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Courtney Love appreciation thread

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Courtney is a Badsass babe.  :)   Love her music ! Got all of her albums too.

What she does with her private life, I dont care.


omg you're so edgy for not caring about your faves supporting pdfiles <3333

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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omg you're so edgy for not caring about your faves supporting pdfiles <3333


I do care about alot of things, but I am not aware of what you are saying.

I have not followed her career or life so much in these past couple of years. I will have to invetigate some more.


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I do care about alot of things, but I am not aware of what you are saying.

I have not followed her career or life so much in these past couple of years. I will have to invetigate some more.


I am saying your fave most likely helped pimp out little girls to rich white men. Her name is on the list. The list is legit. 

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Damn   :facepalm:   That is fucked up.  Hope she gets what is coming to her for acting that way. Maybe a few years in jail and public community service

might clear her brain from that never happening again.


Personally, I mostly listen to the music, but hardly follow these people private lives. If I was to do that, I would

have probably burned all the 4000+ vinyls I have on my shelves and hate all of these singers+bands.

This is a crazy planet. 

It also shocked me when Michael Jackson was convicted for being a pedo.

That is one of the worse crimes a person can do.


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I couldn't find the other thread (if there ever was one), but anyway...


I'm not sure if some of you are aware, but Anonymous leaked the ch*ld sex trafficking ring list in which a bunch of celebrities pimped out young girls to rich and powerful men, and Courtney's name was on the list. I just have to say that this doesn't actually surprise me. Courtney has made a Instagram posts in the past, painting Prince Andrew in a positive light. She displayed the narrative of "well he didn't do anything bad to me so these rumours must be bullshit". I immediately unfollowed her after that post.

Another thing, she knew about what Harvey Weinstein was doing all these years. She made jokey side comments about it in interviews before.


Boy, what a coward. It just amazes how people can become this way, when fame and money means more to them than the livelihood of young girls and women. I have no doubt her previous breakdowns were due to immense guilt from a culmination of these particular things. 


I don't know if anyone else will agree with me. This post I'm making isn't to start shit, I think lots of people know what Courtney is like. I've enjoyed her band's music for many years and was a fan of Courtney but I can't excuse her as the person she is. I was going to post a story on my IG about her, but realised a bunch of Hole/Nirvana stans follow me and didn't want to cause drama or whatever so that's why I'm doing it here.

That list is just a list of people whos phone numbers he had written in a book. It doesn't really prove anything and doesn't mean those people knew anything. Quite unfair to label people like this just because they knew someone, some of them might even only have met him a couple of times or things like that.


Until allegations are made of her or some of the others being involved then it's best not to act like they were.


Andrew and Epstein people have made allegations against and that woman who was always with Epstein people have claimed got the girls for him, most other people in their nobody has claimed anything against.


The Weinstein thing as well should be seen as a positive, theres no doubt 100s or maybe even 1000s of people knew about him. She was one of the only people to ever say something publicly and she made it very clear as she said something like "If Harvey Weinstein invites you to his hotel suite don't go". Can't get a clearer warnng than that.

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