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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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I hope I don't start anything with this but I this is intended to be a complement to her:


Some people think she's an industry plant. I think she genuinely worked hard on her craft and music but did have backing from her dad and others, so not a plant. But I think if she was a plant, she proves that if industry plants had the talent for music and the ability to create a dedicated fanbase, they can break free of it and be a great artist on their own.


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On 9/7/2012 at 7:56 AM, Sitar said:

Post your unpopular opinions on Lana Del Rey here! I will of course start:



The No Kung Fu "Yayo" shits all over the album version.

i listened to the entirety of no kung fu purely because of this post and i can say that i 100% agree, the no kung fu version is SO much better like damn


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Honeymoon is Lana's best produced album and it's not even close. It's so rich in detail. People are not ready for this conversation but it's one of the world's best produced albums released in the 21st century.


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5 minutes ago, Embach said:

Honeymoon is Lana's best produced album and it's not even close. It's so rich in detail. People are not ready for this conversation but it's one of the world's best produced albums released in the 21st century.


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i know i'm exaggerating and i'm really tired as well so apologies if i sound too crazy but those 18 seconds beeping alien bubble noises at the beginning of art deco is perhaps the best scientific achievement of the 21st century, the best thing that happened to music because why the hell are they so addictive and mesmerizing to listen to.


the sound is like a hypnotizing weapon, a drug, it literally scoops you to another dimension, another universe. you literally forget everything what's around you - it's like you're forgetting you're existing on earth. i have listened to this part for like over fifty times this week and i have no idea how many times i have listened to it overall. i went crazy when i heard it for the first time years back.


it doesn't sound like music at all, it's so strange, it's so unearthly, but yet so beautiful and amazing, i have never listened to something like that in music before. 


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