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The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)

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1 hour ago, Cherry Blossom said:

Idk if I’m just an awful music listener but I am not so particular that mixing, clarity and mastering can make or break a project for me :eyes: 



Same here. Most people will do a decent job at it. The only time where it clearly bugged me was with BB because I genuinely felt like there were a lot of first takes, a lot of bad vocals, a lot of haphazard mixing, and just lower quality overall. I wasn't surprised when people pointed out that some of the songs were actual YouTube rips.


Which is another reason why I don't feel like Sisk deserves the hate. Not with BB around which she didn't even come near.


Also, nothing Sisk has ever done comes close to the awful and cheap vocal reverb on Florida Kilos, and as I mentioned, Bartender's reverb and Tomorrow Never Came's. Those songs were ruined for me, especially when you know how good Lana's vocals can be reverb-free.

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17 minutes ago, Nectar Of The Puss said:

I think that ‘back to the basics’ song will be like the trio interlude but fades into another song that carries the same base (please be true)


I'd love it for it to be the opening song.For me, it would be her strongest opener since NFR and White Dress, and her first upbeat opener since Love.


But I don't think this would happen because it would give the illusion of the album being more bopp-y. If Henry is the first single, get ready for Grants II or Textbook II as the opening song. 


In fact, I don't think Fenway will be on the record at all, and neither will Tough. I'm kinda bracing myself for Chemtrails 2.0.

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33 minutes ago, Nectar Of The Puss said:

I think that ‘back to the basics’ song will be like the trio interlude but fades into another song that carries the same base (please be true)

Is back to the basics song the mirror song? Or is that something else?

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3 minutes ago, Distantly said:

Is back to the basics song the mirror song? Or is that something else?


Yes. She says "Back to the start, back to the basics" at the start. Which is another reason why it would be a fantastic album opener.


But it really does sound more like a LFL 2 opener, rather than a TRPWS opener.

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probably a super unpopular opinion but i'd be okay with not getting any TRPWS tracks for a little while! don't get me wrong, i'd love a surprise one-off single (or even, like, a standalone 3-song EP or something) for christmas or even new years, but in terms of TRPWS, i'd love for the album cycle to have momentum. NFR, as an album cycle, totally dragged w/ all the super early single drops (MAC dropping in september 2018 and NFR dropping in august 2019 is still so crazy :rip:)  and the overload of snippets. if the album really is coming in late may, i'd be fine not getting any of the album tracks till like... idk late feb/early march? or something?


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I thought about it alot and I think the missunderstoodment in the Vogue Italia interview was the upcoming album being southern gothic in the beginning and then turned into country. The album was probably leaning more towards country from the very beginning and we already saw country influences on a few songs on COCC and BB (e.g BUS, Wild At Heart, If You Lie Down With Me) and according to Lana "the album" was in process of being made during that time (last 4 years) .

I do think we get a few songs with a southern gothic flair, at least with what Lana understands as southern gothic, but obviously not a full southern gothic album even though she might have had an idea to turn into more Southern Gothic for a brief moment.

I also watched the video of her announcing "Lasso" back in January again and she while talking about Jack she mentions he can add a fiddle if you want or if you want a rock drum beat he can do it etc.

I gonna be delusional and take it as hint for the upcoming album:sass:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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Tbh I don't like the mixing in Drew Erickson songs, it took me three listens to understand what did she sing in If You Lie Down With Me. I find NFR to have a better mixing but I'm not worried about The Right Person because Henry seems to be very crystal clear


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1 minute ago, Embach said:

Tbh I don't like the mixing in Drew Erickson songs

was listening to fingertips the other day and u can legit hear when she starts recording and stops because there's a background noise for all of her vocals that cuts off after she sings every couple lines


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2 minutes ago, ivory almond said:

was listening to fingertips the other day and u can legit hear when she starts recording and stops because there's a background noise for all of her vocals that cuts off after she sings every couple lines

Fingertips vocals were voice memos from her phone tho


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2 hours ago, Nectar Of The Puss said:

I think that ‘back to the basics’ song will be like the trio interlude but fades into another song that carries the same base (please be true)

I think it's one of these songs from UV that were reworked into interludes for live concerts and she won't release it

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27 minutes ago, meIanchoIia said:

I think it's one of these songs from UV that were reworked into interludes for live concerts and she won't release it


100%. Either uv or lfl.


it just doesn't sound anything like her recent output. Like nothing at all. 2018 outtake at the latest.

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Crystal clear vocals mean nothing to me if they’re compressed so much they sound like a she’s singing through a tin can. That’s the whole reason I’ve always called it Norman Tin Can. Atleast the (uneven) reverb is noticeable in the rick songs. Too much atmosphere is better than the hot dry crackly excuse for an atmosphere we’ve been getting since Norman.

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23 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

I think I might be the only Lanabordian who doesn’t care about All About Ethel :bebe:

I love the snippet we have. The lyrics eat, I’m sure the rest of the song is just as interesting and I think Lana’s great when she’s a little mad as hell. 

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18 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Crystal clear vocals mean nothing to me if they’re compressed so much they sound like a she’s singing through a tin can. That’s the whole reason I’ve always called it Norman Tin Can. Atleast the (uneven) reverb is noticeable in the rick songs. Too much atmosphere is better than the hot dry crackly excuse for an atmosphere we’ve been getting since Norman.

I agree completely about NFR!. 

I think it's partly because Lana doesn't really have a powerhouse voice a la Whitney Houston, Linda Ronstadt, or Aretha Franklin. She's more in the Debbie Harry - Stevie  Nicks category (if you've ever seen either in concert, then you know they have very little actual vocal range)—she needs the studio to sound really good in the varied notes—look at Video Games--it has very few high notes and is fairly monotone throughout, which is part of its charm.  I sometimes find vocal straining charming, but I don't on Grandfather. 

Her various producers probably have to do a lot of studio dickering, and we know from the video she posted on Facebook during the making of Lust for Life how she was experimenting with singing with a piece of paper between herself and the mic (I believe it was on BPBP). Lord knows what other similar hacks she's used to enhance her vocals—I'm assuming singing with the paper between her and the mic was her idea, but who knows? It may have been Rick's. 


Though it's not one of my favorite of her songs, to me, vocally, Lana sounds best on Money, Power, Glory, especially in the refrain. That's my own personal standard or how I'd like to hear her vocals. Clear, immediate, crisp. 

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I'd prefer any vocal take from the last 4 albums than half the songs on Lust For Life ruined by numerous filters and her way of singing through paper. She sounds dreadful and bored on them, maybe she thought it was "atmospheric" at the time but quickly changed her mind. Definitely one of the reasons why she doesn't want to call Rick for 7 years now. 

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I'm going to be greedy: first single before Christmas:hooker: Second single on Vday with a music video:xgiggle:Third single + pre-order + music video in April around her Stagecoach performance:dancedy: She has given herself and the team 6+ months to plan a big rollout, let's put that Coachella coin to work, Lanita:hooker:


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