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In honour of the 2 year anniversary of charli headlining LA gay pride can someone leak round & round


I’ve watched that performance like 200 times and basically am that twink who screams “OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SOOOONG”

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@@champagnecigarettes do u mean like in 5itm and focus where the note is low/deep so i can't even sing along to it?

I'm not sure what phrases you're talking about so I can't say :/ maybe it's just out of your range/you're singing it in a lower octave and don't have the range for that?

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In honour of the 2 year anniversary of charli headlining LA gay pride can someone leak round & round


I’ve watched that performance like 200 times and basically am that twink who screams “OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SOOOONG”

"THIS ISN'T EVEN OUT YET!!" I usually can't stand crowd screamers but he made me smile when I first heard that 

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Demanding =/= Complaining

sis i know you're a backseat stan but you really didn't have to throw a hissy fit. Do you have the snippets charli teased on her IG story earlier this year?


people who dont love autotune also say they love track 10

can't relate I'd rather have Blame It On Ur Luv

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wow ok you seem to know what you're talking about! I've mentioned that part of backseat (the "so I can FIGURE IT OUT/so I can TURN it up" part) as one of the ugliest moments of the mixtape, so it makes a lot of sense that it's the same problem.


about the singing off tune part, is that actually true? I thought it was something about the retune speed that accounts for the "hard switch" between notes...

yeah that's another part of it, there's no lenience for vibrato or being slightly over or under the note, it's immediately correcting to a defined frequency that whatever note is being told to be sung from wherever it is before. makes for jarring and unnatural movement

also AG really likes to distort super-autotuned vocals when he produces, like in his song superstar or "make believe" by hannah diamond, so that may also be contributing to the jaggedness and unpleasant sound

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In relevant news, she shot the 5ITM video today,


so then what was that she shot a few weeks ago with the little model house that said Charli's House Party??

omfg that actually looks pretty legendary. imagine if she had her hair from the vroom vroom video with that outfit instead of the dora do

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yeah that's another part of it, there's no lenience for vibrato or being slightly over or under the note, it's immediately correcting to a defined frequency that whatever note is being told to be sung from wherever it is before. makes for jarring and unnatural movement

also AG really likes to distort super-autotuned vocals when he produces, like in his song superstar or "make believe" by hannah diamond, so that may also be contributing to the jaggedness and unpleasant sound

yeah that all makes more sense than "the effect comes from being wayyy out of tune and that's why charli sucks live". Charli still has to be close to the note for autotune to register it, right? On her don't delete the kisses cover, there were still notes that were off pitch even though they were autotuned. Is it possible to sort of "iron out" vocals and make the tone really smooth? The studio vocals on Focus sound really great and I want to believe that it was because she finessed them but I don't know much about vocal processing. How was the whistling at the end of lucky pulled off?

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