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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023

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5 minutes ago, Fingertips said:

Fingertips track by track review for @Jeanne Dielman, @DCooper, and whoever else asked (I'm taking a break from this forum after reading some of the most braindead & hypocritical shit takes I've ever read on this forum)


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1. The Grants

I wasn't really the biggest fan of this track when it first came out. It didn't really hit me in the same way as the other two pre-release singles, and definitely felt a little short. However, in context of the album, it flourishes. Super essential opening track and gently guides us through the incoming themes of the record.

7.5 on first listen, 9 after the album leaked.


2. Did you know that there's a tunnel under ocean blvd?

One of my favorite tracks from LDR. Lyrically, a highlight in her career. The build up at the end is still mindblowing.



3. Sweet

One of the tracks that needs reparations from the insider's opinions. Much deeper and more complex than the simple and surface level "love song." Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and definitely not inconsequential 



4. A&W

Everyone knows that I wasn't the biggest cheerleader for this song when it dropped, but it truly is an excellent track and works even better in context.



8. Kintsugi

Second track that needs reparations from BoZo and frenemy @111 Stunning, strange, and definitely one of my favorites. Might be the slowest track in Lana's released catalog, but for that, I appreciate it and find the emotional payoff to be worth it



9. Fingertips

What can I say that I haven't already? Devastating and beyond gorgeous. Never heard a Lana track like this before. Very Tori/Fiona/Kate Bush.



10. Paris, Texas

My least favorite song on the album. It's very good, don't get me wrong, but definitely not my cup of tea.



11. Grandfather...

RIOPY's description of this song feeling like the sea, and seeing the "liquid blue" of the ocean is so accurate. Sings her heart out over a very nautical soundscape and the lyrics are extremely beautiful. The older and wiser brother to Mariners Apartment Complex.



12. Let the Light In

If someone told me this was a remastered outtake from Ultraviolence, I would believe you. What a phenomenal, bluesy/country twanged track that reminds me a little bit of a more complex IYLDWM. Father John Misty and Lana are musical soulmates, they sound beautiful together.



13. Margaret

Really sweet song, but I don't have much to say about it. Jack sounds very much like Bon Iver on this song. The "rom com" description of the song from Rolling Stone was pretty accurate for sure. I respect it!



14. Fishtail

HOLY MOLY. The braindead opinions about this song are why I'm taking a step back from this forum, but this is the collapse of the century. One of her greatest midtempo sultry songs to date. Black Bathing Suit and Tulsa had a beautiful baby. This is the song for the girls who get it.



15. Peppers

Super, super, super crazy track. I never expected something like this from Lana, although it does echo some of her pre-BTD unreleased. Definitely a bop for the Geminis in the room who love the chaos!



16. Taco Truck x VB

I don't have much to say about this one, either. It's pretty good and I love the transition to VB. 


Another valid rating 

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Why is Judah Smith Interlude kind of a moment… like it feels like a movie scene, the instrumental is so good. It’s not something that I want to intentionally listen to, but if it comes on I won’t skip it


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On her vocals... 


Honestly the sheer variety of vocal styles and tembres she has on this album..? I always loved that in her art, that she has multiple... voices (I mean like in btd where she had two main voices, the lower, deeper one and the higher, girly one) , I guess, to depict various moods and intentions and on this one its so very present. To the point that some songs almost sound like they are from different artists :pout:

And the mastering/recording quality of her voice is also interesting 

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1 minute ago, Furor Poeticus said:

Now let's give a round of applause to Candy Necklace cuz she's shy and doesn't want to l-word 

Or we could hunt her down instead :willcut:

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1 minute ago, Furor Poeticus said:

Now let's give a round of applause to Candy Necklace cuz she's shy and doesn't want to l-word 


Unlike her other sisters she doesn’t put out easy and I love that. Will be something to look forward to on release day.


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14 minutes ago, Fingertips said:

Fingertips track by track review for @Jeanne Dielman, @DCooper, and whoever else asked (I'm taking a break from this forum after reading some of the most braindead & hypocritical shit takes I've ever read on this forum)


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1. The Grants

I wasn't really the biggest fan of this track when it first came out. It didn't really hit me in the same way as the other two pre-release singles, and definitely felt a little short. However, in context of the album, it flourishes. Super essential opening track and gently guides us through the incoming themes of the record.

7.5 on first listen, 9 after the album leaked.


2. Did you know that there's a tunnel under ocean blvd?

One of my favorite tracks from LDR. Lyrically, a highlight in her career. The build up at the end is still mindblowing.



3. Sweet

One of the tracks that needs reparations from the insider's opinions. Much deeper and more complex than the simple and surface level "love song." Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and definitely not inconsequential 



4. A&W

Everyone knows that I wasn't the biggest cheerleader for this song when it dropped, but it truly is an excellent track and works even better in context.



8. Kintsugi

Second track that needs reparations from BoZo and frenemy @111 Stunning, strange, and definitely one of my favorites. Might be the slowest track in Lana's released catalog, but for that, I appreciate it and find the emotional payoff to be worth it



9. Fingertips

What can I say that I haven't already? Devastating and beyond gorgeous. Never heard a Lana track like this before. Very Tori/Fiona/Kate Bush.



10. Paris, Texas

My least favorite song on the album. It's very good, don't get me wrong, but definitely not my cup of tea.



11. Grandfather...

RIOPY's description of this song feeling like the sea, and seeing the "liquid blue" of the ocean is so accurate. Sings her heart out over a very nautical soundscape and the lyrics are extremely beautiful. The older and wiser brother to Mariners Apartment Complex.



12. Let the Light In

If someone told me this was a remastered outtake from Ultraviolence, I would believe you. What a phenomenal, bluesy/country twanged track that reminds me a little bit of a more complex IYLDWM. Father John Misty and Lana are musical soulmates, they sound beautiful together.



13. Margaret

Really sweet song, but I don't have much to say about it. Jack sounds very much like Bon Iver on this song. The "rom com" description of the song from Rolling Stone was pretty accurate for sure. I respect it!



14. Fishtail

HOLY MOLY. The braindead opinions about this song are why I'm taking a step back from this forum, but this is the collapse of the century. One of her greatest midtempo sultry songs to date. Black Bathing Suit and Tulsa had a beautiful baby. This is the song for the girls who get it.



15. Peppers

Super, super, super crazy track. I never expected something like this from Lana, although it does echo some of her pre-BTD unreleased. Definitely a bop for the Geminis in the room who love the chaos!



16. Taco Truck x VB

I don't have much to say about this one, either. It's pretty good and I love the transition to VB. 


Let The Light In and Fishtail at 10/10 IKTR :mariah:


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17 minutes ago, Fingertips said:

Fingertips track by track review for @Jeanne Dielman, @DCooper, and whoever else asked (I'm taking a break from this forum after reading some of the most braindead & hypocritical shit takes I've ever read on this forum)


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1. The Grants

I wasn't really the biggest fan of this track when it first came out. It didn't really hit me in the same way as the other two pre-release singles, and definitely felt a little short. However, in context of the album, it flourishes. Super essential opening track and gently guides us through the incoming themes of the record.

7.5 on first listen, 9 after the album leaked.


2. Did you know that there's a tunnel under ocean blvd?

One of my favorite tracks from LDR. Lyrically, a highlight in her career. The build up at the end is still mindblowing.



3. Sweet

One of the tracks that needs reparations from the insider's opinions. Much deeper and more complex than the simple and surface level "love song." Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and definitely not inconsequential 



4. A&W

Everyone knows that I wasn't the biggest cheerleader for this song when it dropped, but it truly is an excellent track and works even better in context.



8. Kintsugi

Second track that needs reparations from BoZo and frenemy @111 Stunning, strange, and definitely one of my favorites. Might be the slowest track in Lana's released catalog, but for that, I appreciate it and find the emotional payoff to be worth it



9. Fingertips

What can I say that I haven't already? Devastating and beyond gorgeous. Never heard a Lana track like this before. Very Tori/Fiona/Kate Bush.



10. Paris, Texas

My least favorite song on the album. It's very good, don't get me wrong, but definitely not my cup of tea.



11. Grandfather...

RIOPY's description of this song feeling like the sea, and seeing the "liquid blue" of the ocean is so accurate. Sings her heart out over a very nautical soundscape and the lyrics are extremely beautiful. The older and wiser brother to Mariners Apartment Complex.



12. Let the Light In

If someone told me this was a remastered outtake from Ultraviolence, I would believe you. What a phenomenal, bluesy/country twanged track that reminds me a little bit of a more complex IYLDWM. Father John Misty and Lana are musical soulmates, they sound beautiful together.



13. Margaret

Really sweet song, but I don't have much to say about it. Jack sounds very much like Bon Iver on this song. The "rom com" description of the song from Rolling Stone was pretty accurate for sure. I respect it!



14. Fishtail

HOLY MOLY. The braindead opinions about this song are why I'm taking a step back from this forum, but this is the collapse of the century. One of her greatest midtempo sultry songs to date. Black Bathing Suit and Tulsa had a beautiful baby. This is the song for the girls who get it.



15. Peppers

Super, super, super crazy track. I never expected something like this from Lana, although it does echo some of her pre-BTD unreleased. Definitely a bop for the Geminis in the room who love the chaos!



16. Taco Truck x VB

I don't have much to say about this one, either. It's pretty good and I love the transition to VB. 


I'm a newbie to LB who will miss your contributions! Even when I don't fully agree with your assessments the way you articulate them is always so thoughtful. You're a much needed antidote to some of the takes I have seen on here.... (no disrespect meant at all to anyone with takes I don't like :illumilana2:)

~*Contemplating at Costco the Santa Clarita fires.*~

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So I caved in, only listened to two of the leaks


Fingertips- very wordy, I'll need a few more listens before it grabs me. I did like it though


Taco Truck x VB- I really liked the Taco Truck bit, and the bit with the talking was really dreamy. Not many thoughts on VB part apart from that I loved the original, but I wanted to hear more of the Taco Truck part


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Just now, ivory almond said:

you lying snake, kintsugi was beautiful
but thank you for your lyric tease, that was appreciated


that's how the eclipse gets in...



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Palm trees in black and white

I see in technicolor 

Maybe I’ll take my glasses off so I stop painting red flags green 



Lately I’ve been sunning in the LA river bed 

Wearing nothing but the summer bruises on my knees

I like how you talk, how you speak, how you look at me 

But lately, I can see


Some of my favorite lyrics on the album honestly. Throws back to AKA and even reminds me of Music to watch boys to.


also "Skipping rope in the bayou, bayou" might be "Skipping rope in the bayou / by you"



if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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