if the files he uploaded are better quality than the ones we had 

I do it just to amuse me 

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7 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

It's technically not stealing if Peter Ibsen really uploaded them, since he's the producer. Still illegal though since I highly doubt he got Lana or her team's permission :et:


Someone should check if the files he uploaded are better quality than the ones we had 

They are :ma:

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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Damn I feel bad for him. Kinda off topic but remember when Serial Killer used to be THE unreleased song? I feel like TikTok has completely ignored this song and has gone after songs like Queen of Disaster, Pale Moonlight, Put Me In a Movie, etc. kinda crazy how things have changed 


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I feel kinda bad for not knowing the entire situation and it’s easily a witch hunt now so i’ll stop. I do think it’d be a good idea to create a thread where we can update all the illegal uploads on a thread. 

i feel like anyone who puts a lot into the work they put out no matter what vocation, but especially in the arts, would just feel icky about their work being stolen. It just rubs me the wrong way

give credit to the rightful artists 


that way the people can get their versions or whatever’s permissible while the accounts are flagged or something


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