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  On 2/27/2013 at 6:33 PM, Bird Condo King said:

I think they only have the Are We Having Fun Yet? mix-tape from SoundCloud.




  On 2/27/2013 at 12:44 PM, omgitsandrew said:

Can anyone tell me their discography?










Hearts Japan

Are We Having Fun Yet?


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  On 2/27/2013 at 6:54 PM, Crystal Castles said:













Hearts Japan

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Nooooo where are the other EP's?


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'crystal castles have a new album out called heartsrevolution' wtf srsly


how is this 

anything like this 


different genres, different messages, different everything


the only thing they have in common is that there's a female vocalist and a male producer 


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guys i need some help, i'm trying to do the lyrics for the 'are we having fun yet' mixtape


this is my terrible attempt at let freedom ring, please help me omg 



what you want, tell me what you need

won't you practice what you preach

it's not my imagination,

we live in an image nation


what you breath for

what you pray for

freedom means....


what you live for

what you live for

freedom means...


la la la


i don't give a fuck if i'm out

of town, you're out of luck

and i'm over you


safety, security

safety and security


no one wants to be a millionaire,

i'll give you a million reasons why you

shouldn't care


more money, more problems,

more money, more solvent


are you there god? it's me lo,

and i want to know, no i've got

to know, is anybody listening?

i dream of heaven, i live on earth

but i feel like i'm in fucking hell for

what it's worth


and i'm finding it hard to eat, sleep, breath,

think and work,

but there's an app for that


and i'm finding it harder to cry, try love, live and


but there's a pill for that


there's an app, there's a pill, there's a motherfucking will

an app, a pill, motherfucking will

app, pill, motherfucking will


but i forgot i've gotta think for myself

and....for myself


la la la 


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kill joy:


time gets wasted every day

i watch the minutes tick away

my brain is melting like a 

chocolate ice cream bar

the characters on my tv

these people look like maggots

to me

and i wonder what the hell is

wrong with me


milk-fed little beauty queen,

she's straight out of a magazine

she sits beside me, breathing

different air than me

the perfect generation sees

that i'm infected with disease

and everything just crumbles

and there's nothing left 


and if i wanna do something right

i gotta do it myself or someone else

will fuck it up

it isn't black and white

and now it's time to stop and figure out reality

no one knows what they're talking about

and what they're talking don't make

any sense to me

i've got to figure it out

'cause i don't want something to believe in

don't want something to believe in

i don't want something to believe in

i just want something to believe in


my brain hurts, my brain hurts today

my brain hurts, my brain hurts today

my brain hurts, my brain hurts today

my brain hurts, my brain hurts today 


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dear god, won't you take me

back to nature

concrete jungle got me wrecked

now i need a saviour


not another new york city winter!

sitting on my shit so long my pussy got a splinter

put me in coach, put me in 


dear god, i need some help

how can you save everyone

i can't save myself

save your own damn self motherfucker


stars and stripes are the sign of the defeat

how can that bring anybody any kinda peace

uh-oh, uh-oh, we're in real big trouble


obama, osama, bin laden, been hidin

shot dead in the head and the whole world's


guess he was a friend, guess he was an ally,

gonna get the soviets now he is the bad guy

wait who's the bad guy


goddamn, not another electro bitch

talking out her chin-chang, rubbing

on her fucking tits

track down, shot down, ground zero,

gonna catch the bad guys, wanna be

the hero


can you hear me

can you hear me now

can you hear me now now

i think we have a bad connection

can you hear me

can you hear me now now

i'm gonna go outside for a minute

can you hear me now now

can you hear me 


big bang, big big bang


not that different, different strokes, different folks



goddamn, security breach,

when will we practice what we preach

soon i'll realise all of my fears,

the world will be filled with britney spears

it's britney bitch, and i'm not that innocent

more money, more problems,

more money, more solvent


not too fast, not too slow,

two steps and you're....


i got no fear and i live for danger


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i could barely understand anything 


white magic:


the odd odd future, i see the future's odd

the latest (...) talk about raping broads

you tyler the creator and you can kiss my ass

and when you .... buy yourself some class

..... and twitter me your dick, and don't forget

to list the things that i can do with it


yo bitch i'ma fuckin.... i'ma fuck you in your ear,

i'ma fuck you in the ass and i'll fucking rape your mouth


say what? 


i'm sick and tired, sick as can be

of controversy for the sake of controversy 

i'm sick and tired, sick as can be

i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired

things are always changing, not always for the better

fuck you and your boys ... you think you're so damn clever

hey man i knew you were kidding, .... i rip your shit like a bengal


animal instincts, i know you're a liar

liar, liar, pants on fire, hanging from the interweb ...


you got the .... kids....tragic

if you wanna .... go ahead, fantastic

but don't let me catching you using words like faggot

or i'm gonna have to break out my white magic

white magic, white magic, white magic, white magic


give me the opportunities to let you love me

'cause i'm a hustler and a jane(?)

close your eyes and count to 3,

open them wide and tell me what you see

go on tell me what you see


i'm from the .... i'm sorry tough, tough tough shit

you're not that one

you'll never be that one


hello hello is anybody there

hello hello does anybody care

hello hello is anybody there

hello hello does anybody care



you got the .... kids....tragic

if you wanna .... go ahead, fantastic

but don't let me catching you using words like 

or i'm gonna have to break out my white magic

white magic, white magic, white magic, white magic



you got the .... kids....tragic

if you wanna .... go ahead, fantastic

but don't let me catching you using words like 

or i'm gonna have to break out my white magic

white magic, white magic, white magic, white magic


this little light of mine i'm gonna

let it shine

let it shine

is this fun

are we having fun yet


are we having fun yet

are we having fun yet


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god i don't even know the first line of this




......i bet you won't be happy till i'm back on my knees

you've got a real bad, bad attitude, i've got a 

bad case of loving you


i'm sick and tired, sick as can be

of controversy for the sake of controversy

i'm sick and tired, sick can't you see

i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired 


fell in and out in NYC, i got nothing

but my heart and a pocket full of dreams

and a couple of lucky charms



used to sell drugs, sell drugs to the kids

'cause i didn't know better

oh yes you did

no i didn't know better

oh yes you did

no i didn't know better

i might've known better


....by now you're gonna ... in the latest attraction

have a nice flight, have a nice life

used to be high, high on life

and you can take your fucking .... fly it like a kite

you've got a real bad, bad attitude

i've got a real bad case of loving you


...but please make no mistakes, i'm in it to win it

and in the process i might as well change things

'cause there's no fucking point in blaming


don't talk shit in my pink ice cream truck,

you can drive a range rover, i don't give a fuck

hey little kids, you should take a warning

there's this little thing, they call it global warming


you can find me somewhere over the rainbow



somewhere over the rainbow, the stars are blue

and the dreams you dare to dream, they really do come true


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sooner or later, i'm gonna get you

sooner or later, i'm gonna let you down (down, down, down...)


i need you babe

i need you, i need you

i need you babe

i need you, i need you

i need you babe

i need you, i need you

i need you babe


i need you, i need you,

i need you, i need you

i need you, i need you

i need you, i need you,

i need you, i need you,

i need you, i need you


say it, say it, say it like you mean it

just one time, just one time

just say it, say it, say it, say it like you

mean it one time

say it, say it, say it like you mean it one time


hello, hello is anybody listening

hello, hello is anybody there

hello, hello is anybody listening

hello, hello does anybody care


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  On 3/24/2013 at 9:19 PM, Crystal Castles said:

OMG YES. did you see my creepy little face there? haha. 

Yes I did :creep:

I literally want to buy everything from their shop, I wish they had more stuff in stock because it's all pretty cheap.



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