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Mate she doesn't torture animals she killed it and ate it for her religion. Not turning this into an Azealia thread but I'd so research into her before reading all the articles bashing her, she's actually often right in what she says if you genuinely go into a debate with no bias


Ok but facts/ your mind!


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can you give lyric examples?

honestly the only sad lyrics I can think of are breakup lyrics, nothing too "life threatening" or depressive (die 4 is sad but it's not depression sad)

not LIFE THREATENING but sad enough to show that she went thru a hard breakup


"boy you're in over your head, don't you know you'll be better off without me. you're gonna wish you were dead"

"i'm no angel, but i can learn, promise i'll try"

"don't leave me now, i promise i'll change, i'll do anything, don't throw me away" HEARTBREAKING


idk if i just interpret things in a very sad way but these all lyrics all seem so remorseful. her mind

Ok but facts/ your mind!

what's her religion? i know in judaism it's like an ancient tradition to sacrifice animals as well

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Ok I know I'm not just going crazy. There's a certain quality to Charli's vocals in this pop 2 era (also present in the bitches remix) that's really unpleasant on the ears. It's like a harsh, thin, piercing, one dimensional sound. Does anyone else hear it this way? 

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Ok I know I'm not just going crazy. There's a certain quality to Charli's vocals in this pop 2 era (also present in the bitches remix) that's really unpleasant on the ears. It's like a harsh, thin, piercing, one dimensional sound. Does anyone else hear it this way? 



i feel you and know what you mean but for me its very present on 5ITM 

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i feel you and know what you mean but for me its very present on 5ITM 

it's because she hasn't had vocal training in a while. she became very self conscious about her voice after the whole XCX3 incident and stopped training / doing vocal warmups which has damaged her vocal chords. she relies on autotune now but her natural voice is very amazing. it's just that she stopped trying

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i feel you and know what you mean but for me its very present on 5ITM 

yes that's what led to that thought!

it's because she hasn't had vocal training in a while. she became very self conscious about her voice after the whole XCX3 incident and stopped training / doing vocal warmups which has damaged her vocal chords. she relies on autotune now but her natural voice is very amazing. it's just that she stopped trying

no it's the vocal processing why are you trying to state facts

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Ok I know I'm not just going crazy. There's a certain quality to Charli's vocals in this pop 2 era (also present in the bitches remix) that's really unpleasant on the ears. It's like a harsh, thin, piercing, one dimensional sound. Does anyone else hear it this way? 

singing really nasally gives an autotuned voice a synthesizer-like buzziness. that kinda nasal tone is also super common in modern hip-hop. you can her do it really clearly in the first verse of backseat and the don't delete the kisses remix. it's quite the change from her chesty belting in the sucker era

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Except for bounce (lol), Charlis vocals were way better on the original xcx3 leaks and those tracks weren’t even fully mastered/ completed I don’t think


And thank god I thought I was the only one who thought she sounded bad on bitches (everyone except tove sounded bad tho)

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her "brand" of super robotic autotune (that basically everyone uses now btw) comes from the plugin having to correct the pitch really fast from a pretty large distance from the actual note that's trying to be sung, which means in order to achieve the effect to its fullest, the singer has to actually sing out of tune to make it do that kind of intense correction. if charli's not kidding about recording w/ that level of autotune for years now, she's probably gotten really used to singing in such a way that makes the autotune work. when you record w/ autotune and you hear it really working, there's a good chance that your raw recording is honestly embarrassingly out of tune, so it doesn't really translate to singing live  :ohno:

singing really nasally gives an autotuned voice a synthesizer-like buzziness. you can hear it really clearly in the first verse of backseat and the don't delete the kisses remix. it's quite the change from her chesty belting in the sucker era

wow ok you seem to know what you're talking about! I've mentioned that part of backseat (the "so I can FIGURE IT OUT/so I can TURN it up" part) as one of the ugliest moments of the mixtape, so it makes a lot of sense that it's the same problem.


about the singing off tune part, is that actually true? I thought it was something about the retune speed that accounts for the "hard switch" between notes...

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wow ok you seem to know what you're talking about! I've mentioned that part of backseat (the "so I can FIGURE IT OUT/so I can TURN it up" part) as one of the ugliest moments of the mixtape, so it makes a lot of sense that it's the same problem.


about the singing off tune part, is that actually true? I thought it was something about the retune speed that accounts for the "hard switch" between notes...

Like I enjoyed the autotune on Pop2 and liked the concept of the mixtape but I’m ready for her to leave it behind

Somebody tell these annoying fag**ts to stop complaining and get over it.

Without the ability to complain are we still fags????

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Except for bounce (lol), Charlis vocals were way better on the original xcx3 leaks and those tracks weren’t even fully mastered/ completed I don’t think


And thank god I thought I was the only one who thought she sounded bad on bitches (everyone except tove sounded bad tho)

it's because she hasn't had vocal training in a while. she became very self conscious about her voice after the whole XCX3 incident and stopped training / doing vocal warmups which has damaged her vocal chords. she relies on autotune now but her natural voice is very amazing. it's just that she stopped trying

@@BloomForYou I'm not sure where you got the "she stopped training/doing vocal warmups" bit from, because I've literally never heard of her doing any vocal warmups (I faintly remember her doing a "da da da da" scale but idk I might be imagining things) but ANYWAYS I have an idea that might be relevant to you guys


I was watching a vocals video on youtube a few weeks ago and there was a part that said the singer was lowering their larynx to make their voice more stable (aka actually be able to hold the note) because their voice was damaged. Lowering your larynx gives the voice a husky tone, sort of like a yawn but not as extreme. I've noticed that charli's been doing that a little more nowadays. Not sure if it's a stylistic choice but I thought that was worth mentioning. 


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wow ok you seem to know what you're talking about! I've mentioned that part of backseat (the "so I can FIGURE IT OUT/so I can TURN it up" part) as one of the ugliest moments of the mixtape, so it makes a lot of sense that it's the same problem.


about the singing off tune part, is that actually true? I thought it was something about the retune speed that accounts for the "hard switch" between notes...

sorry sister but that part of backseat is amazing

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