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Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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it's now called "soft launch", and she ditched the cowboy theme for missile imagery and anti-war commentary. songs are lyrically similar to "change", but instead of piano there's guitar with some pedal steel and harmonica here and there 

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lana when she hexed trump:

5 hours ago, venice biotch said:

@Maria Del Cielo i didnt give up

I didnt have a dired mint leaf but i had flowers and a garden. i made it into a little package, what to do with it? burn it or throw into the forest or put it under my pillow?

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ingredients can b found online.. in the lanaboards.com lasso thread



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12 minutes ago, nectarofthegodss said:

Why is someone on twitter saying that she's doing a collab album with Quavo instead of Lasso now....

Like I can't deal with this much information, I don't even know what the truth is anymore :crying5:


I mean seriously

That would be too much

I love Lana and every genre she does

But I don't want to hear Qu4v0 in every song of the album... I want Lasso:crying5:

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Can we ALL pray/ manifest/ whatever for something good? I lit made a spell jar for this and we deserve this. Maybe if we pray hard enough lana will drop something good (no more qu*vo.) #prayforrey

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