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24 is an interesting case. Does the song have cringeworthy lyrics because she put little effort in them (although if it were freestyled like PWYC, I'd be impressed, tbh), or did she just intend to make a lot of people cringe over it, perhaps as a satiric response to all that Bond song speculation about her in the media? It's pretty clear she didn't intend to go all Gustave Flaubert on us; however, I find it a decent warm up for Swan Song and quite amazingly sung. Finally, I wonder if the "bad guy" in this "bad guy song" is related to the male in Swan Song, and whether their both the same bad guy as in title track. This would be one interpretation of her first Honeymoon instagram, where she introduces the Honeymoon track:

"Here it is, the first and title track off my record – Honeymoon. In some ways I feel it's where the record begins and ends..."

(I don't really count DLMBM as the end, more an encore).

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Are we sure the line is "If you lie down with dogs then you'll get flees" and not fleats? Like basically she's calling him a dog? And if he lies down w dogs, they'll follow him?

giphy.gif  Me going to pick up my wish package

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I bet my hands and my dick that this was given to the James Bond's SPECTRE producing team as a theme but they rejected it.


The intro, chords and last 30 seconds just denounce james bond theme song.

why would they reject it though? who in their right mind would reject 24... unless extreme mental illness



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Are we sure the line is "If you lie down with dogs then you'll get flees" and not fleats? Like basically she's calling him a dog? And if he lies down w dogs, they'll follow him?

It’s neither! It’s “fleas”


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On 2/24/2020 at 7:12 PM, expandableclitoris said:

I bet my hands and my dick that this was given to the James Bond's SPECTRE producing team as a theme but they rejected it.


The intro, chords and last 30 seconds just denounce james bond theme song.

4 years later, we finally have the confirmation. This song was indeed submitted by Lana for the Bond theme.

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On 24/02/2020 at 19:40, Terrence Loves Me said:

But why would they reject it? Who in their right mind would reject the 24th... unless they have extreme mental illness?

we would certainly be surprised by the number of rejections  or demotions she had to endure (not to mention the y&b oscar scandal)

the last known one is Mrs. Copolla, also remember that they didn't want to put Cherry in  'It Ends With Us'.

Lana and the movie industry never had a honeymoon

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