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David Bowie

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I've been finally getting into Bowie, going through the albums chronologically-- with the exception of Blackstar, which I already listened to before he died.


The first album is pretty cringe-worthy, and the Space Oddity album is kind of hit-and-miss, The Man Who Sold the World is incredible, and by Hunky Dory, he's positively transcendent. Listening to Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, and Aladdin Sane, they still sound fresh and exciting! I don't know how I missed getting into him for so long. 


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I've been finally getting into Bowie, going through the albums chronologically-- with the exception of Blackstar, which I already listened to before he died.


The first album is pretty cringe-worthy, and the Space Oddity album is kind of hit-and-miss, The Man Who Sold the World is incredible, and by Hunky Dory, he's positively transcendent. Listening to Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, and Aladdin Sane, they still sound fresh and exciting! I don't know how I missed getting into him for so long.


His first album isn't his best haha. It's a good listen to for a 60s pop feel. Space Oddity, I like a few of the songs the album as a whole is alright.


If you like Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, and Aladdin Sane give Diamond Dogs a listen. That's kind of a hit or miss record, though but I love it dearly. If you're thinking about listening to his Berlin Trilogy give Station to Station (the album before he trilogy starts) a listen to understand what he was going through when he made Low, Heroes, and Lodger.

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Which era/album is your favourite one? Apart from listening to Best Of compilations, I have only listened to Ziggy Stardust, Scary Monsters, and Blackstar in full, so I can't really answer myself :awkney;

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Which era/album is your favourite one? Apart from listening to Best Of compilations, I have only listened to Ziggy Stardust, Scary Monsters, and Blackstar in full, so I can't really answer myself :awkney;

Aladdin Sane is a great album. The piano is insane and avant-garde. The Diamond Dogs, tour is amazing to watch on youtube. Berlin Trilogy... Station to Station with The Thin White Duke. 

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I feel so sad watching the Diamond Dogs tour clips because he was SO dead looking


but at the same time it's almost like another persona and the whole aesthetic works really well




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I feel so sad watching the Diamond Dogs tour clips because he was SO dead looking


but at the same time it's almost like another persona and the whole aesthetic works really well



He weighed under 100lbs and was surviving off of milk, cayenne red pepper, and cocaine during that era.

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reviving this thread because I heard Life On Mars? the other day and remembered what a legend Bowie is. I'm currently bringing his discography.


yesssssssss! i stan for bowie as hard (or harder) than lana. i've been listening to 'low' a lot lately-- 'sound and vision' especially has been running thru my brain all week


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I'm excited for the new box set. Other than the original records if you can find them all of the available remasters of his albums suck. Hopefully these ones are good!

karma drawn up in lines / baby it's a freebie you sure look deprived

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I have arrived.


My dad played to me the cassette of Hunky Dory two weeks before Bowie died, and I was amazed. I was so sad when he did pass away :(

I have been working my way through his discography, and each time I have been enchanted. His music is just so captivating and also personal, I feel like I'm in space when I listen to it. :)

Also I saw this the other day, two rare Bowie albums are being unearthed for Record Store Day. http://www.davidbowie.com/news/two-special-bowie-releases-rsd-anniversay-56851

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If I wanted to get into his discography, where would you all recommend I start?...


Like, which albums are the best to spark an interest from me, which songs do you think are his best, and so on.

The song Heroes was one of the first ones that really struck a chord in me.

As far as albums, you might want to try one of the Best Of or Greatest Hits type albums because those show a wide variety of his music but also show some of the more accessible songs.

In addition to those, the albums Hunky Dory and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust are pretty good entry points imo.

Enjoy :kiss2:

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Honestly and shamefully, my first real listen to Bowie with the intention of listening was after his death, once all the upscale tributes started circling around- gaga's especially stood out to me. Although I haven't gone into much depth into his albums I've loved every song that I've heard, fashion, space Oddity and rebel rebel being my number 1's- I think he rands out to me for the same reason that Lana does, versatility and originality

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If I wanted to get into his discography, where would you all recommend I start?...


Like, which albums are the best to spark an interest from me, which songs do you think are his best, and so on.

I think Hunky Dory and Scary Monsters are good starting points

karma drawn up in lines / baby it's a freebie you sure look deprived

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The song Heroes was one of the first ones that really struck a chord in me.

As far as albums, you might want to try one of the Best Of or Greatest Hits type albums because those show a wide variety of his music but also show some of the more accessible songs.

In addition to those, the albums Hunky Dory and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust are pretty good entry points imo.

Enjoy :kiss2:



I think Hunky Dory and Scary Monsters are good starting points

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll have to check these out when I get time! ;)

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Random--but I went to a fine arts magnet school in HS and our mascot, Starboy, as based off of Starman. Bowie has a weird place in my heart, especially after Lana n Gaga paid some very genuine dues to his legacy. Honestly I should listen to his whole discography, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.

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