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Baby V Alex

Ariana Grande

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Thank u, Next and Eternal Sunshine are her best albums for sure, even if the tracklist in TUN its a bit odd every song is great and its the first time we saw her personality shine through… 


as for DW, its her catchiest album and most of her BOPs are there but its not really her…


i dont hate 34+35 for being sexual, at all! I love Side to Side cause its catchy and u can BOP to it. 34+35 its just plain boring, uninspired, the lyrics are dumb as hell and it sounds like 99,9% of Positions (which is not a compliment).


Sweetner is good for the singles, the rest is kinda meh


for me her top right now are: 


1.    Eternal Sunshine

2.    Thank U Next 

3.    Dangerous Woman

4.    My Everything

5.    Sweetner

6.    Positions (i like the cover art and aesthetic tho)

7.    Boring debut album i havent heard in complete

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5 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

it sounds like 99,9% of Positions (which is not a compliment)



6 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

7.    Boring debut album i havent heard in complete

I also have not heard this album entirely. MID over the top positive doo wop boring tunes you can’t tell apart. This and My Everything are my least fav personally.


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