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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Not y'all actually being bothered by something that Fatano guy has to say about the album of the year that is Lust For Life. Stop reinforcing this false idea he's created that tells him people actually value his biased and unprestigious opinion. :makeup:


He's not that much in his head to give himself a god complex for critiquing and reviewing music. I feel like people w/ this opinion have really only watched their favorite's album get a semi-decent to poor review and not agree with him on any basis for it.


Regardless people talk about reviews and critics because they can give more reputation an artist deserves. I know many people on here are fine with critics because of the good reviews for LfL but hated them and wanted them to die when UV or BtD would get shredded by whichever journalist wanted to cover it


This kind of counter-culture comment comes up every time Fantano or another "controversial" music critic comes up in discussion, it's insanely tired and repetitious imho.

the fact you can make a living being a critic is kinda fucking lame and pretentious in my opinion


the fact you can make a living being an abstract artist is kinda fucking lame and pretentious in my opinion




it's just ya opinion so I'm not gonna fight over it- just wanted to throw some playful banter


e: also I don't think it's necessarily the critiquing career in itself providing a living- but the medium and audience they're given. A critic on a blog won't make a living but one on a successful YT channel or one that works for Billboard will.


also personality, diction, and bias are big make or breaks for journalists. 

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He's not that much in his head to give himself a god complex for critiquing and reviewing music. I feel like people w/ this opinion have really only watched their favorite's album get a semi-decent to poor review and not agree with him on any basis for it.


Regardless people talk about reviews and critics because they can give more reputation an artist deserves. I know many people on here are fine with critics because of the good reviews for LfL but hated them and wanted them to die when UV or BtD would get shredded by whichever journalist wanted to cover it


This kind of counter-culture comment comes up every time Fantano or another "controversial" music critic comes up in discussion, it's insanely tired and repetitious imho.


the fact you can make a living being an abstract artist is kinda fucking lame and pretentious in my opinion




it's just ya opinion so I'm not gonna fight over it- just wanted to throw some playful banter

i love accurate statements

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WHO honestly GIVES a FUCK what a YOUTUBE REVIEWER has to say?

If you like the album/a certain song just ignore his unqualified and misguided opinion!

I'm all for a critical view on a record -----nothing is perfect! but this fuckin rando scrub doesn't have much credibility IMO

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WHO honestly GIVES a FUCK what a YOUTUBE REVIEWER has to say?


If you like the album/a certain song just ignore his unqualified and misguided opinion!



I'm all for a critical view on a record -----nothing is perfect! but this fuckin rando scrub doesn't have much credibility IMO


The same reason people post and discuss their favorite songs/albums on this fucking discussion board. It's human nature to find similarities and look for different opinions to form their own personal bias. 


And your second point is true, you don't need to care about what he says. It's fine. You can love BtD for filth and not like his review- hell you can agree with his review and still like the damn album. There's no laws against it. 


But there's no reason to come for people who are interested in watching/reading reviews/critique's of whatever the hell they want. If you find it unproductive and a waste of time it's an even BIGGER waste of time to try and shut it down. 


And I can guarantee you Fantano is not a "rando scrub". You don't get a million subscribers with consistent active views and rake in minimum 30k to a potential of 500k for a salary being a washed out nonfactor music critic. He's referenced in many respected online sites and music articles. Hell, the guy is fucking employed via Complex. I don't even like him but it's just pure ignorance to try and disqualify the dude's character or what he's done and the impact he's made in his respective career

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he gave BtD a 3/10


UV a 2/10


and Honeymoon a 5/10


The BtD seemed harsh because it was on trend to pick at her and go after her just for her persona and personal life (which was dumb as fuck because shit like Taylor Swift/ Katy Perry revolving around the same themes were getting praise only due to their significance in the market)


UV was because he didn't like the raw vocals (which was the point of the album.. polish was meant for PD and HM) and how she really sprinted with the sickly female persona trapped in bad circumstances, he didn't like how she gave herself no escape (not everything that happens to a goddamn person has an escape; let her tell a story)


HM I still don't know why he gave it a 5, he liked the album and thought she put some of her most intoxicating (good way) melodies and emotional songs on there- and only really scoffed at Freak, I don't agree with his ldr reviews as a whole (but there are at least 1 valid arguments per review) but him as a critic I understand




but real talk if this album doesn't beat Honeymoon by at least 1-2 points im gonna be real fucking pissed. He gave witness like a 6 or 7 iirc. I don't hate KP but the album and era was. not. good.


it fucking sucks with maybe 1 deepcut gem on the record

I sub to him, i do like him as a reviewer in thecsense that he obviously loves music, but his Lana stuff has always seemed like he has a massive chip on his shoulder. To be honest i was surprised at his Honeymoon review but even then he compliments her almost through gritted teeth. I also think his dragging of her is something he knows gets him views, he can be so extra with it. I remember some of the comments from viewers on the Honeymoon review, people were actually bummed he semi liked it. I find that weird.


And dont even start me high scores for Katy fucking Perry and Kesha music. Its just so.....odd.

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Couldn't care less about the ratings. I've seen all his Lana reviews and even though I'm a die-hard Lana fan and sometimes disagree with his overall harsh comments I can't help but agree with his critiques. I mean, try to be objective yourself, BTD IS overproduced and too glossy, UV is too homogeneous and the lyrics are way too repetitive. His Honeymoon review was quite positive and if I'm not mistaken, he praised the passion in her vocals among other things.

So yeah, he can be nasty and sometimes I don't quite agree with him but I think his reviews are accurate.

UV got critical acclaim and was even complimented by grammy award winning song writers (adeles writers who she was supposed to write with). I think fantano is just spreading his bias. Ive tried to listen to the albums he worships on his youtube channel so i dont think the man knows what homogeneous means considering its all bland unknown indie pot heads that sound all the same

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WHO honestly GIVES a FUCK what a YOUTUBE REVIEWER has to say?


If you like the album/a certain song just ignore his unqualified and misguided opinion!



I'm all for a critical view on a record -----nothing is perfect! but this fuckin rando scrub doesn't have much credibility IMO

To be fair he has 1 million followers and even tours the world. I dont know what he does, i assume he lectures about music? reviewing? youtubing? ect. I dunno, but he came down to Australia a couple years ago and he was part of some festival thing i think.

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I sub to him, i do like him as a reviewer in thecsense that he obviously loves music, but his Lana stuff has always seemed like he has a massive chip on his shoulder. To be honest i was surprised at his Honeymoon review but even then he compliments her almost through gritted teeth. I also think his dragging of her is something he knows gets him views, he can be so extra with it. I remember some of the comments from viewers on the Honeymoon review, people were actually bummed he semi liked it. I find that weird.


And dont even start me high scores for Katy fucking Perry and Kesha music. Its just so.....odd.

I agree with everything you said, I don't fully agree with his Lana reviews but I still respect him and what he does, I was shocked abt HM (it looked it was hard for him to give her a decent score) while he gives trash albums better scores. I can understand him trying to play a GP perspective but there's no doubt he has a hard on for metal and true indie/alt acts etc. 


I'm just not here for the immature reactions to him and critics in general, let alone the blatant ignorance that many who do that possess. :crossed:

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Dunno why y'all mad about Fantano (whose opinions I often disagree with but still respect because he mostly manages to give his reasons why he evaluates a record that way) when the Pitchfork review is OUT - and Lana achieves her best ever score at 7.7 and gains a glowingly positive review.




Let's aim for Best New Music for LDR6 :hooker:


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To be fair he has 1 million followers and even tours the world. I dont know what he does, i assume he lectures about music? reviewing? youtubing? ect. I dunno, but he came down to Australia a couple years ago and he was part of some festival thing i think.

Oohhhhh okk! Honestly i didnt know that. That may very well be true!! I just think that a Z-List youtuber's opinion is neither here nor there tbh. :) I can't be fucked to look up his ~credentials~ but I disregard many reviewers like him -- I mean I just think this guy (and other youtuber reviews regardless of followers) are irrelevant to me.


I'm  just not somebody that will sit and watch what somebody else thinks about an album in video form???? the whole thing is weird to me tbh



and also to be fair I think many print reviews can be utter bullshit too! I think the best thing to do is think critically from both sides!! :) idk

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Dunno why y'all mad about Fantano (whose opinions I often disagree with but still respect because he mostly manages to give his reasons why he evaluates a record that way) when the Pitchfork review is OUT - and Lana achieves her best ever score at 7.7 and gains a glowingly positive review.




Let's aim for Best New Music for LDR6 :hooker:

Thats nearly an 8, what kind of alternate dimension realness!


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Couldn't care less about the ratings. I've seen all his Lana reviews and even though I'm a die-hard Lana fan and sometimes disagree with his overall harsh comments I can't help but agree with his critiques. I mean, try to be objective yourself, BTD IS overproduced and too glossy, UV is too homogeneous and the lyrics are way too repetitive. His Honeymoon review was quite positive and if I'm not mistaken, he praised the passion in her vocals among other things.

So yeah, he can be nasty and sometimes I don't quite agree with him but I think his reviews are accurate.

I am the last one to rant because someone does not give a good review to my favourite artists. But nothing about his reviews on Lana is "accurate". He's one of those "she got lip-injections, therefore she's evil"-bandwagon-haters. He completely bashes her whenever he can, he did not even really talk about the music for his UV review. He's just a hater and he can't let it go. Looking at some of his other reviews, he is definitly NOT acting this way with everyone. He's always trying to be super picky in order to appear professional, but he's never as unfair as he is with Lana.



BUT turning up on his channel or twitter in order to insult him is the worst thing you can do. This fanbase's immaturity is shedding a bad light on Lana, when they get mad as soon as someone critisizes ANYTHING about her

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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This fandom is so fixated with critics. I mean you're all 15 and you don't know better but it's still so ridiculous :rip:

i mean is this surprising? Fantano didn't like CWIMM, Summer Bummer, and was meh about GL mostly bc of the trap beats (he actually liked her vocals on SB- just note the male parts and background vocals/adlibs, even on GL he said it'd be on the best songs if not for the empty and hollow trap beat) 


and Cherry is reeaallyy good- but some words are rushed and awkward and tbh the only adlibs I truly truly love was the 'why' before the final chorus and the fucks before each chorus (just by listening; if I wanna be a bad bitch you bet your ass i aint holding back with all the bitch & fuck's); to a general and casual listener  (which is the viewpoint and bias he goes from) the swearing could come across as immature and awkward. Mostly the final lines of bitch...bitch...fuck !


and IMF suffers from the same problems; I love the song (more than most) but you can not deny that some of the lines are off melody and said way too quickly or enunciated awkwardly (clock my member title; prime example). Especially for how snobby it can feel n sound. 


and while I do like White Mustang, it's very monotone and repetitious for most of the song, the vocals and beat don't go anywhere until the bridge and after; beyond that it's two verses and two chorus' in the same emotionless and flat note. (Doesn't stop it from being an earworm) 


I could already tell he'll be praising her for having a semi-decent beginning (he liked love and basing off his post he likes 13B) while having an awkward middle- and then incredible end. Many artists don't know how to make the end of the record stay fresh and actually good- Lana fucking swung it out of the damn planet to @@Stargirl's moonbase, broke through the patio window and landed on her cristal glass table.

stop trynma justify fantano's irrelevant take on the songs


Ridiculous reycists jesus

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His Honeymoon review was quite positive and if I'm not mistaken, he praised the passion in her vocals among other things.

So yeah, he can be nasty and sometimes I don't quite agree with him but I think his reviews are accurate.



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I've been so busy with other things, but couldn't help myself and got the CD from target. Having a physical copy in a jewel case to drive around with, or to just stare at, it's so beautiful to stare at. Poster looks beautiful too, even with the expression on her face, and the visuals were actually better physically on it. 

I played it in full just today, driving around and it was *takes a breath*, I loved it. 16 tracks might seem long, but everything flowed real nicely, the first half was more commercial in sound, but it didn't drift too far from the rest of the album, which surprised me. Coachella's sort of a gateway track, and it blends both halves of the record well from present future and past-present.

Opinions for the tracks haven't changed all that much. Tracks 1 thru 7 are much more current in sound, 'cept for 13 Beaches, but then ties in well before In My Feelings, right before having Coachella/Woodstock sort of just shift things to more of the timeless portion of the record. 

Get Free I was a bit more apprehensive to listen to, but it's such a great closer for the record, and just overall. I like the surf sound it has, with the tinges of the 60's girl group too like in the title track. Sonically, cohesive, and themes, though I'm aware on a surface kinda understanding that it all meshes from Love, lusting for it in life, and pursuing that love for life amidst problems past and today, I still want to explore on what the linear story is, or could be about.

Right now, I'm enjoying the record so, so so much, and aside from any more livestreamed/recorded performances, I'd really just like her to shape up the world she wrote about in a film. MV's to immerse into

Lusting for life to LFL, it's almost surreal how that works.  :smokes2: 



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This fandom is so fixated with critics. I mean you're all 15 and you don't know better but it's still so ridiculous :rip:

stop trynma justify fantano's irrelevant take on the songs


Ridiculous reycists jesus


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The same reason people post and discuss their favorite songs/albums on this fucking discussion board. It's human nature to find similarities and look for different opinions to form their own personal bias. 


And your second point is true, you don't need to care about what he says. It's fine. You can love BtD for filth and not like his review- hell you can agree with his review and still like the damn album. There's no laws against it. 


But there's no reason to come for people who are interested in watching/reading reviews/critique's of whatever the hell they want. If you find it unproductive and a waste of time it's an even BIGGER waste of time to try and shut it down. 


And I can guarantee you Fantano is not a "rando scrub". You don't get a million subscribers with consistent active views and rake in minimum 30k to a potential of 500k for a salary being a washed out nonfactor music critic. He's referenced in many respected online sites and music articles. Hell, the guy is fucking employed via Complex. I don't even like him but it's just pure ignorance to try and disqualify the dude's character or what he's done and the impact he's made in his respective career

Ohh! ok I get it! You can have an opinion, but if I disagree I'm ignorant! riiiiiight. I had a long-ass response written out but I realized it's a waste of time, being that your post is barley coherent and you pulled a bunch of shit out of your ass that I never said. I don't care about this rando scrub. I don't even know (or care) who he is [hence why I call him a rando scrub]


I certainly don't have the time google the employment of rando (scrub) youtube reviewers. The number of subscribers that a reviewer has/how much he could !~!!!~~~~potentially make~~~ doesn't make a difference to me.



Youtube reviewers are a dime a dozen and your reply was both ignorant and hilarious



PS youtube reviewers are a dime a dozen.

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Ohh! ok I get it! You can have an opinion, but if I disagree I'm ignorant! riiiiiight. I had a long-ass response written out but I realized it's a waste of time, being that your post is barley coherent and you pulled a bunch of shit out of your ass that I never said. I don't care about this rando scrub. I don't even know (or care) who he is [hence why I call him a rando scrub]


I certainly don't have the time google the employment of rando (scrub) youtube reviewers. The number of subscribers that a reviewer has/how much he could !~!!!~~~~potentially make~~~ doesn't make a difference to me.



Youtube reviewers are a dime a dozen and your reply was both ignorant and hilarious



PS youtube reviewers are a dime a dozen.


:eartha:  :eartha:  :eartha:

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