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Lana has arrived-In NY Times Sunday Crossword puzzle Clue 38down

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......"pop singer"...????


Although her music genre isn't pop, she is a pop artist because she has gained the success of her pop contemporaries. Just like Björk is pure electronic/experimental but she is considered a pop icon 'cause she was extremely big in the 90s and made a huge impact in female pop musicians. I would say Lana is a "major alternative act", but "pop singer" sounds/fits better and, for some people, bigger.


I think Marina and the Diamonds is a pop singer because her music is mainly pop (she even made an album following a pop music trend) but people consider her an alternative/indie act because she isn't successful. Marina even says she is some kind of anti-pop artist and she is ashamed of Electra Heart but, come on, her songs are fun, colorful and accessible

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@@PARADIXO- what do you mean "she isn't successful"? Four top 10 lps/cds/albums/whatever including 1 #1 and 1#2 is ultra-successful.

In the older days perhaps it would have been Album Oriented Rock (meaning significant acts like Dylan and the Dead and Pink Flloyd that for the most part, except for one offs, don't bother with singles, and just release albums -great everlasting albums that people listen to the whole album time and time again


Why do so many here want Lana to be less than she already is and just be a clone of the ones who have mindless single after single, each more forgettable than the first?

If the Top 10 hits come for Lana it will be like Summertime a surprise, but she is not going for top 10 single airplay, though if I ran the radio stations, I would go against type and play her.

If this were 1969, she already would have had 10 number one singles in a row (or top 10, ala Petula Clark or Mama Cass, solo and group)


50 years from now, music lovers won't be able to name one Mariah Carey song (except maybe the Christmas one she basically stole from Vince Vance & the Valients) yet people will

remember Born to Die and Ultraviolence (and the news ones yet to be heard)


Quick, what do people remember the Beatles for, first and foremost? They think of Sgt. Pepper's.

What do people instantly think of Beach boys first and foremost? They think of Pet Sounds and Smile.

Pink Floyd? Dark Side of the moon, 40 years and it's still on the LP/CD/Album chart (3 years later, Born to Die is still on the Top 200 alongside Darkside)


Album Orient Rock, Lana would be playing on the legendary WNEW-FM were it still around today

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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"in the olden days" yes...well...this isn't then. success today can't be measured by the same standards of the past. I don't think Lana is as iconic as you're making her out to be; Born to Die (in particular Video Games) will likely be remembered in 20 years time, but I very much doubt UV will be held in public consciousness for that long, considering what little exposure it had. i completely disagree with your comments about contemporary artists, artists like Mariah Carey are much more likely to be remembered in 50 years time than you think (and this is coming from someone who hates MC).


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@@PARADIXO- what do you mean "she isn't successful"? Four top 10 lps/cds/albums/whatever including 1 #1 and 1#2 is ultra-successful.

In the older days perhaps it would have been Album Oriented Rock (meaning significant acts like Dylan and the Dead and Pink Flloyd that for the most part, except for one offs, don't bother with singles, and just release albums -great everlasting albums that people listen to the whole album time and time again


ehh what? I said Marina wasn't successful.

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@heartcore- Mariah had 19 number one songs, none of which stand out as being a Mariah Carey song,. They all were interchangeable and Whitney or Celine could have sang them. Nobody was copying Mariah as she was a copy of

many others.
Lana has already had one person after another copying her, her style, her videos (Taylor recently did), and everyone wants to be here.


The difference is the Rock Hall of Fame is for unique one of a generation types (though the Hall is Male biased both in who picks the members and the members it picks, but Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed and dozens of others never had

one #1 single after another yet are loved by the hall.

Singles oriented groups like The Monkeys or Chicago or even groups like Moody Blues never get into the Hall. Carole King if not mistaken only entered the Hall in tandem with Geffen as Songwriters, not solo performers.

I doubt Celine Dion will ever make the hall unless the record company really pushed it and Mariah is not a shoo-in either.(see next paragraph-)


And the truest difference between Lana and Mariah? Mariah ACTUALLY "F'd her way to the top", being the girlfriend later married for awhile, to the head of Sony records at the time of her signing (and her popularity for the most part ended on their breakup),

while Lana wrote the song as a no, she didn't actually reach the top by doing that and it was written as a retort to the haters who said that.


Lana should though release a real Christmas song, perhaps a duet with Leonard Cohen (or Gaga) so that she can be heard at Christmas time when all the stations go 24 hours of Christmas for the Season.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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@heartcore- Mariah had 19 number one songs, none of which stand out as being a Mariah Carey song,. They all were interchangeable and Whitney or Celine could have sang them. Nobody was copying Mariah as she was a copy of

many others.

Lana has already had one person after another copying her, her style, her videos (Taylor recently did), and everyone wants to be here.

everyone is a copy of someone else before, nobody is unique.

mmmm not really, i would say that Taylor is inspired by her, but nobody (imo) has really copied her style or tries to "be her"

The difference is the Rock Hall of Fame is for unique one of a generation types (though the Hall is Male biased both in who picks the members and the members it picks, but Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed and dozens of others never had

one #1 single after another yet are loved by the hall.

Singles oriented groups like The Monkeys or Chicago or even groups like Moody Blues never get into the Hall. Carole King if not mistaken only entered the Hall in tandem with Geffen as Songwriters, not solo performers.

I doubt Celine Dion will ever make the hall unless the record company really pushed it and Mariah is not a shoo-in either.(see next paragraph-)


And the truest difference between Lana and Mariah? Mariah ACTUALLY "F'd her way to the top", being the girlfriend later married for awhile, to the head of Sony records at the time of her signing (and her popularity for the most part ended on their breakup),

while Lana wrote the song as a no, she didn't actually reach the top by doing that and it was written as a retort to the haters who said that.


Lana should though release a real Christmas song, perhaps a duet with Leonard Cohen (or Gaga) so that she can be heard at Christmas time when all the stations go 24 hours of Christmas for the Season.

this is all pretty much speculation and doesn't really prove anything


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Although her music genre isn't pop, she is a pop artist because she has gained the success of her pop contemporaries. Just like Björk is pure electronic/experimental but she is considered a pop icon 'cause she was extremely big in the 90s and made a huge impact in female pop musicians. I would say Lana is a "major alternative act", but "pop singer" sounds/fits better and, for some people, bigger.


I think Marina and the Diamonds is a pop singer because her music is mainly pop (she even made an album following a pop music trend) but people consider her an alternative/indie act because she isn't successful. Marina even says she is some kind of anti-pop artist and she is ashamed of Electra Heart but, come on, her songs are fun, colorful and accessible

Ashamed of electra heart??  :facepalm:  It's her best album  

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Ashamed of electra heart??  :facepalm:  It's her best album  


She kinda said that in some interviews.

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Lana should though release a real Christmas song, perhaps a duet with Leonard Cohen (or Gaga) so that she can be heard at Christmas time when all the stations go 24 hours of Christmas for the Season.


that was so random :deadbanana:


A Lana + Leonard duet tho :oprah:

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David Bowie who is comparatable  to Lana was a person of many phases and stages.

Bowie was always played on WNEW-FM when they were free choice anything goes, almost no singles played, just album artists


I liken Lana to the WNEW core artists that were somewhat like the toys on the island of Misfit toys

Top 40 didn't play much of them, but they had status and acclaim and are still the basis of the format today

artists like

The stones

The Doors

The Who

Zeppelin and the groups that followed imitating them (though zep was imitating others themselves)

Lou Reed

Leonard Cohen (the 1960s Suzanne and others)

Tom Waits

Buddy Holly

The Animals (Eric Burdon, lead singer, who had the 2nd hit with "Don't let me be misunderstood" that supposedly Lana is putting on Honeymoon.

John Lennon- but not necessarily the singles, same with the Beatles (remember, Sgt. Peppers never had a single released)
Elton John from day one(1969, before the hits, during the hits, after the hits, but not necessarily playing the commercial hits)


Clash, Sex Pistols, Ramones

Blondie before they were commercial

Pete Seeger

Harry Chapin (who like Lana was unique, and who had one surprise #1, but was never considered a singles artist as his songs were way too long for Top 40)

Judy Collins

Richie Havens, Donovan, Jeff Beck, Cream(Clapton)

(anyone who played Woodstock or the other 60's,70's fests, where Lana would have fit right in)


So I put Lana in that category  

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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:teehee: wow, reminds me of all the bands I loved from the beginning.. they are the best and everyone copies them, and bla bla..

holy F**** people pump your brakes and chill!!!


Lana has songs that suck .. and she has songs that are amazing.. just like ALL others bands and artists ever to have existed.

I like so many different artists. I never think of it as one sounds like another.. or stole from another.. seriously??

there are only a few chords..think everyone is copying each other.???.. :usrs: I just take the stuff I like from each artist and enjoy it.



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