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The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind

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Ok now this is scaring me 


are you saying Gemini=Lana+Lizzy

and that she preplanned these details such a the HighPriestess? 


I guess you could associate Lizzy with her "normal self" or ego, and Lana with her "higher self" or soul. It's the same person of course.


She is heavily involved in the creation of her art so she certainly planned lots of details. But I am not sure how much she is guided by her intuition or aesthetic sense and how much she understands the esoteric/abstract aspects intellectually.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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Regarding the cult guru that Lana mentioned in Grazia, this echoes the general concept of her being in a destructive love relationship. The breaking down of people and building them up again obviously evokes the creative alchemical process of Solve et Coagula (analysis and synthesis), but I get the sense that this guru's specialty was mainly to break people down. I am also reminded of the mythical concept of the soul being imprisoned by the lord of the underworld:


The mysteries were concerned with man's problem of free­ing his soul from the world. In the mystery symbologies the earth was always represented as the underworld, and the soul was lost in this underworld until freed from it by wisdom, faith, and understanding. Persephone, for instance, was abducted by Pluto, Lord of Hades. Persephone is the soul of man, whose true home is in the heavens.



Basically I would say that the guru is another representative of the ego. Alternatively he is a male partner of the female ego. The female ego has a suppressed masculine aspect called animus, and as a suppressed aspect it needs to be re-activated in her consciousness (usually through interactions with males) on her way back to wholeness (the soul or Jungian Self).

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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I guess you could associate Lizzy with her "normal self" or ego, and Lana with her "higher self" or soul. It's the same person of course.




... the two ways of looking at life ... are characteristic respectively of what we called the healthy-minded, who need to be born only once, and of the sick souls, who must be twice-born in order to be happy. The result is two different conceptions of the universe of our experience. In the religion of the once-born the world is a sort of rectilinear or one-storied affair, whose accounts are kept in one denomination, whose parts have just the values which naturally they appear to have, and of which a simple algebraic sum of pluses and minuses will give the total worth. Happiness and religious peace consist in living on the plus side of the account. In the religion of the twice-born, on the other hand, the world is a double-storied mystery. Peace cannot be reached by the simple addition of pluses and elimination of minuses from life. Natural good is not simply insufficient in amount and transient, there lurks a falsity in its very being. Cancelled as it all is by death ["Born to Die"] if not by earlier enemies, it gives no final balance, and can never be the thing intended for our lasting worship. It keeps us from our real good, rather; and renunciation and despair of it are our first step in the direction of the truth. There are two lives, the natural and the spiritual, and we must lose the one before we can participate in the other.


Lizzy is a classic "twice-born" who attains to a new name, Lana, having rejected the name given to her at her first birth -- and such is the root of her melancholy




Bradley doing the "Hanged Man" pose in "Born to Die"


I was in the winter of my life, and the men I met along the road were my only summer.

At night I fell asleep with visions of myself, dancing and laughing and crying with them.

Three years down the line of being on an endless world tour, and my memories of them were the only things that sustained me, and my only real happy times....

"... when I’m at war with myself I ride, I just ride."

Who are you?

Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?


The more we learn about "Ultraviolence" the less sense it makes on a literal level; clearly she isn't literally telling Jim that she wants to leave Barrie and run away with him to New York, is she? She is an accomplished symbolist--as she says, her imagination is vast. Do her critics, then, act as her own initiators?




... it is of all things necessary to begin by exploring one's own Nature, so as to discover what its peculiarities are; this is accomplished partly by introspection, but principally by Right Recollection of the whole phantasmagoria presented to it by experience; ... since every event of life is a symbol of part of the structure of the Soul ...


"It's a matter of musicality. Ultra is a sweet sound that contrast with the meaning of the next word. I relate to that: my essence is sweet but inside me there's also a violent spirit who came out in the last 4 years."



This shows that besides associating the word "ultraviolence" with a relationship between a male and a female, she also associates it with a duality within herself or in her life: sweet serene love on the one hand and a violent, critical spirit on the other.


"My heart it breaks every step that I take

But I'm hoping at the gates they'll tell me that you're mine" http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/14599/pg14599.html


"To the one who has lifted the golden latch the spring of sweet waters, the fountain itself whence all softness arises, is opened and becomes part of his heritage. But before this can be reached a heavy weight has to be lifted from the heart, an iron bar which holds it down and prevents it from arising in its strength." ...


This iron bar is what the Hindus call "the knot of the heart"! In their scriptures they talk of unloosing this knot, and say that when that is accomplished freedom is near. But what is the iron bar and the knot? is the question we must answer. It is the astringent power of self—of egotism—of the idea of separateness. This idea has many strongholds. It holds its most secret court and deepest counsels near the far removed depths and centre of the heart.... That disciple is fortunate who is able to sink past all the pretended outer citadels and seize at once this personal devil who holds the bar of iron, and there wage the battle....


... the author attempts to direct the eyes of a very materialistic age to the fact which is an accepted one by all true students of occultism, that the true heart of a man—which is visibly represented by the muscular heart—is the focus point for spirit, for knowledge, for power; and that from that point the converged rays begin to spread out fan-like, until they embrace the Universe. So it is the Gate. And it is just at that neutral spot of concentration that the pillars and the doors are fixed....


"Pain arouses, softens, breaks, and destroys. Regarded from a sufficiently removed standpoint, it appears as a medicine, as a knife, as a weapon, as a poison, in turn. It is an implement, a thing which is used, evidently. What we desire to discover is, who is the user; what part of ourselves is it that demands the presence of this thing so hateful to the rest?"


The task is, to rise above both pain and pleasure and unite them to our service [= "He hit me and it felt like a kiss"]. "Pain and pleasure stand apart and separate, as do the two sexes; and it is in the merging, the making the two into one, that joy and deep sensation and profound peace are obtained. Where there is neither male nor female, neither pain nor pleasure, there is the god in man dominant, and then is life real."


... Too many, even of the sincerest students of occultism, have sought to ignore that one-half of their nature, which is here taught to be necessary. Instead of crushing out the animal nature, we have here the high and wise teaching that we must learn to fully understand the animal and subordinate it to the spiritual. "The god in man, degraded, is a thing unspeakable in its infamous power of production. The animal in man, elevated, is a thing unimaginable in its great powers of service and of strength," and we [are] told that our animal self is a great force ... Make your animal ruler over your self, and he will never rule others."

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"And when he calls, he calls for me
And not for you
He prays for love, he prays for peace
And maybe someone new


Obviously the quest for peace, the quest for knowledge of something bigger is…that’s the end game. That’s what I’m really interested in.… I put so much time in putting a narrative to the track listing together, and then I’m so stupid because I should just know that it’s totally gonna be disregarded because I just set myself up. Let me put it this way, every track that I put on there and every track name and the order that it’s in tells a story that is important to me. In my mind, the narrative for this record ends with the last track, not the bonus deluxe stuff, all that business. It ends with the cover of Nina Simone’s “The Other Woman.” And without even really saying more about that, the decision to end with a cover of a jazz song and the content within that, it’s kind of telling in its own way.


And so is “Having F—–d My Way Up To The Top” being toward the end of the track listing. I would say the track having more of a hip hop heavier beat, whereas the rest of the album is live and organic…it kind of drives this one particular point home. It’s hard when you’re doing something in the studio, you kind of feel like your story about it is going to end there, but then in interviews you’re never really sure how far to elaborate…there’s not much I can really say about it that’s going to help you understand. I’ll just wait for you to listen to it.


"They will never understand the kind of people you or I am . . ." http://radio.com/2014/06/12/lana-del-rey-interview-maleficent-ultraviolence/


I know your wife, and she wouldn't mind; we made it out to the Other side. The "Other" from Katy Perry. The "Other" from Lorde. Carmen the visible girl in the red party dress vs. the unseen Self.


"And when her own man comes to call on her
He'll find her waiting like a lonesome queen
Cos when she's by his side
It's such a change from old routine




"You talk lots about God
freedom comes from the call
But that's not what this bitch wants
. . ."




The music video for "Born to Die" was based on a concept created by Del Rey, and it was directed by Yoann Lemoine,[12] who previously worked with Katy Perry on "Teenage Dream" (2010) and Taylor Swift on "Back to December" (2010).[13] Del Rey wrote the concept in the form of a treatment she titled, "The Lonely Queen"[14] The video was intended to be set in heaven, metaphorically represented by a Romanian castle.[14] While the narrator was flanked by tigers, she would recall memories of being with her beloved.[14] Lemoine took Del Rey's concept and reworked it into something feasible, she said, and she was satisfied with the outcome.


"Being a mistress on the side
It might not appeal to fools like you
Creeping around on the side
Would not be something you would do


"But you haven't seen my man
You haven't seen my man

You haven't seen my man

You haven't seen him

He's got the fire
And he walks with me




Answering the Call of the Riddle of the Sphinx: Fire Walk with Me (on the Wild Side)

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"We [me and Dan Auerbach] had been talking about this ‘tropiCali’ vibe, about how I loved LA, and that it was grounding me. I felt like the energy in LA was really sexy. But being there also enhanced my love for the East Coast, in being away from it. We really had this West Coast sound in mind, but with an East Coast flavour. And then we recorded it in the middle of the country. It was an American amalgamation.”



She seems to be using America as a symbolic representation of the Creation landscape. East Coast as the origin, Eden, full of ideals, Brooklyn baby, the Queen of New York City. She wants to experience love and freedom, so she leaves home and moves to West, earth. It's more vivid and exciting down there but she also tastes separation, addictions, madness. Now she understands that the key to happiness is in a balance - in uniting West and East, ego and soul, heaven and earth... Ultraviolence is mainly about being in West though, down on earth and with a fading memory of heaven; Lana alternates between the role of the soul that is abused and repressed by the ego and the role of her ego, which, having repressed her soul, enters into abusive relationships with men.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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The girl in white and the girl in red, Mary and Eve. Soul approaches Ego (Last Year's Man), living in Shades of Cool. His heart is unbreakable. Note Lanz repeatedly gesturing over her heart.




The Subject observes the girl in her red party dress as the Object -- the Dark Horse :slayty: is her sensual Black Beauty (life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue)


Lana's concern is with the union of Subject and Object that comes from crossing the Abyss; Body, too, is part of Soul (as she said via Whitman)


Shiva and Shakti




Daddy says we're all one, but there seems to be an awful lot of space Within You and "Without You"




Ms. Del Rey said the song looked back to a time soon after she moved to New York City, when she considered following a guru who “believed in breaking you down to build you back up again.” “It sounds kind of weird,” she added, “but that is what it’s about, and having romantic feelings entwined with the idea of being led and letting go and surrendering. That’s always a concept to me, like I’m wavering between independence and falling into lifestyles and being led.”



"jumping into the Abyss"


"Abyss" as a literal gap in the stuff of creation, separating the human levels of existence from the transcendental or divine levels. He describes this gap as a region of nullity and terror, in which anything that enters is torn asunder. (In this much, he was following a long-established theme in Hebrew cabalistic lore.) In order to attain to enlightenment, the magician must "leap" into this Abyss, where his human self is ripped apart and destroyed. If he has established enough momentum in his climb towards the divine levels, then the divine spark in himself (freed from its bindings to his human self) will be carried over to the other side of the gap to become a Master of the Temple, the magickal grade equivalent to the basic enlightened state.




I get a sort of Disney princess feel from the scenes of Lana in the simple, belted, white walking dress. Even the way she is emoting reminds me of Aurora from the iconic Sleeping Beauty. Yes, Lana, clasp your throat, sell the garment, sell your femininity and the elegant pain you feel due to your love living in his shades of blue. So sensual.


And get into the red lip she is serving in the pool, to seem like cherries in the spring. Black Beauty reference for those who truly get into the Mother.


"You have to take me from this dark trailer park life right now . . ."


Lizzy pricks her finger on the Still Point of the Spinning Wheel and "dies" her hair a darker shade of brown



72. Strive ever to more! and if thou art truly mine -- and doubt it not, an if thou art ever joyous! -- death is the crown of all.

73. Ah! Ah! Death! Death! thou shalt long for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee.

74. The length of thy longing shall be the strength of its glory. He that lives long & desires death much is ever the King among the Kings.




"I'm lying in the ocean, singing your song
Ahhh, that's how you sang it

Loving you forever, can't be wrong
Even though you're not here, won't move on
Ahhh, that's how we played it

And there's no remedy
For memory
Your face is like a melody,
It won't leave my head
Your soul is haunting me
And telling me
That everything is fine
But I wish I was dead
(dead like you)




In a folktale variant of the same theme, the hero wakes a maiden from the sleep of death with a kiss (Sleeping Beauty). In logical terms, the damsel in distressis the man's anima, which, because of nelect or repression, is - metaphorically speaking - either 'dead' or in danger of 'dying'. The rescue or kiss of life means that the man has now lifted his femininty out of its dark imprisonment and welcomed it - and, indeed, submitted to it - as an indispensable factor in his life and happiness.

After the prince has succeeded in waking Sleeping Beauty, all the other people in the palace - who have also been asleep for a hundred years - wake from their sleep. This may be seen as a symbol of how the 'waking ' of a man's anima is the first step towards the 'waking' of all the 'sleeping' (repressed, neglected) aspects of his psyche.



Another anima figure is the seductive nymph. Ondine is one such nymph. Ondine has no soul, nad can gain on only if she can get a man to embrace her. There are many stories of mermaids who lure sailors to their underwater beds. Here we have a two fold message: Man, give life to your anima; but take care you do not drown in your unconscious depths. Find the treasure that is there, the surface again. In other words, maintain conscious control. . . .

Incidently, marriage or sexual intercourse (or, in relatively modern and bowdlerized folklore, a kiss or embrace) symbolizes the union and intermingling of conscious ego and unconscious soul-image.




"I can hear sirens, sirens"








Eve's apple becomes the strawberry of initiation (a nod to Katy's "Wide Awake" video? perish the thought); the instrument of the Fall becomes the instrument of the Gnostic Regeneration

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Yes, the surreal images of Lana in Shades of Cool suggest she is in the role of the soul and she wants to come back to his consciousness to restore psychological balance. He is old and lonely, apparently has forgotten his spiritual origin. He is reminded of the soul in his visions, resurfacing memories or relationships with women.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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At ~9 minutes in she talks about the West Coast video's symbolism, inserting double meanings, "Easter eggs," and how the car scene is meant to be "heavenly" and reflect how she wishes things would be






The Partzufim also engage in regular sexual and procreative relations, whichhave implications for the restoration and repair of the worlds. For example, Abba and Imma (the Celestial Father and Mother) are mates, who alternately engage in "face to face" relations or turn their backs upon one another. The state of their relatedness, which is at least in part dependent upon the worship and ethical deeds of humankind, has a major impact on the flow of divine energy throughout all the worlds. Abba and Imma are also said to produce Ze'ir Anpin, who is said to develop in the womb of the Celestial mother. This procreation also contributes to Tikkun ha-Olam. The reorganization of the Sefirot into Partzufim places the Sefirot into a dialectical and procreative frame in which the creation and renewal of the world is a function of the union of God's masculine and feminine aspects.


Lana depicts the celestial mother and father (Abba and Imma) in relation, which is how she wishes the world to be, rather than divided from God by the Abyss


Daddy lighting her cig = the flow of energy from Chokmah to Binah


Ze'ir Anpin = Bradley (the man nailed to the cross)


DN = Din, harsh judgment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gevurah


The phrase "Master of the Universe" she uses in Tropico comes from Judaism




HA IMPACT http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/19/showbiz/gerry-goffin-dead/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

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The "Cruel World" interpretation is a bit nuts (but so is everything else in this thread) . . .




The Priestess' TORAH = "Got your Bible" (BJ = Barrie-James?)


She differentiates herself from her audience which is both drunken and middle-class http://www.electronicbeats.net/en/features/interviews/lana-del-rey-interview/


As in ... "Here we are now, entertain us." They don't wonder in their suburban ennui; they merely want to be entertained. But she (the Other Woman) will be waiting, and whispers "remember."


Clearly there is a bit of cynicism ... I sympathize. "In a world where everyone is bored, I like people with emotion."


Her Bible and Gun emerge like an etherial echo from beyond; esoteric Ice and Fire in distinction from their exoteric Bibles and Guns. Let the light in; it's a Cruel World.


"Got your Bible, got your gun ... I'm finally happy now that you're gone" is perhaps an ironic inversion of Barrie's line https://www.facebook.com/nightmareboybjo/posts/413946528751206


"she's so lonely now he's gone
he's day dreaming of his new gun
she's a feeling his only one"


"Shared my body and my mind with you
That's all over now
Did what I had to do
'Cause you're so far past me now"
Lana (Gnostic sage that she is) is here speaking in the person of Isis-Mary-Sophia the Queen of Heaven :pray2: to her children, having communicated her own pneumatic essence to them--the "shared" body and mind is the Eucharist of the Gnostics in memory of the passion of Sophia, when she "fell from the Pleroma" and was instrumental in the creation of the material world (remember that Lana says she is obsessed with the origin of the universe, on a metaphysical level)
Her children, however, have strayed far from the Path into the delusive veils of the World (down on the West Coast), a party where everyone seems to be bored
Sophia was dismayed by his wrath, anger and jealousy. So when he created the first human beings, She was there and secretly, without his knowing, She gave to them the gift of the Holy Spirit as a divine spark in every human heart.

And it is said, that in the Garden of Eden, created by the lower Father God, that Eve was the manifestation of the Lower Wisdom and that the serpent or snake of the tree, was actually the Christos who urged Eve to eat the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge that she might attain the true Gnosis or knowledge of her origins and realize the Higher Sophia in perfect illumination and bliss. But the Father God, discovering that this secret teaching was disturbing his supremacy in the lower realms grew angry and cast them out of the garden and into the suffering of the world. Yet each and every descendent has this spark and the potential to recover the true Gnosis.


"With my little red party dress on
Everybody know that I'm the best, I'm crazy
Get a little bit of bourbon in ya
Get a little bit suburban and go crazy"
The red party dress girl is Lower Wisdom (Sophia) as Eve, the Object perceived (and worshiped) by various Subjects; i.e. the LDR jazz singer performer that we all know on the stage
And why do they worship her? Because she reminds them of the Other Woman . . .
"I'm so happy now that you're gone" is ironic -- Mary is heartbroken
(Do you believe in God?)
"I believe in the country America used to be.
I believe in the person I want to become

Egyptians thought that human beings could become deities. Deities were seen as possessing heku, magic, an aspect of the original creative power that formed the cosmos. ... Naming is extremely important in this experience and it is the ability to name all the gods and objects encountered that proves one has acquired enough magic to sit with the gods. ...  priestesses are taking the role of the deities ...  Self-identification with deity is an "authentically Egyptian trait".

Language, and particularly naming, carries substantial magical power in Egyptian thought. The goddess Isis, once she learns Ra's true name, is then able to cure him of snake bite. ...

Self-identification with deity in magical acts as part of ancient Greek magical practice prior to the PGM is not evident. The Greeks speculated that humans and gods "had the same mother", but a huge gap existed between them. From ancient times to the latest date of the PGM, Greek notions about the relationship between human existence and divine existence took a variety of forms [23,] but never followed the Egyptian pattern of the possibility of declarative divine identity. The ancient Greeks believed that communion with the gods was possible as in the Eleusian and Dionysian mysteries [24] and Empedocles declared he had the knowledge to make himself immortal. [25] But, the Greek idea of a divine spark within the human soul which can be activated, contemplated and re-united with the gods still assumes an other-ness of deity and validates the fundamental separateness of human existence from the divine. ...

For the Egyptians, the divine appears to be immanent in the world. The world of humans and gods were not seen as being decidedly different. Human activity continued after death and Gods, embodied as the Pharoah, lived in human society. Magical practice was merely clarifying what already exists. For the Greeks, magic was a conduit for communication and communion with deity or a process whereby the soul could be purified through direct contact with the Divine. Egyptians had only to affirm a state of being through speech to create the sought reality. "Repeated commands or assertions that a desired state of affairs was already in being, are a common feature of Egyptian spells."


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Cruel World shows a really nice contrast, in sound, voice and lyrics, between the pure and fallen states of Lana (typified by Mary and Eve, for instance). The first line - Shared my body and my mind with you - can be interpreted both exoterically (relationship between a woman and a man as one) and esoterically (soul and ego communing in one body and mind). In the beginning they were in a union, in both exoteric and esoteric sense, but then came separation as the man got famous and abused the woman / the ego became bloated and suppressed the soul. Now Lana shifts from the role of the pure female/soul into the alienated female ego, alienated from both her man and her soul, indulging in alcohol, drugs and superficial relationships in which she desperately seeks a substitute for the glorious union she once had.


And why do they worship her? Because she reminds them of the Other Woman . . .


Yes, in the esoteric sense the Other Woman is the soul that is pushed aside.


The relationship between man and woman, or between ego and soul, is also a reflection of the triune God which is best known as the Holy Trinity in Christianity (but also appears for example in Taoism as Tao-yin-yang or in Hinduism as the Trimurti of Brahma-Shiva-Vishnu). In the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Son is the principle that defines, differentiates, strengthens boundaries and materializes (also known as Logos, which in Greek means Word or Reason) and Holy Spirit is the principle that relaxes, merges, dissolves boundaries and spiritualizes (also known as Pneuma, which in Greek means Breath or Wind). In other words, Son is the masculine principle and Holy Spirit is the feminine principle. Father is their source, which is absolutely undefined ("lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see") and eternally creates by analysis (Son) and synthesis (Holy Spirit). Catechism of the Catholic Church likens Son and Holy Spirit to Father's hands. And so ego and soul are to be united/harmonized in each person, or man and woman in a relationship, as Son and Holy Spirit are in Father. In an alternative view of Holy Trinity, Holy Spirit can be seen as a unifying intermediary principle between the partializing Son and the undifferentiated unity of Father, and so analogically the soul/feminine is an intermediary between the ego/masculine and a larger identity, reality and ultimately God.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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She seems to be using America as a symbolic representation of the Creation landscape. East Coast as the origin, Eden, full of ideals, Brooklyn baby, the Queen of New York City. She wants to experience love and freedom, so she leaves home and moves to West, earth. It's more vivid and exciting down there but she also tastes separation, addictions, madness. Now she understands that the key to happiness is in a balance - in uniting West and East, ego and soul, heaven and earth... Ultraviolence is mainly about being in West though, down on earth and with a fading memory of heaven; Lana alternates between the role of the soul that is abused and repressed by the ego and the role of her ego, which, having repressed her soul, enters into abusive relationships with men.


"It’s us against the world.



If you want a cola,

I can make it colder,

If you want a bad girl,

Nobody’s bolder,

And if you want the Queen

Of New York then you

Better call me, call me."


Ultraviolence shows the Lower Sophia breaking away from the Pleroma (the East) and diving into the Western waters ... she becomes an idol, a China Doll, a narcissistic pop diva who has failed the Call from God. But if Ego only gives the word, then Soul will return to him, and enchant him with her pneumatic Word (and her aching soul) and not with external Beauty. This is the whole Shiva/Shakti dynamic.


"Old Money" seems to have another covert alchemical reference, if we take the Romeo and Juliet theme itself as having significant lyrics:


"What is a youth?

Impetuous fire.

What is a maid?

Ice and desire."


She said it: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/5030-lana-del-rey-covers-madame-figaro-magazine/?hl=%2Balchemy+%2Bdan&do=findComment&comment=197925


According to me, everything comes from the alchemy created between me and Dan Auerbach and the group.


Dan = DN in Hebrew, Deadly Nightshade playing Black Keys all over her effulgent Rays

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But if Ego only gives the word, then Soul will return to him, and enchant him with her pneumatic Word (and her aching soul) and not with external Beauty. This is the whole Shiva/Shakti dynamic.


When I first heard Old Money I took the line about "words" and "beauty" as referring to the archetypes of Word and Beauty, the polarity of ego-soul or of Son-Spirit in God, so when she sang "Will you still love me when I shine from words but not from beauty" I interpreted it as foreshadowing her shift from soul to ego, descent to earth where the Spirit of God is subdued and only the Word remains, also in the sense that the beauty of God is gone and only scriptures remain. This parallels the theme of growing old and devitalization where eventually the physical beauty is lost too.


The nostalgia for youth is also evident in the child voices at the beginning of Bel Air and at the beginning of the Summertime Sadness video where a child's voice says: "Remember, always love you, bye."


The power of youth is on my mind

Sunsets, small town, I'm out of time

(Old Money)


The "I'm out of time" is another delightful double entendre: (1) she is out of time because she grows old and approaches death as the separated ego; (2) she is not touched by time as the eternal (albeit repressed) soul.


My father's love was always strong

My mother's glamour lives on and on

Yet still inside I felt alone

For reasons unknown to me

(Old Money)


The first two lines evoke the glory of God, of the eternal masculine-feminine polarity in God (Son and Holy Spirit) that created her, as it creates everything. And the next two lines contrast this with the disruption of union in her own being and life.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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The video behind her lends a new dimension to "Without You" -- when Adam (Ego) and Eve (Body-Soul) are separated, they fall into duality, Shiva gazing upon Shakti as Maya in the world (the externalized Image burned into the brain of the World-Soul), which is, after all, "nothing" without him, being "without" and not "within"


Can you picture it? The life we could've lived; Heaven on earth in Paradise?




Adam, that is to day Adi-Manu, the first man, has been created in God's image. God has imparted him His own breath. So, Adam is God manifested. Note that, at the beginning, Adam is alone, symbolising uniqueness, the A-dvaita, the not-two. At that stage Adam is the Androgyne, the Ardhanarishvara. It is only after that, from one of his ribs, God creates Eve. So Eve is created from Adam, Prakrti is an emanation of the Brahman and not distinct from That. It is the symbolization off the appearance of duality, with on one hand Adam standing for Consciousness, Shiva, Purusha, and on the other hand Eve standing for Manifestation, Nature, Shakti, Prakrti.




The China Doll with money, notoriety, etc. as Eve "without" is seen falling forever, farther away from her eternal lover Adam (as the girl in red does at the end of the "Shades of Cool" video, while the girl in white, as what is "within," drowns)




I wonder if she ever came upon noted metaphysician Frithjof Schuon?


Or perhaps Jakob Boehme?








"Shared my body and my mind with you ..."

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Ooooh thank you so much! :crying5:


(btw: how is it that you both have so much knowledge on these things? Like... that's SO interesting. Are there some websites/books you would recommend?

I´m kind of new to this whole spiritual "world" and I was so amazed to find out that Lana uses such symbolism in her art... That makes me love her even more.)

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Funny that yesterday I was thinking about Adam's initial androgyny. The Hebrew word Adam means man, human or mankind (not necessarily a male human). So at the beginning Adam may have been androgynous but then God took out one of his ribs and made a woman from it. The Hebrew word tsela is traditionally understood as a rib but it also has a more general meaning: a side. So the scripture can be interpreted in the sense that God separated a feminine side from the androgynous human and made a female human from it. In the formerly androgynous human the masculine side remained, thus making this human a male. This was not the Fall yet, just a gender-specialization on the physical plane. The male and female egos/bodies were still in harmony with their souls and thus with God.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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Ooooh thank you so much! :crying5:


(btw: how is it that you both have so much knowledge on these things? Like... that's SO interesting. Are there some websites/books you would recommend?

I´m kind of new to this whole spiritual "world" and I was so amazed to find out that Lana uses such symbolism in her art... That makes me love her even more.)


I can recommend books by Ken Carey. Although they are a bit too optimistic the prose is both intelligent and beautiful.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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