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Coney Island Queen

Why do you love Lana?

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Guest Florida Native

hmmm... lots of reasons i mean she is the first singer that i have really ever loved, i have neve gotten so excited by someone as much as her as i cannot wait to see her next year, but i think she is really different and she makes her life and everything like an old movie it makes me sad becuz i want 2 go back into the bygone eras you know she is just best i hope 2 meet her one day

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Love you songs and her singing. Her lyrics mean something and are genuine. She has a style and look about her that is very sexy, but classy. Her music is unique. Part lounge, part hip-hop, part rock, but never boring. She's like a pop torch singer with real lyrics.


Plus she's so damn beautiful and so nice to her fans.

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I can’t REALLY explain to you why I love her so much unless you have ever felt like you wanted to die or that you were useless or not good enough. Because for years i have felt lost and alone in a world full of opportunities and chances, but none of them have lit the spark inside me that makes me WANT to achieve. Lana Del Rey, through her music and thought concept in general has made me realise i have a purpose in my life and that i CAN and WILL be happy. i don't need to impress other people and i don't need to be another standard figure in society. i can climb onto the back of a motorcycle and ride into the desert sun with my best friend hand in hand screaming and escaping reality. i can be wild and free and crazy and just not give a fuck and i thank Lana for making me realise that she makes my dreams seem real and true.


she survived a battle with alcohol and rose out of it to become a worldwide controversial icon. she is my role model for every aspect of life. she has been lost and terrified and uncertain of existence just like me and i relate to her so much and if she can pull through all of that shit then so can i.


i was sad and lonely and depressed at the start of this year and now, but then i discovered Lana and now 11 months and 108 songs later I'm happier and more certain than i have ever been in my whole life. Lana has filled the hole in my heart that nobody could ever even attempt to fill. she is an angel and has inspired me more than you could even imagine. i live for Lana and i would sacrifice everything for her she means the whole world to me and nobody has ever changed my life as much as she has.


so maybe i am a little over obsessive and pathetic but i dont care because i’m happy and free and it’s all thanks to one amazing goddess; Lana Del Rey

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Guest Florida Native

Coney Island Queen that is so beautiful and I feel much same 2. Lana has made me want a different thing in life which will make me much happier, i have relised that life dosent need to be perfect to be happy.

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When I discovered Lana I knewed that she was not like the other singers. Her voice dark and beautiful brought me up. It brought me up because her music is that what I needed. Like a drug. Once you started taking drugs it will be more difficult to quit it. But when you love your drug, you don't want to quit it. When I saw her for the first time, the first thing I noticed were the lips. I knewed the history behind those lips would be interesting. I mean, why did Lana did that ? What for reasons did she had ? How does she's thinking?. When I layed on the floor and felt destroyed, Lanas music brought me up, because I didn't felt anymore alone with my problems. Now I am happy to going on to her concert in May and one day maybe I would met her. To asking all the questions I have for her. She changed me. She changed my way of thinking. I love her.

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Wow, I have never thought I will answear on this kind of question...hmmm well I love Lana cause she is like an angel, you see when I first time heared for her, I was thinking that's going to be the best singer in the world. I mean, her voice and beauty are something I love so much...I say this everyday, my dream is at least to say something to her that she will hear or just to touch her. Love you, Elizabeth so much. <3

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Why do i love Lana? This is a subject I've given much thought to. And I can only conclude...


She's a siren.


Srsly, she must be. I don't know why I'm so enamoured, but I am. With the slight special snowflake syndrome, the bad boy fetish, the submissive nature, she'd usually be the sort of girl I'd like to head-butt.


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I didnt like her at first tbh. I saw her video Born to Die and assumed she was something like 38 and i was just like wtf is this woman singing about. But then i heard it again and again and again and then i didnt stop lmao. I started to see if she had any other songs and i was happy to find she did. So then i started loving her music, then loving her. And now whenever i see a picture or video of her laughing or smiling i just sit there smiling myself and saying: aww you little cutie.

So i guess i love her because once you begin to like one of her songs, you dont really stop liking it.


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Love you songs and her singing. Her lyrics mean something and are genuine. She has a style and look about her that is very sexy, but classy. Her music is unique. Part lounge, part hip-hop, part rock, but never boring. She's like a pop torch singer with real lyrics.


Plus she's so damn beautiful and so nice to her fans.

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When people ask me this, I never really know what to say. I was intrigued by her, she's beautiful and what drew me to her was her live performances but I guess I just love everything about her and she's the first artist that I've ever really been a proper fan of and kept up to date with constantly. Before then I just listened to a few stuff by various people and never really cared for them.


Basically I'm a desperate fan. :eek:


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There is truly no one like her. Video Games was so captivating that I was hooked instantly. She is so sweet to fans and truly makes an effort to get to know them and talk to them. She is also so down to earth, like even though she is famous she stills acts like a normal person instead of some spoiled celebrity. The mystery of her life also captivates because it's like doing a puzzle with no clear image and you can choose which pieces you accept and which pieces you think are rumor. I could keep writing, but I don't want to spend my entire New Years writing an essay on how much I love her and she was my first musical obsession.

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I guess it's because she celebrates the light and dark side of life in such a balanced and glamorous way. There's hope, but also despair. It's a real interesting contrast between some of her songs, as some can bring me to tears and some can make me smirk. Her style just speaks to me, it's like a missing puzzle piece: after years of looking for the artist I finally found music that just really leaves me wanting more all the time. Most of the time I get tired of music after listening to it non stop, but born to die has been played to death for the last year, and I still find myself re-discovering songs that I just love more and more, both old and new ones.


I guess her mysterious past and shy nature is a part of it too. She just leaves of trails and hints of her back story, and that leaves us fans crazy. How? Why? When? And what?! I don't know the answers, I just freaking love her music :shh:


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There is truly no one like her. Video Games was so captivating that I was hooked instantly. She is so sweet to fans and truly makes an effort to get to know them and talk to them. She is also so down to earth, like even though she is famous she stills acts like a normal person instead of some spoiled celebrity. The mystery of her life also captivates because it's like doing a puzzle with no clear image and you can choose which pieces you accept and which pieces you think are rumor. I could keep writing, but I don't want to spend my entire New Years writing an essay on how much I love her and she was my first musical obsession.

An essay would be great! Imagine one day, we all come together and write a book of love for Lana!

http://www.youtube.com/user/lovelanalikelife ♥Music For Lana&Lana's Fans♥

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I've never really been a true fan of like, anyone, I don't think. but I feel a bit of a connection with her, in terms of her visual style, her overall demeanor (awkward, but often misconstrued as bitchy or even worse), and her whole 'world' in general (what with the various shades of narcissism, girlish emotional torment, and daddy-heavy love). My focus in school has always been science, but I feel as if she's allowed me to tap into a more creative side of myself (re: fan art). ultimately, despite the depressive and often fucked up undertones, I think she's made me more optimistic about life, and people in general. no easy feat.


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