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Charli XCX

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I just feel like, for some reason, sooner or later Queen Charles is going to release everything... obviously there have been limitations set by the label. But she knows what her fans want. Like, she knows... It's why she always plays these little PC music bangers at small shows...


Maybe she goes independent and just drops stuff constantly, all within her full control, or maybe Vroom Vroom Records will be utilized further in the future like she told that fan recently... and if it's truly a matter of her just moving on from certain ideas, she maybe shouldn't doubt herself or her creations so much, because obviously a lot of fans appreciate her work.


Idk, all of this fan outcry ultimately stems from simply enjoying the music she's created, and yes, it's frustrating... Yes, some fans cross the line and take it too far maybe, but people just want to hear her music and support her at the end of the day, and Atlantic has really made that difficult because you can't purchase or stream what physically isn't put to market. It's relatively inexpensive to upload a few tracks to digital music store like iTunes, or streaming sites... with an artist like Charli, they'd make that money back in a matter of minutes.


The question is how much the costs of having *X* producer(s) onboard/general production and studio time plays into everything but ehh, a few hundred thousand streams later and a few thousand digital purchases on iTunes? Man... you're profiting. You're not even pressing or shipping CD's anymore, this day and age... But instead, these labels are like, dumping millions into pushing the top trending artists... over-the-top video production and effects... Idk it's ridiculous. I just don't see how physically releasing a few songs on the regular is such a huge problem.


Charli could be a money making machine with her hooks and how quickly she works... and that's the TEA... lol

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i mean people said she was probably dealing with some mental health issues during the time she made the majority of the leaked and exchange tracks. the songs are obviously fun and pop ish but take the lyrics into consideration, they're SO sad


can you give lyric examples?

obviously, but at the time when EVERY song she was putting out shared a very similar meaning.......... sis maybe she went thru something idk

honestly the only sad lyrics I can think of are breakup lyrics, nothing too "life threatening" or depressive (die 4 is sad but it's not depression sad)

"ive caught youre bug, the sweetest drug"


bug? that sounds like she's singing about chlamydia omg it's "I can't give up"

btw can you please check your messages? I sent you some messages back in february about the snippets charli posted on her instagram story and i forgot about them 


no, that title goes to no angel, idk why you twinks hype it up so much

ok i really don't get the twink/bottom complex, we're all a bunch of gays







that's only been said by u over and over and NOBODY agrees. that's all u can say can u some up with something else? can u come up with something else



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lol the stans of every popstar do this and act a mess 

and it's partially charli's fault for dangling carrots like taxi in front of them and never releasing them 

Just because the stans of every popstar do this doesn't make it any less disgusting. I don't keep up with anyone else's twitter so I can't speak on how often it happens to other popstars but it's just sad to me, because Charli's trying to interact with her fans, and they treat her so horribly. All they seem to care about is the music, and not her as a person. A total disregard for her feelings.


I guess it's partially Charli's fault but we literally have NO idea what goes on behind the scenes. She tried to tell us XCX3 "wasn't delayed" after complaining for like 2 months straight about label issues and delays. It's clear there's something else going on. A lot of you don't realize how little we actually know about Charli's situation or how labels work. All I know is that there's virtually no way an artist on a major record label (or any label for that matter) would be able to release music on their own accord. 

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